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Terms containing esquema de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MSarchivo de esquema de BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server schema file A file containing the persisted form of a BizTalk schema (.xsd)
comp., MSconjunto de filas de esquemaschema rowset (A specially defined rowset that returns metadata about objects or functionality on an instance of SQL Server or Analysis Services. For example, the OLE DB schema rowset DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS describes columns in a table, while the Analysis Services schema rowset MDSCHEMA_MEASURES describes the measures in a cube)
IT, dat.proc.contracción de un esquemacollapse of an outline
comp., MScódigo de esquemaoutline code (A custom tag that users define for tasks or resources to allow them to show a hierarchy of the tasks in their project that is different from WBS codes or outline numbers. You can create up to 10 sets of custom outline codes in your project)
comp., MSencabezado de esquemaschema head (The topmost object of the schema directory partition. The schema head contains all of the class definitions and attribute definitions that are required to locate objects in Active Directory and create new objects)
comp., MSesquema de Active DirectoryActive Directory schema (The set of definitions of every object class that can be created in Active Directory, as well as the definitions of every attribute that can be assigned to that object class)
gen.esquema de administración del medicamentodosage schedule
el.esquema de alineación de tramaframing pattern
meteorol.esquema de Arakawa-SchubertArakawa-Schubert scheme
meteorol.esquema de asimilación de datos del modelomodel data assimilation scheme
math.esquema de asociación L2L2 association scheme
meteorol.esquema de Betts-Miller-Janjic'Betts-Miller-Janjic' scheme
comp., MSesquema de BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server schema (An XML Schema Definition language (XSD)-based description of the structure of one or more BizTalk Server instance messages)
reliabil.esquema de bloques de recuperaciónrecovery block scheme
comp., MSesquema de búsquedasearch schema (A data structure that describes crawled properties, managed properties, and the mapping between them)
transp.esquema de cargabridge testing train
transp.esquema de cargaloading diagram
IT, dat.proc.esquema de cargaloading pattern
work.fl.esquema de categorías de materias AGRIS/CARISAGRIS/CARIS categorization scheme
work.fl.esquema de categorías de materias AGRIS/CARIScategorization scheme
tech.esquema patrón de causa y efectocause-and-effect pattern
meteorol.esquema de cierre de primer ordenfirst-order closure scheme
earth.sc., el.esquema de circuito equivalenteequivalent circuit diagramme
econ.esquema de cláusulas esencialesheads of terms agreement
econ.esquema de cláusulas esencialesheads of agreement
meteorol.esquema de compensaciónadjustment scheme
el.esquema de conexionesswitching diagram
el.esquema de conexioneswiring plan
el.esquema de conexionesplan layout
el.esquema de conexionesmounting diagram
el.esquema de conexionesdiagram of connection
tech.esquema de conexionescircuit diagram
meteorol.esquema de convecciónconvective scheme
comp., MSesquema de copo de nievesnowflake schema (An extension of a star schema such that one or more dimensions are defined by multiple tables. In a snowflake schema, only primary dimension tables are joined to the fact table. Additional dimension tables are joined to primary dimension tables)
meteorol.esquema de cúmuloscumulus scheme
meteorol.esquema de difusión turbulenta de remolinosturbulent eddy diffusion scheme
meteorol.esquema de discretización temporal de dos niveles de tiempo semi-implícito semi-lagrangianosemi-implicit semi-Lagrangian 3-D two time-level time discretization scheme
med.esquema de distribución de un medicamentodistribution pattern of a drug
avia.esquema de esperaholding patron
comp., MSesquema de estrellastar schema (A relational database structure in which data is maintained in a single fact table at the center of the schema with additional dimension data stored in dimension tables. Each dimension table is directly related to and usually joined to the fact table by a key column)
el.gen.esquema de explotación de una redsystem operational diagram
gen.esquema de explotación de una rednetwork operational diagram
chem.esquema de fabricaciónflow sheet
chem.esquema de fabricaciónflow chart
meteorol.esquema de flujo de masamass-flux scheme
comp., MSEsquema de impresiónPrint Schema (A schema that provides an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based format for expressing and organizing a large set of properties that describe either a job format or PrintCapabilities in a hierarchically structured manner. It includes two components: the Print Schema Keywords and the Print Schema Framework)
meteorol.esquema de interpolación óptima multivariadamulti-variate optimal interpolation scheme
meteorol.esquema de Kain-FritschKain-Fritsch scheme
med.esquema de KaltenbachKaltenbach scheme
meteorol.esquema de KuoKuo scheme
comp., MSesquema de la base de datosdatabase schema (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
agric.esquema de la cortaexploitation plan
agric.esquema de la cortatable of fellings
agric.esquema de la cortacutting budget
agric.esquema de la cortascheme of fellings
agric.esquema de la cortafelling plan
agric.esquema de la cortacutting plan
comp., MSesquema de la metabasemetabase schema (The master configuration file (MBSchema.xml) supplied with IIS that contains all of the predefined properties from which metabase entries are derived)
stat.esquema de la periodicidad ocultascheme of hidden periodicity
earth.sc.esquema de la redsystem diagram
textileesquema de las máquinasmachine design
transp., construct.esquema de las pegasfiring pattern
transp.esquema de las víastrack plan
transp.esquema de las víastrack model
transp., construct.esquema de las víastrack layout plan
mater.sc.esquema de los enclavamientosinterlocking diagram
mater.sc.esquema de los enclavamientoslocking sheet
mater.sc.esquema de los enclavamientosinterlocking table
mater.sc.esquema de los enclavamientosdog chart
econ.esquema de los movimientos de capitalesmoney-flow charts
tech.esquema de los sistemas de combustible y de aire sangradofuel and air system schematic
stat.esquema de los tejidoshistogram
stat.esquema de metadatometadata schema
IT, tech.esquema de montajesetup diagram
telecom.esquema de movimientotraffic diagram
meteorol.esquema de nubes complejascomplex cloud scheme
meteorol.esquema de nubes inferidasinferred cloud scheme
meteorol.esquema de nubes simplessimple cloud scheme
IMF.esquema de objetivos directos de inflacióninflation targeting regime
IMF.esquema de objetivos directos de inflacióninflation targeting strategy
IMF.esquema de objetivos directos de inflacióninflation targeting
IMF.esquema de objetivos directos de inflacióndirect inflation targeting
IMF.esquema de objetivos directos de inflacióninflation targeting framework IMF monetary policy framework classification system, 2006
IT, tech.esquema de organizaciónsetup diagram
IT, tech.esquema de organizaciónset-up diagram
meteorol.esquema de parametrizaciónparameterization scheme
meteorol.esquema de parametrización de cúmulos de GrellGrell Cumulus Parameterization scheme
meteorol.esquema de parametrización de la convecciónconvective parameterization scheme
meteorol.esquema de parametrización de la convección poco profundaShallow Convective Parameterization Scheme
meteorol.esquema de parametrización de precipitación y nubesprecipitation and cloud parameterization PCP scheme
el.esquema de periodicidad de los d as de registrorecording day periodicity pattern
meteorol.esquema de PPN de fase mixtamixed-phase PCP scheme
meteorol.esquema de precipitación a escala de mallagrid-scale precipitation scheme
meteorol.esquema de precipitación convectivaCP scheme
meteorol.esquema de precipitación convectivaconvective precipitation scheme
tech.esquema de problema-soluciónproblem-oriented-solution pattern (o de solución del problema)
comp., MSesquema de propiedadproperty schema (A schema that you associate with a BizTalk Server schema, and used to identify the element fields in a document that will be promoted to the message context as property fields)
meteorol.esquema de radiaciónradiation scheme
meteorol.esquema de radiación en cielo despejadoclear-sky radiation scheme
life.sc.esquema de rednetwork diagram
textileesquema de remetidodrafting pattern
comp., MSesquema de sobreenvelope schema (A type of schema that specifies the structure of an envelope, using several extra properties that are specific to envelopes and which specify information such as identifying the envelope contents in an enveloped data stream)
comp., MSesquema de software factorysoftware factory schema (The model that defines the structure of a factory. The schema organizes the assets and the custom process around a set of architectural views. The schema also describes the outputs of the factory)
meteorol.esquema de la superficie terrestreland surface scheme
tech.esquema de tiempotime pattern
interntl.trade., IT, patents.esquema de trazadotopography
IT, el.esquema de trazado de un circuito impresoprinted wiring layout
el.gen.esquema de una redsystem diagram
gen.esquema de una rednetwork diagram
el.gen.esquema de una red en explotaciónsystem operational diagram
gen.esquema de una red en explotaciónnetwork operational diagram
life.sc.esquema de una red poligonaltraverse net plan
comp., MSEsquema de Web Service Description LanguageWeb Service Description Language Schema (An interface implemented in the XML message format for describing the network services offered by the server)
chem.esquema del proceso de elaboraciónflow-sheet
water.res.esquema del sistema de riegoirrigation system mapping
transp., polit.esquema director de redes transeuropeas por carreteraMaster Plan for a European road transport network
meteorol.esquema estadístico de predicción de la intensidad de los huracanesStatistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme
meteorol.esquema explícito de humedad de fase mixta de ReisnerReisner mixed-phase explicit moisture scheme
commer., econ.Esquema Generalizado de Preferenciassystem of generalised preferences
commer., econ.Esquema Generalizado de Preferenciasgeneralized system of preferences
med.esquema infantil de Lorenzscheme of childlike characteristics
lawEsquema Judicial de Interoperabilidad y SeguridadJudicial Interoperability and Security Scheme
meteorol.esquema simplificado de Arakawa-SchubertSimplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme
comp., MSesquema SQL de repositorioRepository SQL schema (A set of standard tables used by the repository engine to manage all repository objects, relationships, and collections)
el.esquema topológico de una redtopological diagram of a network
el.gen.esquema trifásico de una redthree-phase system diagram
gen.esquema trifásico de una redthree-phase network diagram
el.gen.esquema unifilar de una redsingle-line diagram
comp., MSinstantánea de esquemaschema snapshot (A snapshot that includes schema for published tables and objects required by replication (triggers, metadata tables, and so on), but not user data)
comp., MSlenguaje de definición de esquema XMLXML schema definition language (The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard language used for creating XML schema documents. The XML schema contains two parts: a set of predefined types (for example, string, dateTime, decimal), and an XML language for defining new types (for example, complexType, minOccurs, element))
comp., MSmaestro de esquemaschema master (A domain controller that holds the schema operations master role in Active Directory. The schema master performs write operations to the directory schema and replicates updates to all other domain controllers in the forest. At any time, the schema master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
comp., MSMarco de trabajo del Esquema de impresiónPrint Schema Framework (A public schema that defines a hierarchically structured collection of XML element types, and specifies how the element types can be used together)
comp.PowerPoint modo de ver de esquemaoutline view
comp., MSnivel de esquemaoutline level (Paragraph formatting you can use to assign a hierarchical level (Level 1 through Level 9) to paragraphs in your document. For example, after you assign outline levels, you can work with the document in outline view or in the Document Map)
comp., MSnúmero de esquemaoutline number (A number that indicates the exact position of a task in an outline. For example, a task with an outline number of 7.2 indicates that it's the second subtask under the seventh top-level summary task)
comp., MSPalabras clave del Esquema de impresiónPrint Schema Keywords (The Print Schema Keywords document is a public schema that defines a set of element instances that can be used to describe device attributes and print job formatting)
corp.gov.reducción del esquema de trabajocompressed work schedule
corp.gov.reducción del esquema de trabajocompressed working schedule
IT, dat.proc.reorganización de un esquemaoutline reorganization
comp., MSvalidación de esquemaschema validation (The verification that the XML of a procedure conforms to the provisioning schema of Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF). This schema contains the generic XML elements and attributes available to invoke specific provisioning functionality)
comp., MSvalidación diferida de esquemalazy schema validation (An option that delays checking the remote schema to validate its metadata against a query until execution in order to increase performance.)