
Terms containing cuarto trasero | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
agric.cuarto traserohind quarters
agric., health., anim.husb.cuarto traseroleg and chumps
auto.cuarto traserobackroom
anim.husb.cuarto traserohind quarter
gen.cuarto traserohindquarter
agric.cuarto trasero de pollochicken leg with a portion of the back attached to it
med.cuarto trasero de pollochicken leg with a portion of the back
agric., food.ind.cuarto trasero separadoseparated hindquarter
agric., construct.cuarto trasero separadoseparated hindquarters
agric., food.ind.cuarto trasero sin deshuesarbone-in hindquarter
agric., food.ind.cuarto trasero unidounseparated hindquarter
agric.cuarto trasero unidounseparated hindquarters
med.cuartos traseros unidosunseparated leg quarters
agric.cuartos traseros y delanteros de bovinos pesadosforequarters and hindquarters of adult cattle
agric.esquileo del cuarto traserohind-quarter clipping
tech., industr., construct.lana de los cuartos traseroscrutchings wool
agric.tres cuartos traserosthree quarters side
agric.tres cuartos traseros3/4 side