
Terms containing estado inicial | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
el.energia del estado inicialenergy of the initial state
comp., MSestado inicialinitial state (In a statechart or activity diagram, a representation of the starting point of an object before any events included in the diagram have acted upon it. An initial state is indicated by a solid filled circle)
comp., MSestado inicialinitial state (In a statechart or activity diagram, a representation of the starting point of an object before any events included in the diagram have acted upon it. An initial state is indicated by a solid filled circle)
el.estado inicialinitial condition
ITestado inicialproblem state
ITestado inicialcurrent state
meteorol.estado inicialbase state
mech.eng., el.estado inicial de arranquebreakaway
patents.la documentación inicial es mantenida en el estado sin cambiarthe initial papers shall remain unaltered
transp., tech.reajuste al estado inicialreset
ITreposición al estado inicialreset
tech.resinas termosólidas en estado inicialA-stage resins