
Terms for subject Microsoft containing den | all forms
Agregar marca de tiempoAdd Time Stamp (A button in the Comments section that the user can click to add a date or time stamp)
alimentador automático de documentosautomatic document feeder (An attachment available on some scanners that allows automatic scanning of multiple pages)
apariencia de foco de entradainput focus appearance (The visual display of a control or other object that indicates it has the input focus)
apariencia de objeto abiertoopen appearance (The visual display of an object when the user opens the object into its own window)
apariencia de objeto presionadopressed appearance (The visual display for an object, such as a control, when it is being pressed)
apariencia de objeto seleccionadoselection appearance (The visual display of an object when it has been selected)
apariencia de valor mixtomixed-value appearance (The visual display for a control which reflects a mixed set of values)
asignación de almacenamientostorage allocation (In operating systems, the process of reserving memory for use by a program)
asignación de archivofile mapping (The association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
asignación de dirección URL externaexternal URL mapping (A URL mapping for objects that are not part of the WSS system)
asignación de esquemasschema mapping (A special kind of transformation whereby an XML document is converted from one XML schema to another)
asignación de memoriamemory map (A representation of the layout of objects in an area of memory)
asignación de notificacionesclaim mapping (The act of mapping, removing or filtering, or passing claims between various claim sets)
asignación de propiedadproperty mapping (A mapping between a variable and a property of a package element)
asignación de recursos de nubecloud resource mapping (A mapping created by an App Controller administrator with all the cloud resources)
asignación de roles del sistemasystem role assignment (Role assignment that applies to the site as a whole)
asignación de roles del sistemaitem-level role assignment (A security policy that applies to an item in the report server folder namespace)
asignación de sitiosite assignment (The process of including selected resources in an SMS/Configuration Manager site)
asignación de URLURL mapping (The process of associating a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) with a physical directory)
asignación de valoresvalue mapping (The translation of field data values based on business rules)
auditoría de seguridadsecurity audit (The process that tracks the activities of users and records selected types of events in the security log)
base de datos clienteclient database (A relational database that is created on a client computer during the installation of client components)
base de datos de autenticaciónauthentication database (A database on a server that matches user names to passwords)
base de datos de configuración de componentescomponent settings database (A database that stores service information for each portal site in a deployment)
base de datos de contenidocontent database (The Microsoft SQL Server or WMSDE database that contains the content for one or more SharePoint sites)
base de datos de cuarentenaquarantine database (A database into which infected messages and attachments are placed in order to isolate them)
base de datos de cuentasaccounts database (A database which stores user accounts and their network access properties)
base de datos de informesReport database (The SQL Server database that stores DPM reporting information)
base de datos de metadatosmetadata database (A relational database used for maintaining metadata for download by client components)
base de datos de Orchestrationorchestration database (The Oracle or SQL Server database where configuration information, runbooks, and logs are stored)
base de datos de suscripcionessubscription database (A database at the Subscriber that receives data and database objects published by a Publisher)
base de datos de usuariouser database (A database created by a SQL Server user and used to store application data)
base de datos del servidor de informesreport server database (A database that provides internal storage for a report server)
base de datos del sistema de planeaciónPlanning System Database (The database that tracks all Planning Server configurations, security, and applications)
base de datos del suscriptorsubscriber database (In replication, a database instance that receives replicated data)
base de datos DPMDPM database (The SQL Server database that stores DPM settings and configuration information)
base de datos DWDataMartDWDataMart database (The database that includes the reporting data, stored for the long-term)
base de datos DWRepositoryDWRepository database (The database that includes the transformed data from the DWStagingAndConfig database)
base de datos factualfact base (A collection of facts against which rule conditions are evaluated)
base de datos maestramaster database The system database that records all the system-level information for an instance of SQL Server (master)
base de datos predeterminadadefault database (The database the user is connected to immediately after logging in to SQL Server)
base de datos relacionalrelational database (A database or database management system that stores information in tables)
base de datos SQLSQL database (A database based on Structured Query Language (SQL))
bases de datos del sistemasystem databases (A set of five databases present in all instances of SQL Server that are used to store system information)
Biblioteca de animacionesAnimation Library (A library that developers can use in their applications throughout the new Windows user interface)
biblioteca de clases basebase class library (A library that contains base classes)
biblioteca de cursorescursor library (A part of the ODBC and DB-Library application programming interfaces (APIs) that implements client cursors)
Biblioteca de diapositivasSlide Library (A folder where a collection of PowerPoint slides is shared)
biblioteca de documentosdocument library (A location on a SharePoint site where a collection of files and their associated metadata are stored)
biblioteca de objetosobject library (A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and properties)
biblioteca de resultadosresults library (A location on the local computer where Windows Assessment Console job results are stored)
Biblioteca de TV grabadaRecorded TV Library (A Windows library that allows users to store, manage and share all their recorded TV items)
bit de integridaddirty bit (A bit used to mark modified data in a cache so that the modifications may be carried over to primary memory)
cable de equipo a equipoPC-to-PC cable (A type of cable that connects two PCs directly)
calibración de basebasic calibration (The calibration process to capture the blank reference image and white reference image for a Surface unit)
calidad de impresiónprint quality (The quality of your printed picture. Microsoft PhotoDraw offers three print qualities - Good, Better, and Best)
cantidad de productos kanbankanban product quantity (The number of item requirements that are carried on a kanban based on a kanban rule)
capa de almacenamientostorage tier (An optional layer of a storage space that writes data to physical disks of a particular speed)
capa de línealine layer (The layer in a map report that displays spatial data as lines, for example, lines that indicate paths or routes)
capa de mapamap layer (A child element of the map, each map layer including elements for their map members and map member attributes)
capa de registroposting layer (A current, tax, or operations ledger classification that is assigned to accounting journal entries)
cara de botónbutton face (The surface of a button where text or an image (typically indicating the button's function) may be displayed)
carpeta Bandeja de entradaInbox folder (The folder that by default receives new email messages)
carpeta de correo no deseadojunk e-mail folder (The folder where junk e-mail is delivered)
carpeta de distribucióndistribution folder (The folder created on the distribution server to contain the Setup files)
carpeta de documentoshandouts folder (Storage allocated on a per-meeting basis on the conference center server for handouts)
carpeta de instalacióninstallation folder (The location where a software is installed)
carpeta de recogidaPickup folder (The directory from which messages are picked up)
carpeta replicada de solo lecturaread-only replicated folder (A replicated folder on a specific member in which users cannot add or change files)
carácter de escapeescape character (A single character that suppresses any special meaning of the character that follows it)
carácter de espaciadospacing character (A character with a non-zero width)
carácter de rellenoleader character (A dot, hyphen, or other character used to create a line that fills the space before a tab stop)
carácter separador de listaslist-separator character (A character, usually a comma or semicolon, that separates elements in a list)
CD de arranquebootable CD (A CD-ROM that can be used to start a computer. An automated installation uses a bootable CD to start a computer)
CD de audioaudio CD (A compact disc containing audio information (as opposed to a CD-ROM containing data and files))
CD de audio mejoradoenhanced audio CD (An audio CD that contains both audio and other multimedia content)
CD de IntroducciónGetting Started CD (The title of a CD that contains ActiveSync and additional programs)
certificación de cuentaaccount certification (The process that associates user accounts with key pairs)
ciclo de ejecuciónexecution cycle (The assertion of facts, evaluation of conditions, and execution of actions within the Business Rule Engine)
ciclo de vidalife cycle (The phases a solution goes through from the time it is conceived until the time it is retired from service)
clase de atributosattribute class (A container object that groups related attributes within an object type)
clase de codificaciónencoding class (A class which represents a character encoding)
clase de datos POCOPOCO data class (A class in the Entity Framework that does not inherit from another class or implement an interface)
clase de dominiodomain class (A diagram element that represents a class in a domain-specific language)
clase de eventosevent class (In SQL Trace, a collection of properties that define an event)
clase de mensajemessage class (Used by Microsoft Exchange to identify, locate, and open a form)
clase de objetoobject class (A category of objects that share a common set of characteristics)
clase de permisopermission class (A class that defines access to a resource or defines an indentity by supporting authorization checks)
clase de pruebatest class (Any class that is marked with the TestClass attribute)
clase de registradorlogger class (A class that implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface)
clase de serializaciónserialization class (A class designed to serialize and deserialize objects)
clase de unidadunit class (A classification of units of measurement)
Clasificación de BingxRank (A service that tracks the popularity of notable people and topics based on Bing search data)
clasificación de contenidocontent rating (A value assigned to an item of media content that indicates its suitability for a particular audience)
clasificación de equiposystem rating (A number that gives a general indication of the performance capability of your computer's hardware)
clasificación de liquidezliquidity classification (A systematic organization of time intervals that predict the liquidity of a party)
clasificación de liquidez de evento de contabilidadaccounting event liquidity classification (The liquidity classification of an accounting event)
clasificar por orden de prioridadprioritize (To give a unique cardinal position to each entry, as in stack rank)
conciliación de cuentasaccount reconciliation (The practice of reconciling accounts)
conciliación de facturasinvoice matching (A practice of matching vendor invoice prices and product quantities to purchase orders and product receipts)
conectividad de mensajería instantánea públicapublic IM connectivity (The ability to connect to public IM service providers)
consulta de accionesaction query (A query that copies or changes data)
consulta de datos anexadosappend query (An action query that adds the records in a query's result set to the end of an existing table)
consulta de eliminacióndelete query (A query (SQL statement) that removes rows matching the criteria you specify from one or more tables)
consulta de inserciónInsert Into query (A query that copies specific columns and rows from one table to another or to the same table)
consulta de inserción de valoresInsert Values query (A query (SQL statement) that creates a new row and inserts values into specified columns)
consulta de objetoobject query (A query executed against an EDM within an object context that returns data as objects)
consulta de paso a travéspass-through query (An SQL-specific query you use to send commands directly to an ODBC database server)
consulta de uniónunion query (A query that uses the UNION operator to combine the results of two or more select queries)
consulta exhaustiva de nombres de zona DNSzone walking (The process of repeating NSEC queries in order to retrieve all the names in a DNS zone)
consumidor de seguimientotrace consumer (An application that formats and displays trace messages)
consumo de artículositem consumption (The items used to process an order)
consumo de trabajos kanbankanban job consumption (The withdrawal of product components from inventory in order to complete the kanban production jobs)
contabilidad de costescost accounting (The branch of accounting concerned with identifying and evaluating the cost of producing a product)
Contador de marca de tiempoTime Stamp Counter (A program that tally and records the number of cycles that occurs on a central processing unit)
contador de rendimientoperformance counter (A set of components that allow you to track the performance of an application)
contador de rendimiento del procesadoron-chip performance counter (A register on a CPU chip that stores very low-level information. This information can be queried)
contador de réplicareplica tick count (A monotonically increasing number that is used to uniquely identify a change to an item in a replica)
contexto de dominiodomain context (A client-side representation of a domain service)
contexto de ejecuciónexecution context (In the Concurrency Runtime, an abstraction of an operating system thread)
contexto de estadostate context (A nested series of states, which represents the current state of a system)
contorno de campanabell contour (A contour that follows the general shape of a bell curve)
contorno de dos picosdouble-peak contour (A contour that contains two high points in the curve)
contorno de pico finallate-peak contour (A contour that slopes up gradually, peaks near the end of the curve, and then drops off)
contorno de pico inicialearly-peak contour (A contour that peaks near the beginning of the curve and then slopes downward more gradually)
contrato de BuscarSearch contract (The contract that delivers a system-wide entry point to the Windows search experience)
contrato de ConfiguraciónSettings contract (A contract for surfacing an app user preferences in a way that is consistent with Windows' settings model)
contrato de nivel de servicio predeterminadodefault company service level agreement (A service level agreement that a company uses as a default)
Corporación holandesa de impuestosvennootschapsbelasting (A corporation tax in the Netherlands)
criterio de relaciónrelationship criterion (A filter to match objects during synchronization)
criterios de alertaalert criteria (The criteria that, if met, trigger an alert)
criterios de entradaentry criteria (A set of circumstances that must be present before an effort can begin successfully)
criterios de filtrofilter criteria (Conditions that users specify to limit which records are included in the result set of a query)
criterios de invalidaciónoverride criteria (Selected target and value pairs that specify when a rule does not apply to a value pair)
cuenta Costo de productos vendidosCOGS account (An account that tracks the cost of goods, materials, or services entered into inventory and sold)
cuenta Costo de productos vendidosCost of Goods Sold account (An account that tracks the cost of goods, materials, or services entered into inventory and sold)
cuenta de accesoaccess account (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
cuenta de acceso al contenidocontent access account (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
cuenta de cajacash account (A category of cash that is not held in a financial institution, such as petty cash or undeposited funds)
cuenta de consolidaciónconsolidation account (The main account in the parent legal entity that is used for ledger consolidation)
cuenta de contrapartidaoffset account (In double-entry accounting, the account used to balance a transaction so that debits equal credits)
cuenta de ejecución de flujo de trabajoworkflow execution account (A user account that is granted the rights for executing workflows)
cuenta de ejecución del servidor de informesreport server execution account (The account under which the Report Server Web service and Report Server Windows service run)
cuenta de empresa vinculadasintercompany account (An account used to post intercompany transactions)
cuenta de equipocomputer account (An account that is on a local system or domain)
cuenta de modo de usuariouser mode account (The user account that the software uses to log on user mode)
cuenta de noticiasnews account (An online account, usually provided by an Internet service provider (ISP), that lets users access newsgroups)
cuenta de rastreocrawling account (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
cuenta de registroposting account (A financial account that tracks assets, liabilities, revenue, or expenses)
Cuenta de servicio AGPMAGPM Service Account (The account under which the AGPM Service runs)
cuenta de servicio RFIDRFID Service account (The Windows account whose identity is used to run the BizTalk RFID service)
cuenta de tareas programadastimer account (A dedicated, administrator-level user account that performs scheduled administrative tasks)
cuenta de usuario compartidashared user account (A single user account that is logged on to by multiple users)
cuenta de usuario deshabilitadadisabled user account (A user account that does not permit logging on)
Cuentagotas de atributosAttribute Dropper (A tool that lets you copy the fill, stroke, and effect attributes from one object on the page to another)
Cuentagotas de colorColor Dropper (A tool that lets you copy the screen color from one object to another)
Cámara de WindowsWindows Camera (An app to facilitate the capture of photos and videos by using the PC)
derechos de accesoaccess rights (The type of operations permitted for a given user of a certain system resource on a network or a file server)
derechos de inicio de sesiónlogon rights (User rights that are assigned to a user and that specify the ways in which a user can log on to a system)
descuento de pedidoorder discount (A fixed amount or percentage deducted that applies to an order total)
descuento de pedido de comprapurchase order discount (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a purchase order)
descuento de pedido de ventassales order discount (An amount deducted from the total net amount calculation on a sales order)
Desplazamiento de pancartaScroll, Banner (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
destino de archivo sin formatoRaw File destination (An SSIS destination that writes raw data to a file)
destino de enlacebinding target (In data binding, the object that consumes the value of the binding)
destino de representaciónrender target (In computer graphics, an output buffer used when generating images)
dimensión de almacenamientostorage dimension (The site, warehouse, and inventory location attributes that are used to locate an item in storage)
dimensión de formatoformatting dimension (The dimension that numeric formatting is applied to)
dimensión de medidameasure dimension (A dimension used to characterize the magnitude of a measurement)
dimensión de rendimientoperformance dimension (A dimension used to distinguish and categorize key performance activity against objectives)
dimensión de seguimientotracking dimension (The batch number and serial number attributes that are used to track an item)
dimensión de tiempotime dimension (A dimension that breaks time down into levels such as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day)
dirección de correomailing address (The location to which products that have been ordered should be sent)
dirección de entregadelivery address (The location to which goods are to be sent)
dirección de envíoship-to address (The location to which products are to be sent)
dirección de envíoshipping address (The location to which products that have been ordered should be sent)
dirección de facturaciónbilling address information (The complete set of bill-to address information that makes up the full postal address)
dirección de facturaciónbill-to address (The address to which the invoice for products ordered should be sent)
dirección de facturaciónbilling address (The address to which the invoice for products ordered should be sent)
dirección de hosthost address (The portion of the IP address that identifies a computer within a particular network ID)
directiva de accesoaccess policy (A policy which defines the permissions and duration of access to an asset)
directiva de acuerdo de comprapurchase agreement policy (A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase agreement terms)
directiva de acuerdo de ventasales agreement policy (A policy that authorizes parties to modify sales agreement terms)
directiva de auditoríaaudit policy (A policy that determines the security events to be reported to the network administrator)
directiva de contraseñaspassword policy (A collection of policy settings that define the password requirements for a Group Policy object (GPO))
directiva de enlacebinding policy (A policy that establishes which version of an assembly is loaded by the common language runtime)
directiva de flujo de trabajoworkflow policy (A group of rules for a workflow)
directiva de inscripción de certificadoscertificate enrollment policy (A set of rules governing certificate enrollment)
directiva de pedido de comprapurchase order policy (A policy that authorizes parties to modify purchase order terms and to control order processing)
directiva de privacidadprivacy policy (An organization's requirements for complying with privacy regulations and directives)
directiva de proteccióncheck-in policy (A policy that provides the ability to validate compliance with organizational rules for a team project)
directiva de protecciónprotection policy (The collection of recurring job definitions and schedules associated with a protection group)
directiva de replicaciónreplication policy (Rules that define how and when replication is performed)
edición de etiquetasEdit Labels (An option that allows a user to edit the labels for a certain image or set of images)
edición de imágenesimage editing (The process of changing or modifying a bitmapped image, usually with an image editor)
edición de metadatosmetadata publishing (The act of writing or copying metadata files into the metadata database)
eliminación de duplicadosduplicate removal (A type of grouping that removes documents with duplicate or near-duplicate content from search results)
eliminación de entradasentry pruning (The process of removing entries from the catalog)
error de compilaciónbuild error (A message that notifies you of an issue that breaks the build)
error de kernelkernel fault (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
error de redondeorounding error (The deviation from an exact value resulting from the use of rounding)
error de sintaxissyntax error (An error in the grammatical structure of the code or expression)
error de SMARTSMART error (An error returned by the SMART test)
estimación del proyecto de precio fijofixed-price project estimate (The estimated total cost to complete a fixed-price project)
evaluador de comparacióncomparison evaluator (A filter that compares a device capability name to a value)
exento de impuestossales tax exempt (Pertaining to a sale or purchase transaction for which no sales tax is calculated)
exhibición de documentos electrónicoseDiscovery (The process by which organizations find, retain, and preserve electronic documents related to a legal action)
existencias de seguridadsafety stock (The planned minimum inventory level)
Expansión de contornoExploding Outline (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
expansión de L. MATBOM explosion (The process of identifying the components, and their quantities, that are required to produce an item)
experiencia de dispositivodevice experience (The combination of device, device driver, device metadata, and Windows Store device app)
experiencia de escritoriodesktop experience (The experience a user has when actively engaged with the computer)
experiencia de usoPC experience The experience a user has when actively engaged with the computer (de su PC)
facturación de progresoprogress billing (A method of requesting payment when work progress objectives or rate targets are reached)
Finanzas de BingBing Finance (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to finance)
forma de envíoshipping method (A method of transportation for goods or services, such as Air, Truck or UPS)
forma de guion gráficostoryboard shape (A shape or graphical object that has been added to a storyboard or to a storyboard shapes file)
forma de onda de audioaudio waveform (A visual representation of an audio signal over time)
forma de pagotender (Something used as a medium of payment)
formato de archivofile format (The structure or organization of data in a file. File format is usually indicated by the file name extension)
formato de caracterescharacter formatting (Formatting you can apply to selected text characters)
formato de datosdata format (The structure or appearance of a unit of data, such as a field, or text in a message body)
formato de exportaciónexport format (UI text for subscriptions and HTML viewer. Corresponds to rendering extensions)
formato de importaciónimport format (The file format for the import of payments)
formato de intercambio de gráficosGraphics Interchange Format (A graphic stored as a file in the GIF format)
formato de origen de datosdata source formatting (A type of conditional formatting that is configured within Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services)
formato de remesa bancariaremittance format (The file format for remittances to a specific bank)
formato intermedio de informesreport intermediate format (Internal representation of a report)
fotograma de vídeovideo frame (One of many sequential images that make up video)
frecuencia de facturaciónbilling frequency (The frequency that a billing cycle will be used to create billing invoices for a customer)
fórmula de precio mediomedian price formula (A formula that calculates the average of the high and low prices)
fórmula de suma condicionalconditional sum formula (A formula that will sum a set of values that meet specified conditions)
fórmula de validaciónvalidation formula (Checks the data in a field as it is entered. It sets limits or conditions on what can be entered)
Galería de acciones de datos empresarialesBusiness Data Actions Gallery (The site collection level gallery of XML metadata files that defines business data actions)
Galería de componentesComponent Gallery (A container for catalogs of software objects such as class libraries, forms, buttons, etc)
Galería de elementosElements Gallery (The ribbon as used in Office for Mac)
Galería de fotosPhoto Gallery (A desktop app that enables users to view, manage, edit, and share photos and videos)
Galería de fotos de WindowsWindows Photo Gallery (A desktop app that enables users to view, manage, edit, and share photos and videos)
Galería de fragmentosSnippet Gallery (A gallery of HTML code snippets for common components that can be customized and added to SharePoint designs)
Galería de gadgets de escritorioDesktop Gadget Gallery (An organizer used to add, uninstall, and search for desktop gadgets)
Galería de imágenesImage Gallery (A repository for storing and managing visual resources, such as images and themes)
Galería de imágenesClip Gallery (A feature that contains a collection of clip art)
Galería de ventanasWindow Gallery (A gallery containing thumbnail views of open application windows)
galería de vistas interactivasinteractive view gallery (A gallery of objects that provides different ways of visualizing data)
Galería de WordArtWordArt Gallery (A dialog box in which the user can choose a WordArt style)
galería Estilos de bordeBorder Styles gallery (A gallery of predefined and recently used formatting styles that the user can apply to borders)
Galería fotográfica de WindowsWindows Photo Gallery (A photo organizer used to view, manage, and edit digital pictures)
Galería fotográfica de Windows LiveWindows Live Photo Gallery (A desktop app that enables users to view, manage, edit, and share photos and videos)
generador de claveskey generator (A hardware or software component that is used to generate encryption key material)
Generador de consultasQuery Builder (The user interface for defining work item queries)
Generador de macrosMacro Builder (The object tab in which you create and modify a macro)
generador de perfilesprofiler (A diagnostic tool for analyzing the run-time behavior of programs)
generador de perfiles del códigocode profiler (A software tool, implemented as a DLL, which is called by the runtime system during the execution of an image)
Generador de topologíasTopology Builder (An installation component of Lync Server used to display, adjust, and validate a planned topology)
granja de servidoresserver farm (A group of servers that are in one location and that are networked together for the purpose of sharing workload)
granja de servidores webWeb farm (A network load balancing cluster of servers that support client Web site requests)
granja de servidores webweb farm (A network load balancing cluster of servers that support client Web site requests)
historial de alertasalert history (A list of the alerts that a Windows Live Messenger customer has received)
historial de aprobaciónapproval history (The log of approved changes made to an object)
historial de auditoríaaudit history (Information maintained about the history of an item, including all reading and editing sessions)
Historial de conversacionesConversation History (The folder in Outlook where instant messages and phone conversations are stored)
historial de ejecuciónrun history (A set of statistics that shows the results of a single run of a management agent)
historial de flujo de trabajoworkflow history (A view of the workflow tracking data generated by the workflow runtime)
historial de informesreport history (A collection of previously run copies of a report)
historial de instalacióninstallation history (A chronological list of activities associated with license management)
historial de llamadascall history (A record of the date, time, caller, subject, and so forth, of a call or IM)
historial de mensajesmessage history (A list of messages that you have sent or received)
historial de resoluciónresolution history (A feature that automatically tracks changes to alert fields)
historial de trabajosjob history (Log that keeps a historical record of jobs)
inicializador de variablevariable initializer (An assignment statement that is executed when the variable's class is initialized)
integración de datosdata integration (The process of cleaning and moving data from one system to another system)
integridad de entidadentity integrity (A state in which every row of every table can be uniquely identified)
inteligencia de tiempotime intelligence (Functionality that is used to show dynamic time periods relative to the current date)
intensidad de colorchroma (The quality of a color that combines hue and saturation)
Juegos de BingBing Games (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to online games)
KPI de objetivoobjective KPI (A KPI that derives its target value and score from a rollup of its child KPIs)
latencia de alertaalert latency (The delay between when an alert is raised and when an alert is displayed on the MOM console)
letra de cambio impagadaprotested bill of exchange (A drawn bill of exchange that a customer has refused to pay)
llamada de audioaudio call (A call for transmitting audio data, including but not limited to speech)
llamada de conferenciaconference call (A telephone conversation between three or more people)
llamada de derivaciónbypass call (A call that bypasses the Mediation Server)
llamada de emergenciaemergency call (A call made to an emergency number)
Llamada de equipoTeam Call (The feature that forwards a call from a team leader to an entire team according to a hunt group algorithm)
llamada de faxfax call (An attempt to send a fax to a computer (or to an external fax modem) via an analog phone line)
llamada de larga distancialong distance call (A call made outside a customer's immediate geographic/service area that may carry additional toll charges)
Llamada de teléfonophone call (An activity to track a telephone call)
Llamadas de WindowsWindows Call (An app for making video calls)
marketplace de aplicacionesApps Marketplace (The service on the phone where you can purchase and download apps)
medidor de flujo máximopeak flow meter (A portable instrument that measures the flow of air during a forced expiration)
menú de elementos utilizados recientementeMRU Menu (A menu that contains the most recently used items, such as documents, files or fonts)
miembro de clúster activoactive cluster member (A node that is running and participating in cluster operations)
miembro de dimensión de flujoFlow dimension member (Any of the different members of the Flow dimension)
miembro de entradainput member (A member whose value is loaded directly from the data source instead of being calculated from other data)
miembro de grupogroup member (A contact within a group in the Contacts list)
miembro de grupo calculadocomputed group member (A member of a group whose membership is dynamically calculated by a defined filter)
miembro de grupo de protecciónprotection group member (A data source within a protection group)
miembro de otro bosquecross-forest member (A member of a security group whose user account is in a different forest from the group account)
mosaico de estacionesseason tile (A tile type in Shanghai Solitaire. There are four season tiles, each representing a season)
método abreviado de clasificaciónrating shortcut (A keyboard shortcut or a remote control that you can use to rate media files such as TV shows or songs)
método de acumulación de costescost accumulation method (The method used to classify and allocate transformation costs)
método de amortización Consumoconsumption depreciation method (A method of depreciation based on the usage of the asset)
método de asignación de ponderación fijafixed weight allocation method (A method for calculating allocations by using weighted values)
método de asignación de porcentaje fijofixed percentage allocation method (A method for calculating allocations based on a specified percentage)
Método de cálculo de preciosPricing Method (A label on a drop-down list on the Price List Item form in which you select how the pricing will be done)
método de deteccióndiscovery method (A procedure that detects and acquires information about resources on the network)
método de pagopayment method (The mechanism by which payment is provided. Includes cash, check, credit card, wire transfer, etc)
Método de sensorSensing (The sensing component in the camera that was used to capture the image)
Método de sensorSensing Method (The sensing component in the camera that was used to capture the image)
método de solicitudrequest method (A method that uses GET or POST)
método de valoración de inventarios de primeras entradasfirst in
métrica de pruebastest metric (A unit of measure for testing)
Música de BingBing Music (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to music)
nombre de alertaalert name (The name of a MOM alert)
nombre de aplicaciónapp name (The name of a product in the store that appears to customers. To the end user, this is the name of the product)
nombre de aplicaciónapplication name (The unique and friendly name that refers to an application)
nombre de buzónmailbox name (The name or label (in a UI) of a specific user mailbox)
Nombre de contenedorContainer Name (In mail forwarding, the name of the object that bundles e-mail accounts for forwarding)
Nombre de direcciónAddress Name (An attribute of the Address entity used to identify an address. It is a required field on the Address form)
nombre de dispositivodevice name (A user-defined description of a particular device)
nombre de equipocomputer name (A unique name with as many as 15 characters that identifies a computer to the network)
nombre de hosthost name (The DNS name of a device on a network, used to locate computers on the network)
nombre de inicio de sesiónsign-in name (The ID that the user enters to sign in to Lync or Communicator)
nombre de origen de datosdata source name (The collection of information used to connect an application to a particular ODBC database)
nombre de origen de datos del sistemaSystem Data Source Name (A data source name that can be used by any process on the computer)
nombre de pilafirst name (The given name for an individual)
nota de agradecimientothank you note (A note or email message sent to a person to thank them for something received, or for a meeting)
nota de crédito de clientecustomer credit memo (A document that states an amount a company owes a customer for a return or refund)
nota de crédito de proveedorvendor credit memo (A document that states an amount a vendor owes your company for a return or refund)
nota de entregadelivery note (A business document that documents the delivery of products between two parties)
nota de salidaissue slip (A report that is generated by a bailor when items are shipped to a bailee for storage purposes)
nota de vozvoice note (A note that contains recorded information)
Noticias de BingBing News (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to news)
NSF, falta de fondosNSF (The lack of enough funds in an account to cover a payment or withdrawal)
Opciones de sincronización de dispositivosDevice Sync options (A dialog for synchronizing photos to a device)
opción de autenticaciónauthentication option (One of multiple authentication mechanisms or settings that a user can set)
opción Directivas de contraseñaPassword Policy option (The option on the Organizations page that sets parameters for passwords)
operación de invocacióninvoke operation (A domain operation that is executed without tracking or deferred execution)
operación de posterizaciónposterizing operation (A lookup table operation that reduces the number of colors used in an image)
operación de rutaroute operation (A step in the process of manufacturing an item)
operador de decrementodecrement operator (An operator that subtracts 1 from its operand depending on the position of the operator)
operador de incrementoincrement operator (An operator that increases an integer typically by 1)
optimizador de consultasquery optimizer (A database engine component responsible for generating efficient execution plans for statements)
Optimizador de texto ClearTypeClearType Text Tuner (A program that helps make the text on your screen easier to read for long periods of time)
pago de clientecustomer payment (Funds received from a customer to be applied to one or more invoices)
pago de nóminaspay run (A periodic processing of the payroll)
paquete de aplicacionesapp bundle (A collection of app packages and shared app package resources for a single app)
paquete de artículositem package (Several different items and quantities ordered from a supplier as one lot)
paquete de controladoresdriver package (A collection of files that comprise a driver)
paquete de idioma únicosingle language pack (A set of language resources that supports the deployment of a software program in a particular language)
paquete de implementacióndeployment package (A set of files that can be delivered as a unit to a client computer or device for installation)
paquete de integraciónintegration pack (A collection of custom activities that is specific to a product or a technology)
paquete de mantenimientohealth packet (A data structure containing health information about pseudo and physical logical unit numbers (LUNs))
paquete de petición de entrada/salidaI/O request packet (Data structures that drivers use to communicate with each other)
paquete de sincronización de horaTime Synchronization Packet (A packet that instructs the Lower Provisioning Module (LPM) what time it is (in UTC format))
par de claveskey pair (A private key and its related public key)
parte de datos externosexternal data part (A set of controls that interact with external data through BCS)
parámetro de fecha de finalizaciónend date parameter (A parameter to set an end date)
parámetro de modificadorswitch parameter (A parameter that does not take an argument)
parámetro de salidaoutput parameter (A parameter containing data that the server application is transmitting to the client application)
permiso de lectura y escrituraread/write permission (The permission for a user to access a file, device, etc)
permiso de objetoobject permission (A permitted create, read, update, delete, or execute operation on a securable object)
permisos de carpeta compartidashared folder permissions (Permissions that dictate which users can access a shared folder on a network)
Personalización avanzada de permisosFine-Grained Permissions (A security feature that allows for greater granularity and customization of user permissions)
personalización de marca conjuntaco-branding (The process of customizing the look and feel of a product to support marketing or promotion of another company)
período de antigüedadaging period (A period within which you analyze the payment balance of a customer's account)
período de consultaquery window (A reserved time for performing large, resource-intensive queries for a computer, server farm, or server cluster)
período de descuentodiscount period (The time period within which a customer can discount their payment obligation)
período de gracia de bloqueolock grace period (The time period (in seconds) within which users can reestablish file locks after the server restarts)
período de recuperaciónrecovery period (The time period used for depreciating business assets)
período de validezvalidity period (The amount of time a defined credential is deemed to be trusted)
período de vencimientoaging period (The number of days in a time period used to report an overdue customer payment balance)
período de ventasselling period (The period of time between an item or right receipt date and its expiration date)
pincel de color sólidosolid color brush (A brush composed of a single color)
pincel de imagenimage brush (A tile brush that paints an area with an image source, such as a bitmap image)
pincelada, trazo de pincelbrush stroke (A line style resembling natural media paint strokes or photorealistic images that you can apply to an object)
placa de sistemasystem board (The primary circuit board in a computer that contains most of the basic components of the system)
Portal de administraciónManagement Portal (The secure Web portal for managing Windows Azure hosted applications and services)
Portal de sincronización de AzureAzure Sync Portal (The web UI that you use to interact with the Azure Sync Service)
presentación de negociosbusiness presentation (A presentation created for business purposes)
presentación de Smooth StreamingSmooth Streaming presentation (The collection of files that enable smooth streaming)
presión de memoriamemory pressure (The demand placed on the memory subsystem by an application)
producto de fórmulaformula item (An output of a batch process controlled by a formula)
producto de servicioservice item (An item that is subject to maintenance work managed in a service order)
producto de trabajowork product (A discrete deliverable or artifact, such as a document, spreadsheet, changeset, and so forth)
propiedad de dispositivodevice property (The configuration setting of a device, such as name, vendor, location, and source)
propiedad de facetafacet property (A predefined property that applies to a specific facet in Policy-Based Management)
propiedad de identidadidentity property (A property that generates values that uniquely identify each row in a table)
propiedad de navegaciónnavigation property (A property of entity types that uses an association to reference related entities)
propósito de implementacióndeployment purpose (An application state that is associated with the deployment of software, such as Available or Required)
protocolo de entregadelivery protocol (The set of communication rules used to route notification messages to external delivery systems)
protocolo de interfaz aéreaair interface protocol (A protocol that defines the mechanism for communication between an antenna and an RFID tag)
protocolo de servidor a servidorserver-to-server protocol (An authentication protocol between two servers or services)
protocolo de servidor webWeb Server protocol (A language or protocol used by all Web servers to communicate with Web browsers)
Protocolo de transferencia de hipertextoHypertext Transfer Protocol (The Internet protocol used to deliver information over the World Wide Web)
protocolo seguro de transferencia de hipertextoSecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol A protocol that provides a secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connection (HTTPS)
proyecto de BizTalkBizTalk project (A type of Visual Studio project used to create applications that run on BizTalk Server)
proyecto de contrataciónrecruitment project (A project to coordinate and track a program of recruiting activities and documentation)
proyecto de costecost project (An internal project for which costs of hours, expenses, and items can be registered, but not capitalized)
proyecto de precio fijofixed-price project (A type of project in which the customer pays a predetermined amount for the entire project)
proyecto de pruebatest project (A project created specifically to hold test types)
proyecto de tiempotime project (An internal project for which only hour transactions are registered)
proyecto de Windows AzureWindows Azure project (In Visual Studio, the solution being developed)
recibo de cobrocash receipt (A source document that documents the receipt of cash or cash equivalents)
recibo de efectivocash receipt (A source document that documents the receipt of cash or cash equivalents)
recibo de pagopay slip (The documentation given to the employee every payday that shows each pay item and the calculations for the payment)
recibo de pagopay stub (The documentation given to the employee every payday that shows each pay item and the calculations for the payment)
referencia de almacén, unidad de almacenamientostockkeeping unit (An inventory dimension)
referencia de base de datosdatabase reference (A path, expression or filename that resolves to a database)
referencia de tablatable reference (A name, expression or string that resolves to a table)
regla de alertasalert rule (A specification of the set of conditions that, when met, will trigger a notification)
regla de aplicabilidadapplicability rule (A rule used by an update agent to determine whether the update is needed by a given computer)
regla de asignaciónallocation rule (A rule for the source, destination, and calculation of allocation amounts)
regla de compilaciónbuild rule (A set of guidelines that determine how a Visual Studio project is built)
regla de crónica de eventosevent chronicle rule (One or more Transact-SQL statements that manage the data in the event chronicle)
regla de derivaciónderivation rule (A rule to determine a classifier for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
regla de eventos de suscripciónsubscription event rule (A rule that processes information for event-driven subscriptions)
regla de filtro de estadostatus filter rule (A filtering rule that controls how status messages are reported and viewed)
regla de inferenciainference rule (The command that runs if the dependency is not current)
regla de mediciónmeasuring rule (A performance rule for collecting a numeric value from Windows NT performance counters)
regla de negociobusiness rule (A prescribed action that performs one or multiple operations on the multidimensional data in a model)
regla de pertenenciamembership rule (The criteria by which Configuration Manager evaluates whether a resource belongs to a particular collection)
regla de ruta de acceso a sitiosite path rule (A rule for a specific part of a site that includes or excludes content from the content index)
regla de umbralthreshold rule (A rule that is set on an individual performance counter to monitor system resource usage during a load test)
regla de validaciónvalidation rule (A property that defines valid input values for a field or record in a table, or a control on a form)
regla programada de suscripciónsubscription scheduled rule (One or more Transact-SQL statements that process information for scheduled subscriptions)
reglas de administración de llamadascall-handling rules (A set of features used for call answering and forwarding)
reglas de negociosbusiness rules (The logical rules that are used to run a business)
reglas de procesamiento de rendimientoperformance processing rules (Rules that govern process performance or capacity type counters)
reorganización dinámica de relación jerárquicare-parenting (The process of dynamically rearranging a hierarchy of SharePoint sites, typically used during a migration)
reorganización dinámica de relación jerárquicareparenting (The process of dynamically rearranging a hierarchy of SharePoint sites, typically used during a migration)
repositorio de solucionessolution repository (A deployment-wide container of solutions that can be deployed in multiple organizations)
seguridad de SIMSIM security (A toggle switch that you tap to enter a SIM PIN)
Seguridad de SIMSIM security (A toggle switch that you tap to enter a SIM PIN)
seguridad integrada de Windows NTWindows NT Integrated Security (A security mode that leverages the Windows NT authentication process)
solicitud de actualizaciónupdate request (A request to change the attributes of an object)
solicitud de aprobaciónapproval request (A request that is sent to an approver in the ILM Service as part of the processing of an approval activity)
solicitud de comprapurchase request (An economic event that generates requirements for products)
solicitud de ecoecho request (Simple troubleshooting message used to check IP connectivity to a desired host)
solicitud de emparejamientopairing request (A requisition to connect a phone and an accessory)
solicitud de servicioservice request (A request from a customer for a service)
solucionador de agotamiento de recursosresource exhaustion resolver (A tool in Windows that resolves problems with low resources)
Solucionador de agotamiento de recursos de Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver (A tool in Windows that resolves problems with low resources)
solucionador de conflictosconflict resolver (A special mechanism which handles resolving of conflict situations)
solucionador de problemastroubleshooter (An automated tool that helps find and fix specific problems on your computer)
Solucionador de problemas de compatibilidad de programasProgram Compatibility troubleshooter (An easy-to-use troubleshooter that helps find and fix program compatibility issues)
Solucionador de problemas de rendimientoPerformance troubleshooter (A troubleshooter that helps optimize performance settings in Windows)
Streaming de RemoteFXRemoteFX Media Streaming (A feature that enables communication of media objects through a streaming process using RemoteFX)
sufijo de nombre públicopublic name suffix (A suffix appended to the name of a published site. It is used in multiple web site publishing)
suministro de noticiasnewsfeed (A feed that provides information, notifications and updates based on people, documents, and tags you are following)
tecla de accesoaccess key (Any combination of keys that must be pressed sequentially)
tecla de alternanciatoggle key (A keyboard key that alternates between turning a particular operation, function, or mode on or off)
tecla de método abreviadoshortcut key (Any combination of keys that must be pressed simultaneously)
tecla rápida de correoe-mail quick key (A key that you use in some e-mail programs to enter text that is commonly used)
teclado de cuadrantes blancosWhite thumbpads (A DialKeys style that shows white keys appearing in two semicircles in the corners of the screen)
teclado de cuadrantes negrosBlack thumbpads (A DialKeys style that shows black keys appearing in two semicircles in the corners of the screen)
tecnología de asistenciaassistive technology (Technology that provides enhancements to other technology so that people with disabilities can use it)
tecnología de configuración de variantesvariant configuration technology (A method of modeling product masters and searching for product variant configurations)
Tecnologías de activación de WindowsWindows Activation Technologies (A set of antipiracy features for activation and validation in Windows Vista and Windows 7)
telefonía de textotext telephony (A feature that enables those who are deaf or speech impaired to use the telephone with a teletypewriter)
tolerancia de pérdida de datosdata loss tolerance (The maximum amount of data loss, measured in time, that is acceptable to business requirements)
tono de atenciónprompt tone (A sound that becomes audible to the user to trigger an action by the user)
tono de marcadodial tone (A sound emitted by the receiver of a telephone that indicates that a number can be dialed)
umbral de aprobaciónapproval threshold (The number of positive approval response messages needed to permit a request to continue processing)
umbral de métrica de pruebastest metric threshold (A goal for the project, measured using a test metric)
unidad de almacenamientostockkeeping unit (An inventory dimension)
unidad de asignaciónallocation unit (The smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to hold a file)
unidad de cintatape drive (A device that can read or write data to tape. A library contains one or more tape drives)
unidad de comprapurchase unit (A unit of measure for expressing quantities of purchased product)
unidad de detallesdetail unit (A reporting unit that draws information directly from the general ledger)
unidad de discodisk drive (A hardware device that reads data from and writes data to floppy disks)
unidad de discofloppy disk drive (A hardware device that reads data from and writes data to floppy disks)
unidad de disco durohard disk drive (A hardware device, or a logical partition of it, that reads data from and writes data to hard disks)
unidad de disquetefloppy disk drive (A hardware device that reads data from and writes data to floppy disks)
unidad de divisacurrency unit (A discrete division of currency value)
unidad de divisa basebase currency unit (The computed currency unit in an exchange rate calculation)
unidad de divisa de transaccióntransaction currency unit (A currency unit that a party accepts for payment)
unidad de DVDDVD drive (A disk storage device that uses digital video disc (DVD) technology)
unidad de medidaunit of measure (A division of quantity established in calibrated or normative systems of measurement)
unidad de medidameasurement unit (The size or distance in the real world)
unidad de medida de EE.UU.U.S. unit (A unit used in the United States' measurement system, such as inches, feet, yards, and miles)
unidad de medida de EE.UU.US unit (A unit used in the United States' measurement system, such as inches, feet, yards, and miles)
unidad de negociobusiness unit (A semi-autonomous operating unit that is created to meet strategic business objectives)
unidad de precioprice unit (The quantity of items for which a price is set)
unidad de procesamiento gráficographics processing unit (A processor on a graphics card that is used as a video encoding accelerator)
unidad de páginapage unit (The size or distance on the printed page)
unidad de sistemasystem drive (The drive letter of the mass-storage device (usually a hard disk) where Windows is installed)
unidad de ventasales unit (A team of salespersons responsible for a common sales target)
unidad de ventassales unit (A unit of measure for expressing quantities of sales product)
unidades de asignaciónassignment units (The percentage of a work resource's time, or units, that the resource is assigned to a task)
árbol de decisióndecision tree (A treelike model of data produced by certain data mining methods. Decision trees can be used for prediction)
árbol de etiquetastag tree (The hierarchical HTML tag structure of an opened HTML document that appears in a task pane window)
árbol de la expresiónexpression tree (A tree-form data representation of the structure of language-level code expressions)
árbol de HuffmanHuffman tree (A binary tree that minimizes the product of a leaf's weight and its distance from the root, for all leaves)
Árbol de inspector de etiquetasTag Inspector Tree (An item on the View menu that refers to the hierarchical HTML tag structure of an opened HTML document)
árbol de jerarquíahierarchy tree (A structure in which elements are related to each other hierarchically)
árbol de llamadascall tree (All modules that might be called by any procedure in the module in which code is currently running)
árbol de objetos de aplicaciónApplication Object Tree A navigable view of the element objects in an application model (AOT)
árbol de regresiónregression tree (A diagram that depicts a decision tree mining model that has been created to analyze continuous numeric data)
árbol de solicitudesrequest tree (The tree of nodes that contains HTTP requests)
árbol de temassubject tree (The hierarchical list of categories used to correlate and organize information)
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