
Terms for subject Environment containing derechos | all forms | exact matches only
comercio de derechos de emisiónemissions trading
compraventa de derechos de contaminaciónemissions trading
compraventa de derechos de contaminaciónemission trading
compraventa de derechos de emisióntradeable emission right
compraventa de derechos de emisióntradeable emission permit
Convenio sobre la protección del medio ambiente mediante el derecho penalConvention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law
derecho a la compensaciónright to compensation
derecho a la compensaciónright to compensation A legally enforceable claim for payment or reimbursement to pay for damages, loss or injury, or for remuneration to pay for services rendered, whether in fees, commissions or salary
derecho a la informaciónright to information The individual's right to know in general about the existence of data banks, the right to be informed on request and the general right to a print-out of the information registered and to know the actual use made of the information
derecho a un medio ambiente que permita viviramenity right
derecho administrativoadministrative law Body of law created by administrative agencies in the form of rules, regulations, orders and decisions to carry out regulatory powers and duties of such agencies
derecho ambientalenvironmental law A wide spectrum of options from binding "hard" laws, such as international treaties and national legislation, to "soft" laws, covering guiding principles, recommended practices and procedures, and standards. Environmental law also attempts to reconcile international considerations with concerns that focus on very specific problems such as soil degradation, marine pollution or the depletion of non-renewable resources
derecho ambientalenvironment law
derecho autonómicoregional law
derecho civilcivil law Law inspired by old Roman Law, the primary feature of which was that laws were written into a collection; codified, and not determined, as is common law, by judges. The principle of civil law is to provide all citizens with an accessible and written collection of the laws which apply to them and which judges must follow
derecho comparadocomparative law The study of the principles of legal science by the comparison of various systems of law
derecho comunitarioCommunity law The law of European Community (as opposed to the national laws of the member states) It consists of the treaties establishing the EC (together with subsequent amending treaties) community legislation, and decisions of the court of justice of the European Communities. Any provision of the treaties or of community legislation that is directly applicable or directly effective in a member state forms part of the law of that state and prevails over its national law in the event of any inconsistency between the two
derecho constitucionalconstitutional law That branch of the public law of a nation or state which treats of the organization, powers and frame of government, the distribution of political and governmental authorities and functions, the fundamental principles which are to regulate the relations of government and citizen and which prescribes generally the plan and method according to which the public affairs of the nation or state are to be administered
derecho de accesoright of access
derecho de familiafamily law Branch of specialty of law, also denominated "domestic relations" law, concerned with such subjects as adoption, annulment, divorce, separation, paternity, custody, support and child care
derecho de la competenciacompetition law
derecho de la competenciacompetition law That part of the law dealing with matters such as those arising from monopolies and mergers, restrictive trading agreements, resale price maintenance and agreements involving distortion of competition affected by EU rules
derecho de la informáticadata-processing law
derecho de la informáticadata processing law
derecho de la viviendahousing legislation
derecho de la viviendahousing legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the buying, selling, leasing, construction or maintenance of dwelling places
derecho de peticiónpetition right
derecho de peticiónpetition right A legal guarantee or just claim enabling a citizen or employee to compose and submit a formal written request to an authority asking for some benefit or favor or for intervention and redress of some wrong
derecho de propiedadright of property The legal guarantee or just claim inhering in a citizen's relation to some physical thing, but especially a plot of land, including the right to possess, use and dispose of it
derecho de residuoswaste legislation
derecho de residuoswaste legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the disposal of unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process or the refuse from places of human or animal habitation
derecho del individuorights of the individual Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to each and every member of a group or state, including the freedom to do certain things and the freedom from certain intrusions imposed by the collective body
derecho del marmaritime law That system of law which particularly relates to marine commerce and navigation, to business transacted at sea or relating to navigation, to ships and shipping, to seamen, to the transportation of persons and property by sea, and to marine affairs generally
derecho del trabajolabour law The branch of the legal system which lays down the rules governing employment relationships, trade union relations, and state intervention to provide protection against particular situations of need for citizens who are workers
derecho especialspecial law
derecho especialspecial law One relating to particular persons or things; one made for individual cases or for particular places or districts; one operating upon a selected class, rather than upon the public generally. A law is special when it is different from others of the same general kind or designed for a particular purpose, or limited in range or confined to a prescribed field of action or operation
derecho financierofinancial law
derecho fiscaltax law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government stipulating the sum of money and manner of collection it demands for governmental support, facilities and services, usually levied upon income, property, sales or other financial resources
derecho forestalforestry law
derecho forestalforestry law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any extensive area of woodland, for the protection and preservation of game, timber and other forest resources
derecho internacionalinternational law The system of law regulating the interrelationship of sovereign states and their rights and duties with regard to one another
derecho internacional económicointernational economic law
derecho internacional económicointernational economic law The recognized rules guiding the commercial relations of at least two sovereign states or private parties involved in cross-border transactions, including regulations for trade, finance and intellectual property
derecho internacional privadoprivate international law
derecho internacional privadoprivate international law The part of the national law of a country that establishes rules for dealing with cases involving a foreign element
derecho internacional públicopublic international law The general rules and principles pertaining to the conduct of nations and of international organizations and with the relations among them
derecho mercantilcommercial law The whole body of substantive jurisprudence applicable to the rights, intercourse and relations of persons engaged in commerce, trade or mercantile pursuits
derecho penalcriminal law That body of the law that deals with conduct considered so harmful to society as a whole that it is prohibited by statute, prosecuted and punished by the government
derecho penal ambientalenvironmental criminal law
derecho penal ambientalenvironmental criminal law The aggregate of statutory enactments pertaining to actions or instances of ecological negligence deemed injurious to public welfare or government interests and legally prohibited
derecho penitenciariolaw relating to prisons
derecho penitenciariolaw relating to prisons Binding rules and regulations pertaining to the construction, use and operation of jails, penitentiaries and other places of legal confinement and punishment
derecho preferente de comprapre-emption
derecho preferente de comprapre-emption The right of first refusal to purchase land in the event that the grantor of the right should decide to sell
derecho privadoprivate law The branch of law dealing with such aspects of relationships between individuals that are of no direct concern to the state
derecho procesalprocedural law Law which prescribes method of enforcing rights or obtaining redress for their invasion. Laws which fix duties, establish rights and responsibilities among and for persons, natural or otherwise, are "substantive laws" in character, while those which merely prescribe the manner in which such rights and responsibilities may be exercised and enforced in a court are "procedural laws"
derecho públicopublic law A general classification of law, consisting generally of constitutional, administrative, criminal and international law, concerned with the organization of the state, the relations between the state and the people who compose it, the responsibilities of public officers to the state, to each other, and to private persons, and the relations of states to one other. The branch or department of law which is concerned with the state in its political or sovereign capacity, including constitutional and administrative law, and with the definition, regulation, and enforcement of rights in cases where the state is regarded as the subject of the right or object of the duty, - including criminal law and criminal procedure, - and the law of the state, considered in its quasi private personality, i.e., as capable of holding or exercising rights, or acquiring and dealing with property, in the character of an individual
derecho sobre naturalezarights of nature
derecho sobre naturalezalaw on nature
derecho sobre naturalezarights of nature A rule or body of rules that derives from nature and is believed to be binding upon human society, as opposed to human-made laws such as legislative acts and judicial decisions
derecho tutelado legalmentelegally protected right
derecho tutelado legalmentelegally protected right A justifiable claim to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way, which is supported by law and is covered or shielded from the danger of being revoked or repealed
derecho urbanísticourban development law
derecho urbanísticourban development law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to regulate public services and the competing claims of residential, commercial and industrial interests in municipal areas generally characterized by moderate to high population density
derechos de generaciones futurasrights of future generations
derechos de generaciones futurasrights of future generations The moral, legal or ethical claims of posterity on present people, based on the recognition that the young and unborn are vulnerable to contemporary decision-making, especially decisions having long-term effect on the societies and environment they inherit
derechos de los animalesanimal rights
derechos de los animalesanimal rights Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to sentient, non-human species, including freedom from abuse, consumption, experimentation, use as clothing or performing for human entertainment
derechos de protección de derecho de propiedad industrialindustrial property right
derechos de protección de derecho de propiedad industrialindustrial property right A justifiable claim granted by government or some other authority that offers protection or excludes others from making, using or selling an invention, a unique design of an article of manufacture or some other creation or discovery
derechos de tránsitoRights of Transit
derechos del ciudadanocitizen rights
derechos del ciudadanocitizen rights Rights recognized and protected by law, pertaining to the members of a state
derechos económicoseconomic rights The just claims and legal guarantees to access, participate in and profit from the production, distribution and use of property, intellectual property, income and wealth
derechos humanoshuman rights The rights of individuals to liberty, justice, etc.
girar a derecha o izquierdabreak left or right
mercado de derechos de emisióncarbon market
porcentaje de derechos de emisión que se subastaránproportion to be auctioned
quebrar a derecha o izquierdabreak left or right
régimen de comercio de derechos de emisiónemissions trading system
régimen de comercio de derechos de emisiónemissions trading scheme
sistema de límites máximos y comercio de derechos de emisióncap and trade
sistema de límites máximos y comercio de derechos de emisióncap-and-trade system
zona de derecho preferente de comprapre-emption zone
zona de derecho preferente de comprapre-emption zone Areas that are subject to the pre-emption right which is a privilege accorded by the government to the actual settler upon a certain limited portion of the public domain, to purchase such tract at a fixed price to the exclusion of all other applicants