
Terms for subject Environment containing costero | all forms
agua costeracoastal water
aguas costerascoastal water
aguas costerascoastal band
apiñamiento costerocoastal squeeze
brezales costeros secosdry coastal heath
brezo costerocoastal heath
Conferencia europea de conservación costeraEuropean Coastal Conservation Conference
desarrollo de zonas costerascoastal development
desarrollo de zonas costerascoastal development Concentration of human settlements, infrastructures and economical activities along the coasts, being these areas very favourable for trade, communication and marine resources exploitation; the impact of the accelerated population growth and of the industrial and touristic development in these areas has caused the disruption of the ecological integrity of the coastal zones
ecosistema bentónico costerobenthic coastal ecosystem
ecosistema costerocoastal ecosystem
ecosistemas costeroscoastal ecosystem
ecosistemas costeroscoastal ecosystem Marine environments bounded by the coastal land margin (seashore) and the continental shelf 100-200 m below sea level. Ecologically, the coastal and nearshore zones grade from shallow water depths, influenced by the adjacent landmass and input from coastal rivers and estuaries, to the continental shelf break, where oceanic processes predominate. Among the unique marine ecosystems associated with coastal and nearshore waterbodies are seaweed-dominated communities, coral reefs and upwellings
ecosociologia costeracoastal ecosociology
erosión costeracoastal erosion
erosión costeracoastal erosion The gradual wearing away of material from a coast by the action of sea water
eutrofización de zonas costeraseutrophication of coastal seas
fauna de los fondos costerosbottom-living animal
franja costeracoastal waters
franja costeracoastal band
gestión costeracoastal management
gestión costeracoastal management Measures by way of planning, prior approval of works, prohibition of some activities, physical structures, and restoration efforts to protect the coastline against the ravages of nature and haphazard and unplanned developments
guardia costeracoastguard
ordenación de zonas costerascoastal zone planning
Proyecto de vigilancia costera europeaCoastwatch Europe project
saneamiento de ciudades costerassanitation of coastal towns
Subcomité sobre Océanos y Zonas CosterasSubcommittee on Oceans and Coastal Areas
zona turística costeratourist area in the coastal strip
zonas costerascoastal area
zonas costerascoastal area The areas of land and sea bordering the shoreline and extending seaward through the breaker zone