
Terms for subject Microsoft containing entidades | all forms | exact matches only
acceso a información de entidad emisoraauthority information access (A certificate extension that contains information useful for verifying the trust status of a certificate, as defined by the 2008 Memo of the Network Working Group. This information potentially includes Uniform Resource Locations (URLs) where the issuing CA's certificate can be retrieved, as well as a location of an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder configured to provide status for the certificate in question)
alta de entidadparty enlistment (The mechanism that ties a party to a role. Enlisting a party in a role enables the orchestration to interact with the party)
Búsqueda rápida en varias entidadesMulti-Entity Quick Find (A search field that allows the user to search across multiple entities such as contacts, accounts, and leads)
certificado de entidad de certificación raízRoot certification authority certificate (A certificate signed by the certification authority that is used to verify the authenticity of a server certificate created by the certification authority)
clave de entidadentity key (A reference to an entity of a specific entity type)
complemento Entidad de certificacióncertification authority snap-in (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to configure and manage certification authorities)
conjunto de entidadesentity set (A logical container for entities of a given type and its subtypes mapped to tables in a database)
contenedor de entidadesentity container (A container of specified entity sets and association sets that will be implemented in a specified namespace)
entidad basebase entity (A generic entity that all other entities in the system inherit base functionality from)
entidad comercialtrading party (An entity that is at the root level of a trading partner management (TPM) solution. Each participating organization in an ongoing business relationship, and any single business entity that is running BizTalk Server and sending or receiving messages to or from any other party, is a trading party)
entidad contableaccounting entity (A real or conceptual economic unit that uses ledger accounts to record and report on its financial and management performance)
entidad de autoseguimientoself-tracking entity (An entity built from a Text Template Transformation Toolkit (T4) template that has the ability to record changes to scalar, complex, and navigation properties)
entidad de caracterescharacter entity (A code that's used in HTML to describe symbols, international letters, and other special characters. Character entities are maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO))
entidad de certificacióncertification authority (An entity entrusted to issue certificates that assert that the recipient individual, computer, or organization requesting the certificate fulfills the conditions of an established policy)
entidad de certificación comprometidaCA compromise (A situation in which it is known or suspected that the CA's private key or other aspects of the CA validated in the certificate have been revealed)
entidad de certificación emisoraissuing certification authority (In a public key infrastructure hierarchy, the certification authority that that issues certificates to users and computers)
entidad de certificación empresarialenterprise certification authority (A computer service that issues digital certificates that can only be used inside a business or organization)
entidad de certificación intermediaintermediate certification authority (A certification authority that has the ability to issue the intermediate certificates needed to certify the subject identified by the end certificate)
entidad de certificación raízroot certification authority (The most trusted certification authority (CA), which is at the top of a certification hierarchy. The root CA has a self-signed certificate)
entidad de certificación raízroot authority (The most trusted certification authority (CA), which is at the top of a certification hierarchy. The root CA has a self-signed certificate)
entidad de certificación raíz de confianzatrusted root certification authority (A root certification authority that appears in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities console of the Windows operating systems and is trusted by the operating system)
entidad de certificación subordinadasubordinate certification authority (In a public key infrastructure (PKI) hierarchy, any certification authority that is not the root CA)
entidad de datosdata entity (An information structure that represents the data characteristic of an entity)
entidad de depósito receptorareceiving depository financial institution (The bank or financial institution that represents the customer or vendor who receives the payment)
entidad de LOBLOB entity (A data structure exposed by the LOB system consisting of a set of related fields grouped together under a unique ID)
entidad de línea de negocioline-of-business entity (A data structure exposed by the LOB system consisting of a set of related fields grouped together under a unique ID)
entidad de registroregistration authority (An entity that identifies and authenticates certificate subjects on behalf of a certification authority, but does not issue or sign certificates)
entidad de seguridadsecurity principal (In Windows-based computers, an account (such as a user, security group, device, or computer) that can be granted or denied access to resources)
entidad de seguridadprincipal (In Windows-based computers, an account (such as a user, security group, device, or computer) that can be granted or denied access to resources)
entidad de seguridad a nivel de servidorserver-level principal (An account that is similar to the sa login in SQL Server. During the provisioning process, SQL Azure creates a login for you that is the server-level principal of your SQL Azure server. The SQL Azure server-level principal account has permission to manage all server-level and database-level security)
entidad de servicioservice principal (An entity that represents a service at the key distribution center (KDC). A service principal generally does not correspond to a human user of the system, but rather to an automated service providing a resource, such as a file server)
entidad de tipo de personaperson-type entity (An entity that represents a person, declared as such in metadata)
entidad del dominiodomain entity (A conceptual structure that represents an independent entity that is capable of separate existence)
entidad financiera de depósitodepository financial institution (The bank or financial institution that the payment format file is transmitted to for processing)
entidad jurídicalegal entity (An organization with a registered or legislated legal structure that is granted the authority to enter into legal contracts and that is required to prepare statements that report on its performance)
entidad POCOPOCO entity (An entity in the Entity Framework that does not inherit or implement Entity Framework classes or interfaces)
entidad XMLXML entity (The combination of characters and symbols that replace other characters when an XML document is parsed, usually those that have other meanings in XML. For example, < represents the < symbol, which is also the opening bracket for a tag)
entidades de certificación raíz de confianzaTrusted Root Certification Authorities (Implicitly trusted certification authorities. Includes all of the certificates in the Third-Party Root Certification Authorities store plus root certificates from the user organization and Microsoft)
extracción de entidadesentity extraction (The process of extracting information from unstructured text in an item and storing that information as additional managed properties for the item)
extractor de entidadesentity extractor (A content processing feature that extracts information from unstructured text in an item and stores that information as additional managed properties for the item. The additional managed properties can be used to refine results)
Identificador de clave de entidad emisoraAuthority Key Identifier (A certificate extension used by the certificate chaining engine to determine what certificate was used to sign a presented certificate. The AKI can contain the issuer name, serial number, public key information, or no information at all. By matching the information in a certificate's AKI extension to a CA certificate's Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension, a certificate chain can be built)
Inscripción web de entidad de certificaciónCertification Authority Web Enrollment (The role service that provides a set of web pages that allow interaction with the Certification Authority role service)
integridad de entidadentity integrity (A state in which every row of every table can be uniquely identified)
jerarquía de entidades de certificacióncertification authority hierarchy (A hierarchy in which the roles of the certification authority are separated into one root CA and one or more subordinate CAs)
múltiples conjuntos de entidades por tipomultiple entity sets per type (The ability for an entity type to be defined in more than one entity set)
nombre de entidad de seguridadsecurity principal name (A name that uniquely identifies a user, group, or computer within a single domain. This name is not guaranteed to be unique across domains)
nombre de entidad de seguridad de servicioservice principal name (The name by which a client uniquely identifies an instance of a service. It is usually built from the DNS name of the host. The SPN is used in the process of mutual authentication between the client and the server hosting a particular service)
nombre de la entidad no considerada como separada de su dueñodisregarded entity (A business that is owned by an individual but is not treated as a separate entity from the business owner for tax purposes)
objeto entidadentity object (An instance of an entity type that exists within an object context)
Registro nacional de entidades legalesNational Register of Legal Entities (A 14-digit identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for tax purposes)
relación entre entidadesentity relationship (A relationship between records of one record type and records of another record type. An entity relationship is represented in both the structure of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database and the user interface. A custom entity relationship may be created. There are three types of custom entity relationship: N:1, 1:N, and N:N)
tipo de entidadentity type (The specification for a data type that includes a named set of properties and represents a top-level item in a data model)