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Terms for subject Microsoft containing flujo de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
acción de flujo de trabajoworkflow action (An element of workflow logic that specifies the event or task that should be performed by the workflow jobs started by the workflow)
acción de remisión a una instancia superior del flujo de trabajoworkflow escalation action (An automatic workflow action taken when a workflow work item is not completed by the current assignee)
activación de flujo de trabajoworkflow activation (The process that occurs when a workflow host calls the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method)
actividad de flujo de trabajoworkflow activity (An elemental unit of a workflow that represents actions and provides functionality for control flow, conditions, event handling, state management, and communication with applications and services)
Administración de servicios de flujo de trabajo de usuariosHuman Workflow Services Administration (A set of activities including the installation, configuration, and deployment of HWS actions, and activity models. It also includes adding, removing, and updating constraints, and stopping, deleting, and archiving action instances or activity flows)
administrador de flujo de trabajoworkflow manager (A user of the Response Group service who has the necessary user rights to create a workflow or to manage certain properties of a workflow)
compresión de flujo de trabajoworkflow compression (A feature that helps users compress (or expand) the duration of a job without having to update the start and due dates of every task in the workflow)
condición de flujo de trabajoworkflow condition (A logical "if-then" statement in a workflow that defines a specific situation and any actions that should be taken when that situation occurs)
consumidor de flujostream consumer (The structure or device that consumes the output of a query. Examples are an output adapter or another running query.)
control de flujoflow control (The management of data transmission between two devices, such as between the CPU and a peripheral device or between nodes in a network. It ensures that the receiver can handle all the incoming data and usually depends on a set of protocols established at the beginning of the transmission session that define how and when a sender may transmit. Flow control also enables slower-speed devices to communicate with higher-speed ones)
definición de flujo de trabajoworkflow definition (An XML or XOML file that contains the information that other programs require to instantiate and run the workflow. Optionally, any custom metadata the workflow requires to run)
diagrama de flujoflowchart (A graphic map that can document procedures, analyze processes, indicate work or information flow, or track cost and efficiency)
diagrama de flujo de funciones cruzadascross-functional flowchart (A type of flowchart that shows the relationship between a business process and the functional units (such as departments) responsible for that process)
Diseñador de flujo de trabajoWorkflow Designer (A graphical tool used to create a workflow visually by representing actions and constraints as shapes that can be connected to form a complete schedule)
elemento de decisión del flujo de trabajoworkflow decision element (A guard condition that controls the logical branching of task sequences within a workflow process. A workflow decision can be made by a user or by an automation rule)
elemento del flujo de trabajo creado por un elemento de línealine item workflow work item (A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance)
estado de flujo de objetoobject flow state (In an activity diagram, a state that defines an object flow between actions. An object flow state signifies the availability of an instance of a classifier in a given state, usually as the result of an operation)
evento de flujo de existenciasstock flow event (The occurrence of an action that registers the input and output of stock in stores, buffers, queues, and accounts)
fase de flujo de trabajoworkflow stage (An element of workflow logic that groups steps. Adding stages to a workflow does not affect how the steps function. Stages are purely for conceptual grouping of steps within complex workflows)
flujo de atributoattribute flow (An authoritative source for an attribute value that can flow its value to other destination directories and systems)
flujo de cajacash flow (The amount of money coming into and going out of a company and the timing of these flows)
flujo de controlcontrol flow (A group of connected control flow elements that perform tasks)
flujo de datosdataflow (In a DFD model, an exchange of information between processes. Data flows represent discrete packets of data that flow into and out of processes)
flujo de datosdata stream (The flow of data from a source to a single receiver that flows through a channel, as opposed to packets, which may be addressed and routed independently, possibly to multiple recipients)
flujo de entradainput stream (A flow of information used in a program as a sequence of bytes that are associated with a particular task or destination. Input streams include series of characters read from the keyboard to memory and blocks of data read from disk files)
flujo de la aplicaciónapplication flow (A map or diagram that outlines the flow of an application from one screen or piece of UI to the next)
flujo de objetoobject flow (In an activity diagram, a dashed arrow that indicates that an object is input or output by an action. An object flow arrow connects an object flow state either to a control flow arrow or to an action state)
flujo de trabajoworkstream (An activity that is composed of other activities. Workstreams are the simple building blocks of the process. They may be assigned to single or multiple roles)
flujo de trabajoworkflow (A sequence of activities, actions, or tasks through which documents or items are passed as part of an automated business process)
flujo de trabajo a peticiónon-demand workflow (A type of workflow that runs only when a user specifically starts it from within the Web application UI. User action is required to start the workflow)
flujo de trabajo automáticoautomatic workflow (A type of workflow that runs as soon as the conditions defined in the workflow logic are met. No user action is required to start the workflow)
flujo de trabajo con privilegos elevadoshigh-privilege workflow (Any workflow that either uses a tiered activity or contains a high privilege scope, regardless of the contents of that scope)
flujo de trabajo declarativodeclarative workflow (A workflow that is defined by using workflow markup language contained in XAML-formatted files. The XAML files are deployed and stored in the database)
flujo de trabajo dependientedependent workflow (A workflow instance that is generated by a parent workflow instance)
flujo de trabajo durabledurable workflow (A workflow whose state can be persisted to a storage medium to withstand system failures and to release memory, which improves the scalability of workflow execution)
flujo de trabajo posoperativopost-operational workflow (A workflow that is asynchronous or that starts at a later time, but does not have to wait for a previous workflow to finish)
flujo de trabajo primarioparent workflow (A workflow that starts a child workflow. The child workflow communicates its outcome back to the parent workflow)
habilitado para el flujo de trabajoworkflow-enabled (Automated in such a way that business documents and assignments are routed from one user to another for specific action)
lenguaje de control de flujocontrol-of-flow language (Transact-SQL keywords that control the flow of execution of SQL statements and statement blocks in triggers, stored procedures, and batches)
modelo de flujo de producciónproduction flow model (A representation of the production capacity provided by a group of work cells in a production flow process)
motor de flujo de datosdata flow engine (An engine that executes the data flow in a package)
observador de presencia de flujo de trabajoworkflow presence watcher (A user account that the Response Group service creates in order to subscribe to the presence status of agents)
opción de flujo de trabajoworkflow option (A parameter for a workflow that includes settings that determine which records it acts on and how it is triggered)
participante del flujo de trabajoworkflow participant (A person who assumes the role of user in a workflow process)
plantilla de flujo de trabajoworkflow template (A template that serves exclusively as the basis for creating other workflows. Workflow templates cannot start workflow jobs)
previsión de flujo de efectivocash flow forecast (An estimate of future cash flow on particular dates, based on current data and/or budget data)
proceso de flujo de trabajoworkflow process (A series of interrelated action steps and the workflow rules that drive the transition between these steps. A workflow process defines the actions the workflow should take at each step, and the workflow rules the workflow should use to evaluate when to proceed to the next step)
protección de flujo de controlcontrol flow guard (A security feature that makes it more difficult to corrupt memory by implementing restrictions on where an application can execute code from)
Recuperación de instancias de flujo de trabajoWorkflow Instance Recovery (A feature of the Workflow Management service (WMS) that monitors persistence stores for workflow service instances that should be running and restarts them)
registro de flujo de trabajoworkflow registration (A registration process that occurs when you add a workflow definition to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database)
regla de flujo de trabajoworkflow rule (A set of action steps in a business process or sales process. A workflow rule specifies the required activities for a workflow and the order in which those activities must be performed)
servicio de flujo de trabajoworkflow service (A WCF service that is implemented as a workflow. The workflow contains messaging activities that send and receive WCF messages)
Servicios de flujo de trabajo de usuariosHuman Workflow Services (A set of workflow services consisting of actors that create or participate in an action, an activity flow, or an activity model that performs some process for an actor)
tarea Flujo de datosdata flow task (The task that encapsulates the data flow engine that moves data between sources and destinations, providing the facility to transform, clean, and modify data as it is moved)
tiempo de ejecución de flujo de trabajoworkflow runtime (A software component that activates and executes workflow instances using Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation)
tipo de flujo de trabajoworkflow type (A set of metadata and event handlers in the Application Object Tree (AOT) that defines a workflow design template)
vista Flujo de mensajesMessage Flow view (A view in the Health and Activity Tracking tool that displays a history of processing events for specific messages)