
Terms containing ecología | all forms | exact matches only
environ.Asociación Internacional de EcologíaInternational Association for Ecology
fin., environ.Asociación para la Economía, la Ecología y el Desarrollo a Escala MundialWorld Economy, Ecology and Development
environ.Centro Internacional de Fisiología y Ecología de los InsectosInternational Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
environ.Centro Latinoamericano de Ecología SocialLatin American Centre for Social Ecology
UNComité de Acción del Pacífico Meridional para la Ecología Humana y el Medio AmbienteSouth Pacific Action Committee for Human Ecology and Environment
gen.Conferencia europea sobre la ecología del trabajoEuropean Ecology of Work Conference
ed., environ.Consejo de Ecología Humana del CommonwealthCommonwealth Human Ecology Council
org.name.Consulta de expertos sobre ecología y manejo de malezasExpert Consultation on Weed Ecology and Management
med.ecologia de las agresionesstress ecology
UNecologìa radicaldeep ecology
environ.ecología acuáticaaquatic ecology
environ.ecología acuáticaaquatic ecology The study of the relationships among aquatic living organisms and between those organisms and their environment
environ.ecología agrícolaagricultural ecology
environ.ecología animalanimal ecology
environ.ecología animalanimal ecology A study of the relationships of animals to their environment
environ.ecología aplicadaapplied ecology
environ.ecología aplicadaapplied ecology The application of ecological principles to the solution of human problems
environ.ecología científicascientific ecology
environ.ecología científicascientific ecology The study of the interrelationship among living organisms and between organisms and their environment, utilizing the methods or theories of science
environ.ecología de la energía y la rehabilitación del medio ambienteEcology of Energy and Environmental Renovation
environ.ecología de la poblaciónpopulation ecology
environ.ecología de la poblaciónbiodemography
environ.ecología de las irradiacionesradiation ecology
environ.ecología de las irradiacionesradioecology
nat.sc.ecología de las radiacionesradiation ecology
nat.sc.ecología de las radiacionesradioecology
environ.ecología de los animalesanimal ecology
environ., agric.ecología de los cultivoscrop ecology
transp., environ.ecología de los transportestransport ecology
nat.sc.ecología de poblaciónpopulation ecology
environ.ecología de poblaciónpopulation ecology The study of the interaction of a particular species or genus population with its environment
nat.sc.ecología de poblaciónbiodemography
environ.ecología del paisajelandscape ecology
environ.ecología del paisajelandscape ecology The study of landscapes taking account of the ecology of their biological populations. The subjects thus embraces geomorphology and ecology and is applied to the design and architecture of landscapes
ITecología digitaldigital ecology
environ.ecología forestalforest ecology The science that deals with the relationship of forest trees to their environment, to one another, and to other plants and to animals in the forest
environ., agric.ecología forestalforest ecology
nat.sc., agric.ecología forestalsilvics
environ.ecología humanahuman ecology
pharma.Ecología humanaHuman ecology
environ.ecología humanahuman oecology
environ.ecología humanahuman ecology The study of the growth, distribution, and organization of human communities relative to their interrelationships with other humans and other species and with their environment
environ., industr.ecología industrialindustrial ecology
environ.ecología marinamarine ecology
environ.ecología marinamarine ecology An integrative science that studies the basic structural and functional relationships within and among living populations and their physical-chemical environments in marine ecosystems. Marine ecology focuses on specific organisms as well as on particular environments or physical settings
life.sc., environ.ecología microbianamolecular microbial ecology
life.sc., environ.ecología microbianamicrobial ecology
nat.sc., environ.ecología molecularmolecular ecology
environ.ecología paisajísticalandscape science
environ.ecología paisajísticalandscape ecology
environ.ecología políticapolitical ecology
social.sc., environ.ecología socialsocial ecology
environ.ecología terrestreland ecology
environ.ecología terrestreland ecology Study of the relationship between terrestrial organisms and their environment
environ.ecología tróficatrophic ecology
environ.ecología tróficatrophic ecology The study of the feeding relationships of organisms in communities and ecosystems. Trophic links between populations represent flows of organisms, organic energy and nutrients. Trophic transfers are important in population dynamics, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem energetics
environ.ecología urbanaurban ecology Concept derived from biology: the city is viewed as a total environment, as a life-supporting system for the large number of people concentrated there, and within this people organize themselves and adapt to a constantly changing environment. Regarded as the same as human ecology
construct., mun.plan., environ.ecología urbanaurban ecology
nat.sc.ecología vegetalplant ecology
environ.ecología vegetalplant ecology Study of the relationships between plants and their environment
nat.sc.ecología vegetalecology of plants
agric.ecología vitícolaviticultural ecology
environ.especialista en ecología vegetalplant ecologist
environ.estatuto de ecología urbanaurban ecology charter
environ.estatuto de ecología urbanaurban ecology charter A graphic representation of a city area or other densely populated region, portraying the location of groups or select types of people in their environment through various geographic techniques
UNestudio para determinar el estado actual de la ecología y la ordenación ambiental de la cuenca común del río ZambeziDiagnostic Study on the Present State of Ecology and Environmental Management of the Common Zambezi River System
environ., polit.Fundación "Ecología Social"Social Ecology Foundation
gen.Generación EcologíaGeneration Ecology
org.name.Grupo de Especialistas en Oceanografía, Ecología Marina y Recursos VivosGroup of Specialists on Oceanography, Marine Ecology and Living Resources
environ.Instituto Europeo de EcologíaEuropean Institute for Ecology
environ.Verdes-Europa-EcologíaThe Greens - Europe - Ecology
environ., nat.res.zona natural de especial interés desde el punto de vista de la ecología, la fauna y la floranatural area which is of particular interest in terms of ecology or wildlife