
Terms for subject Microsoft containing evento | all forms | exact matches only
Agente de eventos de tiempoTime Broker (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
Agente de eventos de tiempoTime Event Broker (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
anterior al eventopre-event (Occurring before a core system operation occurs)
Búsqueda de eventos del CalendarioCalendar Event Search (A feature that enables a user to search for events in the Calendar using keywords, and use filters to refine the search)
canalización de procesamiento de eventosevent processing pipeline (The core component of the event processing engine. The pipeline describes the sequence in which events are handled and forwarded in an RFID business process)
carga del eventoevent payload (The data portion of an event in which the data fields are defined as CLR (common language runtime) types. An event payload is a typed structure)
categoría de eventosevent category (In SQL Trace, a grouping of similar and logically related event classes)
clase de eventoEvent class (The class that indicates whether an event is a '.NET Performance Event', '.NET Exception Event', 'Client-Side Exception Event', or a 'Client-Side Performance Event')
clase de eventosevent class (In SQL Trace, a collection of properties that define an event)
clasificación de eventosevent classification (A means of differentiating types of events that occur on the cache client and cache host. The Windows Server AppFabric log sinks follow the classification established with the System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel enumeration)
clasificación de liquidez de evento de contabilidadaccounting event liquidity classification (The liquidity classification of an accounting event)
consolidación de eventosevent consolidation (A feature that combines multiple events into one event. The single event identifies the number of consolidated events and when the first and last consolidated events occurred)
consulta de eventoevent query (A WMI Query Language statement that event consumers use to register to receive notification of specific events. An event provider uses an event query to register to generate notifications of specific events)
consumidor de eventosevent consumer (A recipient of notifications that report an occurrence of an event. An event consumer is either temporary or permanent)
control directo de eventosdirect event handling (An event handling strategy that does not involve routing)
controlador de eventosevent handler (A software routine that executes in response to an event)
crónica de eventosevent chronicle (A table that stores event state information)
desencadenador de eventosevent trigger (The mechanism by which a system or application event triggers either an instant or an animated change in one or more properties)
dirección del eventoevent address (An address similar to a URL that provides network access to an event, such as a live broadcast. Attendees go to this address to view the event from their computers)
Diseño y ejecución de un evento de marketingMarketing Event Planning and Execution (A template that outlines the main categories that you should consider when beginning to plan a marketing event. Use this template to assist you in walking through key event elements while you are in the planning stages)
elemento de registro de eventosevent registration item (A hidden item that contains information about an event sink, information about what events will trigger the event sink, and options that tell when or under what conditions the event sink will be triggered. The event registration item is created in the same folder that is being monitored for events)
encabezado del eventoevent header (The portion of an event that defines the temporal properties of the event and the event kind. Temporal properties include a valid start time and end time associated with the event)
enrutamiento de eventosevent routing (In Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, the movement of an event in a tree of elements. There are three types of event routing: direct, bubbling, and tunneling. With direct routing, the event does not move in the tree. With bubbling, the event moves up to the top of the tree. With tunneling, the event starts at the top of the tree and moves down to the source of the event. In Silverlight, event routing and routed events are used, but tunneling is not implemented)
escucha de eventosevent listener (A function or object that invokes an event handler when a specific condition occurs in an application)
evento adjuntoattached event (A routed event that can be attached to any ContentElement or UIElement type and that is not limited to the type which defines it)
evento agregadoaggregate event (A type of event that is generated after a series of events of another type have occurred. An aggregate event is used to represent a series of events to avoid flooding the event consumer)
evento asincrónicoasynchronous event (An event whose handler runs in a different processing thread from the action that raised the event. The event handler and the action are processed simultaneously)
evento ausentemissing event (An event that was supposed to occur within a specified time interval, but did not occur)
evento con tipotyped event (An event for which the structure of the event payload provided by the source or consumed by the sink is known, and the input or output adapter is designed around this specific event structure.)
evento de administraciónmanagement event (An event designed for communicating status information or a threshold condition. Examples are failure of the reader, or the noise level being too high)
evento de compilaciónbuild event (The definition of the build process. A build event lets you specify an action to occur at a specific time in the build process. For example, you could use a build event to register a file with regsvr32.exe after the project finishes building)
evento de contabilidadaccounting event (The occurrence of an accounting action in an accounting system)
evento de datosdata event (The X++ event that is raised when a data value in a table changes)
evento de diagnósticodiagnostic event (Any event that happens during a run of your application that can be recorded by IntelliTrace)
evento de entradainput event (The set of software events that provide applications with information about changes on the device, computer or Surface screen. There are two types of input events: input primitives and derived input)
evento de excepciónexception event (A diagnostic event in IntelliTrace that occurs within the Visual Studio Debugger. Exception events include exceptions thrown, exceptions caught, and unhandled exceptions)
evento de flujo de existenciasstock flow event (The occurrence of an action that registers the input and output of stock in stores, buffers, queues, and accounts)
evento de incremento de tiempo actualcurrent time increment event (A special punctuation event that indicates the completeness of the existing events)
evento de intervalointerval event (An event whose payload is valid for a given period of time. The metadata of the interval event requires that both the start and end time of the interval be provided in the event metadata. Interval events are valid only for this specific interval)
evento de negociobusiness event (The abstraction of an economic event and an accounting event)
evento de pedidopegging event (A resource flow event that signals the demand for a product)
evento de procesosprocess event (One or more recommendation work streams that are bundled and executed simultaneously and time-constrained, and which use compensation information for a group of employees to create date-specific employee compensation records. A process event can be as simple as an anniversary-based merit increase for one employee, or as complex as an annual enterprise-wide combined compensation process)
evento de programaprogram event (An action or occurrence to which a program might respond. Examples include state changes, data transfers, key presses, and mouse movements)
evento de programaciónprogramming event (The occurrence of a programming action in a software system)
evento de rendimientoperformance event (An event that is raised if a performance metric, such as the time from when a request was made until the response is sent, exceeds the configured threshold)
evento de retracciónretract event (An internal event kind used to modify an existing insert event by modifying the end time of the event)
evento de señalsignal event (In a statechart or activity diagram, an indication that one object has received a signal from another. A signal can be declared by using the keyword signal on a class in a class diagram)
evento de tiempotime event (An event that occurs after a designated period of time or on the occurrence of a given date or time. A time event is indicated by the keyword after, followed by an expression that evaluates to an amount of time)
evento de transicióntransition event (A change in the location of processor event execution between ring 3 (user mode) and ring 0 (kernel mode). Transition events represent time spent outside the direct execution of the application code. Transition events can be time spent in threads that are not part of the profiled item, or time spent executing calls from the profiled item to the operating system)
evento de transportetransport event (An occurrence of a particular message transport activity or phase through the SMTP and NNTP services)
evento de utilizaciónusage event (A user action that is counted and analyzed by the recommendations algorithm in the Analytics Service)
evento del depuradordebugger event (A diagnostic event in IntelliTrace that occurs within the Visual Studio Debugger when it is running your application)
evento del dominiodomain event (The occurrence of an activity in the organization resource management domain)
evento del sistemasystem event (An event triggered by Windows system components that is recorded in the system log, such as the failure of a driver or other system component to load during startup)
evento diferidodeferred event (In a statechart or activity diagram, an event that must be postponed for later use while another activity is under way. You can show a deferred event for a state by including the event among the state's internal transitions)
evento económicoeconomic event (The occurrence of an economic exchange action in an economic system)
evento en cascadacascading event (A sequence of events caused by an event procedure directly or indirectly calling itself)
evento en líneaonline event (An auditorium-style meeting that requires participants to register in order to attend)
evento enrutadorouted event (An event instance that propagates through a tree of related elements rather than just targeting to a single element)
evento extrínsecoextrinsic event (An extrinsic event is a predefined occurrence that cannot be linked directly to changes in the WMI data model. Therefore, WMI enables an event provider to define an event class that describes the event)
evento intrínsecointrinsic event (An event that occurs in response to a change in the standard WMI data model. Each intrinsic event class represents a specific type of change and occurs when WMI or a provider creates, deletes, or modifies a namespace, class, or class instance)
evento ligerolight event (A performance event that occurs only occasionally and for which limited information is collected)
evento OnExitOnExit event (An event triggered when transitioning from a given state regardless of the next state of the transition)
evento pesadoheavy event (A performance event that occurs regularly and for which detailed information is collected)
evento posteriorafter event (An asynchronous event whose handler runs only after the action that raised the event is complete)
evento posteriorpost-event (An asynchronous event whose handler runs only after the action that raised the event is complete)
evento previobefore event (A synchronous event whose handler runs completely before the action that raised the event starts)
evento previopre-event (A synchronous event whose handler runs completely before the action that raised the event starts)
evento sincrónicosynchronous event (An event whose handler runs in the same processing thread as the action that raised the event. The action cannot continue until processing is complete for the event handler)
eventos de excepciónexception events (Critical application and system errors. Application Performance Monitoring (APM) defines critical errors as being those that lead to a monitored component's failure. For ASP.NET applications, a critical exception results in the user seeing either the standard or a custom error page. For web services, critical exceptions are those that ASP.NET serializes into valid SOAP messages on the server-side, and deserializes to SoapExceptions on the ASP.NET client)
Eventos detectadosDetected Events (A feature that identifies a possible meeting request or event in an email message and enables the user to take action on it from within the message)
eventos relacionadosrelated events (Other events that might be related to the selected event based on time. Time-based correlation helps establish causality by grouping Operational, Performance, System, and Application events that occur over a defined period)
eventos similaressimilar events (Events that resemble one another and where criteria similarity depends on the type of event)
eventos táctiles del DOMtouch DOM event (A touch event for the Web and Windows Web applications. Web developers use touch DOM events to enable touch)
eventos y atraccionesevents and attractions (A sub-heading in Local Scout. Events are activities in the area that are taking place over the next few days, and attractions are places or ongoing activities taking place in that area)
filtro de eventoevent filter (A filter that registers to receive notification of a specific type of event)
generar un eventoraise an event (Perform an action, such as clicking a control in a graphical user interface, leading to the execution of a piece of code)
limitación de eventosevent throttling (Constraining the rate at which events are sent to the APM service to keep CPU utilization low. Events are constrained by the number of events collected in an event group over time)
marco de trabajo de eventosevent framework (The combination of runtime event processing, support programs, code libraries, a scripting language, or other software to help develop and glue together the different components of a software project. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the plug-ins and workflows are included in a single event model)
MMC de bus de eventos BAMBAM Event Bus MMC (The MMC snap-in for the BAM Event Bus)
modelo asincrónico basado en eventosevent-based asynchronous pattern (A design pattern that uses events to expose asynchronous features of a class)
modelo de evento de intervalointerval event model (The event model of an interval event)
modelo de evento puntualpoint event model (The event model of a point event)
motor de procesamiento de eventosevent processing engine (The core component of BizTalk RFID. The event processing engine creates and manages an event processing pipeline by using the device and component bindings in each custom source)
motor de procesamiento de eventos complejosCEP engine (The core engine and adapter framework components of Microsoft StreamInsight. The StreamInsight server can be used to process and analyze the event streams associated with a complex event processing application)
notificación de eventosevent notification (A special kind of trigger that sends information about database events to a service broker)
número de eventosnumber of events (In consolidated events, how many events are in the group and therefore related to the same root problem)
origen del eventoevent source (The point of origin of an event)
posterior al eventopost-event (Occurring after a core system operation has been completed)
procedimientos almacenados para la recopilación de eventosevent collection stored procedures (System-generated stored procedures that an application can call to submit events to the event table in the application database)
procesamiento de eventos complejoscomplex event processing (The continuous and incremental processing of event streams from multiple sources based on declarative query and pattern specifications with near-zero latency)
procesamiento de eventos complejosCEP (The continuous and incremental processing of event streams from multiple sources based on declarative query and pattern specifications with near-zero latency)
propagación de eventosevent bubbling (In Windows Presentation Foundation, an event routing strategy where the event instance moves up the element tree (starting with the source and ending at the root of the visual tree))
proveedor de consumidor de eventosevent consumer provider (A provider that determines which permanent event consumer handles a given event)
proveedor de eventosevent provider (A provider that monitors a source of events and notifies the event table when events occur)
Proveedor de eventos numéricos WMIWMI Numeric Event Provider (A provider that enables a Management Pack rule to use any WMI Class data that contains numeric properties as numeric data)
publicador de eventosevent publisher (An application, service, or driver that creates an event and delivers it to an event log)
receptor de eventos de característicafeature event receiver (A server-side code routine that is called when a feature is activated, deactivated, installed, uninstalled, or upgraded on a computer, server farm, or server cluster)
receptor de registro basado en Seguimiento de eventos para WindowsEvent Tracing for Windows ETW-based log sink A means of capturing trace events on the cache client or cache host with the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) framework inside Windows (ETW)
registro de eventosevent logging (The process of recording an audit entry in the audit trail whenever certain events occur, such as services starting and stopping or users logging on and off and accessing resources)
registro de eventosevent registration (An item that resides in a folder that uses an event sink. The item provides the store with information that includes what events will trigger the sink, the name of the sink, and options such as restrictions for when the event will fire)
registro de eventosevent log (A record of activities on a computer system. Events can include attempts to establish communication, successful establishment of sessions, failures of system components, attempts to use files that are damaged or missing, configuration problems, and responses from remote systems)
regla de crónica de eventosevent chronicle rule (One or more Transact-SQL statements that manage the data in the event chronicle)
regla de eventos de suscripciónsubscription event rule (A rule that processes information for event-driven subscriptions)
Seguimiento de eventos para WindowsEvent Trace for Windows (A general-purpose, high-speed tracing feature of Windows)
Seguimiento de eventos para WindowsEvent Tracing for Windows (A general-purpose, high-speed tracing feature of Windows)
Servicio de eventos de Microsoft ProjectProject Server Eventing Service (A mechanism to extend Office Project Server by adding new business logic. Developers can write event handlers that check business rules and cancel an operation through a pre-event (for example, before a project is published), or extend Office Project Server and integrate it with other applications such as workflow by using a post-event (for example, after a project is published))
servicio Registro de eventosEvent Log service (A service that records events in the system, security, and application logs)
Servicios de notificación de eventos de sistemaSystem Event Notification Services (An event publisher for various system events)
tabla de eventosevent table (A table in the application database that stores event data)
tipo de eventoevent type (The event type for a performance event is "information", and the event type for an exception event is 'error')
Visor de eventosEvent Viewer (A component you can use to view and manage event logs, gather information about hardware and software problems, and monitor security events. Event Viewer maintains logs about program, security, and system events)
Vista de eventosEvent view (The Operations console pane that displays specified events in the management group that the console user has the rights to see)
Windows Live EventosWindows Live Events (The Windows Live service for event planning and invitations)