
Terms containing fantasma | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSartículo de lista de materiales fantasmaphantom bill of materials item (A bill of materials item that is produced but not stocked)
comp., MSartículo fantasmaphantom item (An item that is produced but not stocked)
IMF.banco fantasmashell bank
meas.inst.carga fantasmaphantom load
meas.inst.carga fantasmafictitious load
telegr.circuito apropiado fantasmaearth-return double phantom circuit
el.circuito fantasmadouble phantom circuit
commun., el.circuito fantasmaSPX circuit
commun., el.circuito fantasmasimplex circuit
commun., el.circuito fantasmaearthed phantom circuit
commun., el.circuito fantasmaphantom circuit
el.circuito fantasmaquad
commun., el.circuito fantasma con retorno por tierraearth-phantom circuit
pwr.lines.circuito fantasma con retorno por tierraearth -return phantom circuit
commun., el.circuito fantasma cuádruplequadruple octuple-phantom circuit
IT, el.circuito fantasma de los dos pares de transmisiónphantom circuit of the two transmission pairs
commun.circuito fantasma dobledouble-phantom circuit
commun., el.circuito fantasma sencillophantom circuit
comp., MSconvertir en fantasmaghosting (The process of turning a regular file-backed item into a ghosted item)
med.célula fantasmaghost
med.célula fantasmaphantom corpuscle
med.célula fantasmashadow corpuscle
med.célula fantasmaghost cell corpuscle
med.célula fantasmablood shadow
comp., MSdispositivo fantasmaghost device (A device that is detected by a computer even though it is no longer installed or connected. You can remove ghost devices in Device Manager)
health.dolor fantasmaphantom pain
health.dolor fantasmaphantom limb pain
acoust.eco fantasmaghost echo
commun.efecto fantasmaghosting
comp., MSelemento fantasmaghosted item (A file-backed item that was synchronized without its file stream)
law, fin.empresa fantasmabogus company
law, fin.empresa fantasmaghost company
busin., labor.org.empresa fantasmashell company
comp., MSexpansión fantasmaphantom explosion (The process of calculating the demand for the materials required for a non-stocked subassembly that is built during the production process of the parent component)
med.fantasma de KuehneKuehne phantom
comp., MSfila fantasmaghost row (Row in the leaf level of an index that has been marked for deletion, but has not yet been deleted by the database engine)
ITfuncionamiento sin imágenes fantasmaghost-free operation
gen.gabinete fantasmashadow cabinet
commun., el.imagen fantasmaecho image
commun., transp., avia.imagen fantasmamultipath effect
commun., el.imagen fantasmaghost image
commun., el.imagen fantasmaghost
commun., el.imagen fantasmamultiple image
radioimagen fantasmaecho in television
el.imagen fantasma locallocal ghost
el.imagen fantasma permanentepermanent ghost
transp.indicación fantasmaphantom
transp.indicación fantasmaghost
commun.inversión de la polaridad de la tensión en modo fantasmareversed polarity of the phantom voltage
comp., MSL. MAT fantasmaphantom BOM (" A bill of material used to describe the components of a parent part that will be built as part of a higher-level parent part. The term "phantom" is used to indicate that the part never really exists as a stocked item, but rather is built in line with the production of the higher-level part that is driving an overall production order. ")
comp., MSlista de materiales fantasmaphantom bill of material (" A bill of material used to describe the components of a parent part that will be built as part of a higher-level parent part. The term "phantom" is used to indicate that the part never really exists as a stocked item, but rather is built in line with the production of the higher-level part that is driving an overall production order. ")
transp., el.luz fantasmaphantom signal aspect
transp., el.luz fantasmaphantom light
light.luz fantasmasun phantom
med.mano fantasmaphantom hand
comp., MSMAT fantasmaphantom BOM (" A bill of material used to describe the components of a parent part that will be built as part of a higher-level parent part. The term "phantom" is used to indicate that the part never really exists as a stocked item, but rather is built in line with the production of the higher-level part that is driving an overall production order. ")
med.miembro fantasmaphantom limb
med.miembro fantasmastump hallucination
ichtyol.pejegato fantasma Apristurus manisghost catshark
life.sc., fish.farm.pejegato fantasmaghost catshark (Apristurus manis)
fish.farm.pesca "fantasma"ghost fishing
fisherypesca fantasmaghost fishing
nat.res.pez cinto fantasmaghost scabbardfish (Lepidopus manis)
gen.pueblo fantasmaghost town
min.prod., fish.farm.red fantasmaghost net
comp., MSregistro fantasmaghost record (Row in the leaf level of an index that has been marked for deletion, but has not yet been deleted by the database engine)
health.sensación fantasmaphantom limb sensation
inet.sitio fantasmaghostsite
IMF.sociedad fantasmafront company
law, fin.sociedad fantasmaghost company
IMF.sociedad fantasmashell company
IMF.sociedad fantasmadormant company
law, fin.sociedad fantasmabogus company
commun.tensión en modo fantasmaphantom voltage
med.tumor fantasmaphantom tumour
med.tumor fantasmapseudotumour
med.tumor fantasmaphantom tumor
med.tumor fantasmapseudoneoplasm
med.tumor fantasmapseudotumor
med.tumor fantasmafalse tumor
gen.tumor fantasmatumour-like growth