
Terms containing copia | all forms | exact matches only
IT, dat.proc.ajuste de escala de copiacopy scaling
IT, dat.proc.ajuste de escala de copiacopy fitting
industr.anotación de la copiamarking up copy
cultur.aparato fotográfico para copiar documentoscamera used for copying documents
comp., MSArchivo como copia impresaFile as Printout (A command that will use a print driver installed by OneNote to create an image of a wide variety of filetypes. Files are printed to the print driver and inserted as images into OneNote)
comp., MSarchivo de copia de seguridadbackup file (A duplicate of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding files)
med.cebo para la síntesis de copias ulteriores de ácidos nucleicosprimer for synthesis of further copies of nucleic acid
cultur.chasis prensa para tirar copias por contactoprinting frame for contact printing
commun., ITcinta de copia de seguridad de modificaciones de un programaprogram modification backup tape
comp., MSclúster de copia únicasingle copy cluster (A clustered Exchange deployment that uses shared storage and can have multiple active and passive servers (referred to as nodes) dedicated to a clustered mailbox server)
med.colonos copiacolonoscopy
comp., MSconjunto de copia de seguridadbackup set (A collection of files, folders, and other data that have been backed up and stored in a file or on one or more tapes)
comp., MSconjunto de copiascopy set (A duplicate of the media master that Remote Storage copies to a different tape or disk. Copy sets are typically used for backup purposes)
gen.copia a máquinamanuscript
gen.copia a máquinatypescript (A copy of a work in typewritten form, as distinguished from one in printed or handwritten form)
gen.copia al amoniacoblueprint
patents.copia al carbóncarbon-copy
patents.copia al carbóncopy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia autenticadacertified copy
polit., lawcopia autenticadaauthentic copy
polit., lawcopia autenticadaauthenticated copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia autenticadacertified true copy
gen.copia autenticadaattested copy
gen.copia autenticadacertified photocopy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia auténticacertified copy
cultur.copia auténticaauthentic copy
polit., lawcopia auténticaauthenticated copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia auténticacertified true copy
life.sc.copia azulguide copy
life.sc.copia azulblue copy
life.sc.copia azuldrawing key
commun., ITcopia carbóncarbon copy
comp., MScopia carbóncarbon copy (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients)
commun.copia carbón carpetafolder carbon copy
commun., ITcopia carbón ciegablind carbon copy
comp., MScopia carbón ocultablind courtesy copy (A feature of e-mail programs that allows a user to send a copy of an e-mail message to a recipient without notifying other recipients that this was done)
comp., MScopia carbón ocultablind carbon copy (A feature of e-mail programs that allows a user to send a copy of an e-mail message to a recipient without notifying other recipients that this was done)
industr., construct.copia cartasletter book
industr., construct.copia cartascopy letter-book
law copia certificadacertified copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia certificadacertified copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia certificadacertified true copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia certificada conformecertified copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia certificada conformecertified true copy
lawcopia certificada oficialmenteexemplification
commun., ITcopia ciegablind carbon copy
inet.copia ciegaBcc:
commun.copia ciega de cortesíablind carbon copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia compulsadacertified copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia compulsadacertified true copy
comp., MScopia/con copiacarbon copy (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients)
real.est.copia conformadaconformed copy
fin.copia conforme al originalconformed copy
polygr.copia continuacontinuous printer
el.copia CRAMCRAM copy
el.copia CRAMconnection random access memory copy
gen.copia dactilografiadatypewritten copy
cultur.copia de antenarelease print
cultur.copia de antenaair print
ITcopia de archivoduplicated file
IT, dat.proc.copia de archivoarchive copy
IT, dat.proc.copia de archivoarchive
ITcopia de archivosfile copy
comp., MScopia de archivosfile copy (The first of the three stages of Setup, where the Windows program files and any additional files specified are copied to the computer's hard disk)
mun.plan., commun.copia de cintatape dub
gen.copia de confirmaciónconfirmation copy
patents.copia de conformidad certificadacopy certified as correct
rem.sens.copia de contactocontact size
cultur., commun.copia de contactocontact copy
rem.sens.copia de contactocontact print
commun., ITcopia de cortesíacourtesy copy
comp., MScopia de cortesíacourtesy copy (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients)
commun., ITcopia de datostempest
commun., ITcopia de datosdata leakage
commun., ITcopia de datosleakage of information
commun., ITcopia de distribucióndistribution Copy
patents.copia de documentoscopying of documents
IT, dat.proc.copia de DOS/OS2/UNIXcopy from DOS/OS2/UNIX
comp., MScopia de envío de falso positivofalse-positive submission copy (" The capability for users to enter a specific e-mail address to receive a copy of every message submitted as a "false positive," a message that is identified as spam when it is not. ")
lawcopia de examenexamination copy
ITcopia de ficheroduplicated file
ITcopia de ficherosfile copy
fin.copia de la autorización del régimen de perfeccionamiento pasivocopy of the outward processing authorization
lawcopia de la cédulacopy of an instrument
fin.copia de la declaración de impuestostax transcript
el.copia de la memoria de acceso aleatorio de conexionesconnection random access memory copy
el.copia de la memoria de acceso aleatorio de conexionesCRAM copy
commun., ITcopia de línealine copy
comp.copia de normalcopy of normal
dat.proc.copia de pantallascreen print
dat.proc.copia de pantallascreen copy
cultur., commun.copia de pruebaconvenience copy
life.sc.copia de referenciaguide copy
life.sc.copia de referenciablue copy
life.sc.copia de referenciadrawing key
ITcopia de reservabackup copy
IT, dat.proc.copia de reservabackup
ITcopia de respaldoback up
ITcopia de respaldobackup copy
ITcopia de respaldosafeguard copy
inet.copia de respaldobackup
ITcopia de respaldosecurity copy
ITcopia de respaldoback up copy
inet.copia de seguridadbackup
gen.copia de seguridadback-up
IT, el.copia de seguridadbackup copy
ITcopia de seguridadback up
ITcopia de seguridadsafeguard copy
ITcopia de seguridadsecurity copy
ITcopia de seguridadback up copy
ITcopia de seguridadcopy backup
comp., MScopia de seguridadbackup copy (A duplicate of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding files)
comp., MS, mexic.copia de seguridadbackup (A duplicate of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding files)
comp., MScopia de seguridad a nivel de bloqueblock level backup (A type of backup operation that can be performed on a file system. The backup and restore operations can either be full, incremental or differential, and a physical (block-level) restore is performed at the volume level)
comp., MScopia de seguridad completafull backup (A backup of an entire database)
comp., MScopia de seguridad completa rápidaexpress full backup (A synchronization operation in which the protection agent transfers a snapshot of all blocks that have changed since the previous express full backup (or initial replica creation, for the first express full backup))
comp., MSCopia de seguridad Complete PCComplete PC Backup (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the entire computer (OS, settings, and files))
comp., MScopia de seguridad de archivosfile backup (A backup of all the data in one or more files or filegroups)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de archivos diferencialfile differential backup (A backup of one or more files containing only changes made to each file since its most recent file backup. A file differential backup requires a full file backup as a base)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de basebase backup (A data backup of a database or files upon which a differential backup is fully or partially based. The base backup is the most recent full or file backup of the database or files)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de copiacopy backup (A backup that copies all selected files but does not mark each file as having been backed up (in other words, the archive attribute is not cleared). Copying is useful if you want to back up files between normal and incremental backups because copying does not affect these other backup operations)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de datosdata backup (Any backup that includes the full image of one or more data files)
comp., MSCopia de seguridad de imágenes del sistema de WindowsWindows System Image Backup (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the system image)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de reconstrucción completabare-metal backup (A backup that includes all critical volumes so that the recovered system is bootable. It can optionally include all the data volumes so that, if a recovery is performed to a new hard disk, the data volumes also get restored. You can rebuild a machine from scratch and it works on alternate hardware too)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de registroslog backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de registros de operaciones masivasbulk log backup (A backup that includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. Point-in-time recovery is not allowed)
comp., MScopia de seguridad de registros sin operaciones masivaspure log backup (A backup containing only the transaction log covering an interval without any bulk changes)
comp., MScopia de seguridad diariadaily backup (A backup that copies all selected files that have been modified the day the daily backup is performed. The backed-up files are not marked as having been backed up (in other words, the archive attribute is not cleared))
ITcopia de seguridad diferencialdifferential backup
comp., MScopia de seguridad diferencialdifferential backup (A backup containing only changes made to the database since the preceding data backup on which the differential backup is based)
comp., MScopia de seguridad diferencial completafull differential backup (A backup of all files in the database, containing only changes made to the database since the most recent full backup. A full differential backup requires a full backup as a base)
comp., MScopia de seguridad diferencial multibasemultibase differential (A differential backup that includes files that were last backed up in distinct base backups)
comp., MScopia de seguridad diferencial parcialpartial differential backup (A partial backup that is differential relative to a single, previous partial backup (the base backup). For a read-only database, a partial differential backup contains only the primary filegroup)
gen.copia de seguridad en cintatape backup
comp., MScopia de seguridad incrementalincremental backup (A backup that copies only those files created or changed since the last normal or incremental backup. It marks files as having been backed up (in other words, the archive attribute is cleared). If you use a combination of normal and incremental backups to restore your data, you will need to have the last normal backup and all incremental backup sets)
comp., MScopia de seguridad parcialpartial backup (A backup of all the data in the primary filegroup, every read-write filegroup, and any optionally specified files. A partial backup of a read-only database contains only the primary filegroup)
psychol.copia de textoscopying a text
commun., ITcopia de tono no reticuladocontinuous tone copy
comp., MScopia de trabajoworking copy (The copy of a file that is currently being modified)
cinemacopia de trabajowork print
cinemacopia de trabajoworkprint
cinemacopia de trabajorushes
patents.copia de un documentocopy of a document
ITCopia de UNIX a UNIXUnix to Unix Copy
inet.Copia de UNIX a UNIXUNIX-to-UNIX CoPy
inet.copia de visitascache
tech.copia del empacadorpacker's copy
lawcopia del expedientefile copy
ed.copia del expediente académicotranscript
comp., MScopia del final del registrotail-log backup (A log backup taken from a possibly damaged database to capture the log that has not yet been backed up. A tail-log backup is taken after a failure in order to prevent work loss)
comp., MScopia del servidorserver copy (A copy of a file that has been saved to a server)
cultur., commun.copia diazoicadiazo copying
cultur., commun.copia diazoicadiazo process
cultur., commun.copia diazoicadyeline
cultur., commun.copia diazoicadiazo-copy
IT, dat.proc.copia diferidadiffered copy
cultur., commun.copia directadirect copy
comp., MScopia en escrituracopy on write (Page protection that allows multiple applications to map their virtual address spaces to share the same physical pages until an application needs to modify the page and have its own instance copy, which allows the virtual memory manager to save memory and execution time)
work.fl.copia en limpioclean copy
patents.copia en limpiofair copy
gen.copia en papelprint (In photography a picture produced from a photographic negative)
gen.copia en papelhard copy (Information from a non-print source, such as a microform or digitized data, printed on paper)
work.fl.copia en papel carbóncarbon copy
comp., MScopia en profundidaddeep copy (A copy of the contents of a data structure, including all its substructures)
life.sc.copia en varios coloresmulti-colour copy
IT, dat.proc.copia entre documentoscopy between documents
IT, dat.proc.copia entre ventanascopy between windows
genet.copia erróneamiscopying
cinemacopia estándarrelease print
gen.copia facsimilarfigured copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia fehacientecertified true copy
law, interntl.trade., patents.copia fehacientecertified copy
lawcopia fieltrue copy
fin.copia firmada de la carta de ofertacopy of signed offer letter
life.sc.copia fotográficaphotographic print
ITcopia fotográficaphotographic copying
gen.copia fotográficaphotographic copy
law, life.sc.copia fotográfica del plano catastralphotographic tracing of cadastral plan
commun., ITcopia fotostáticaphotostat copy
el.copia galvánicashell
commun.copia heliográficacyanotype copy
commun.copia heliográficablue print
tech.copia heliográfica de planosblueprint
IT, dat.proc.copia históricahistorical copy
ITcopia hoja por hojasheet copying
ITcopia hoja por hojasingle sheet "convenience copying"
comp., MScopia impresahard copy (Printed output on paper, film, or other permanent medium)
IT, tech.copia impresahard copy
tech.copia impresahard copy output (de datos contenidos en discos)
patents.copia impresa de las piezas de la solicitud distribuida al públicopublicly distributed printed copy of the application papers
cultur., commun.copia intermediaintermediate copy
cultur., commun.copia intermediaintermediate
cultur., commun.copia intermediaintermediate master
comp., MScopia intermediastage (To copy the directories and files to be installed to a destination computer without configuring registry settings)
commun.copia invisible de cortesíablind carbon copy
commun.copia "lavanda"lavender copy
immigr., tech.copia lista para cámaracamera-ready copy
work.fl.copia lista para la cámaracamera-ready copy
comp., MScopia locallocal copy (A copy of a file stored in a user's working folder on the local computer. The local copy differs from the master copy if the local copy is changed since the last checkout, or if the master copy is changed by another user while the local copy is checked out)
gen.copia maestramaster copy (An original document, recording, film, etc., from which copies can be made)
comp., MScopia maestramaster copy (The most recently checked-in version of a file or project stored in a Visual SourceSafe database)
gen.copia manuscritamanuscript copy
comp., MScopia masivabulk copy (An action of copying a large set of data)
cinemacopia matrizreference tape
commun.copia matrizmaster copy
cinemacopia matrizmaster print
life.sc.copia multicolormulti-colour copy
IT, dat.proc.copia múltipleone-to-n copy
IT, dat.proc.copia múltipleone-to-many copy
life.sc.copia negativanegative copy
patents.copia no certificadauncertified copy
ITcopia ocultablind copy
commun.copia ocultablind carbon copy
inet.copia ocultaBcc:
lawcopia oficialmente certificadaexemplified copy
commun.copia opacaopaque copy
cinemacopia originalreference tape
cinemacopia originalmaster print
cinemacopia originalmaster copy
ITcopia para radiodifusiónbroadcast copy
IT, dat.proc.copia parcialpartial copy
commun., ITcopia por contactoprint film
ITcopia por contactocontact print
IT, dat.proc.copia por lotesbatch copy
cultur., commun.copia por reflexiónreflex print
cultur., commun.copia por reflexiónreflex copy
cultur., commun.copia por transferenciadiffusion transfer process
cultur., commun.copia por transferenciachemical transfer process
life.sc.copia positivapositive copy
tech.copia que corresponde a la sección de transportetransportation copy
tech.copia recordatoriasuspense copy
IT, dat.proc.copia selectivaselective copy
patents.copia servilslavish imitation
patents.copia servilslavish copy
patents.copia servilcolorable imitation
patents.copia servilcolourable imitation
IT, dat.proc.copia simpleone-to-one copy
gen.copia simpleoffice copy uncertified copy
comp., MScopia sincronizadasynchronized copy (A copy of a department that you create on a new page of a large organization chart, so that you can determine how your chart breaks across pages. When you create a synchronized copy, any changes you make appear in both)
patents.copia singularsingle copy
commun., ITcopia sobre telacloth print
comp., MScopia superficialshallow copy (A copy of the contents of a data structure that does not include all its substructures)
gen.copia suscritacertified copy
gen.copia suscritacertified photocopy
gen.copia suscritaattested copy
commun.copia termosensibleheat-sensitive copy
immigr., tech.copia véloxvelox
cultur., commun.copia ópticaoptical copy
cultur., commun.copia ópticaoptical print
cultur., commun.copia ópticalens copying
patents.copia únicasingle copy
mech.eng.copiado longitudinallongitudinal copying
comp., MSCopiar animaciónAnimation Painter (A feature that replicates the animation associated with a source object to one or more target objects)
comp., MSCopiar bordeBorder Painter (A tool that is used to apply formatting to borders in a table)
gen.copiar decopy from
comp., MScopiar en cachécache (To store frequently used data values in a special memory subsystem for quick access)
gen.copiar en casetein-cassette copying
comp., MSCopiar formatoFormat Painter (A feature that replicates formatting from a source item - such as text in Word, a cell in Excel, a control in Access, or a shape in Publisher - to one or more target items)
comp., MSCopiar formato de bordeBorder Sampler (A tool used to collect the formatting of an existing table border so that it can be applied to another border)
comp., MSCopiar númeroCopy Number (The button that enables the user to copy the retrieval number of a parked call)
ITcopiar y pegarcopy and paste
lawcopias archivadas endorsadasendorsed filed copies (Compare with CERTIFIED COPY.)
lawcopias conformesconform copies
lawcopias de los escritos procesalescopies of pleadings
commun., ITcopias de referenciareference copies
comp.copias de reservabackups
comp.copias de respaldobackups
comp., MSCopias de seguridad de WindowsWindows Backup (A file backup feature of Windows Vista that performs scheduled incremental backups of data to the target media. It also allows the user to restore an individual file or a group of files)
comp., MSCopias de seguridad de Windows ServerWindows Server Backup (A feature of the Windows Server® 2008 operating system that provides a basic backup and recovery solution for the server that it is installed on)
comp., MScopias de seguridad y restauraciónbackup and restore (The process of maintaining backup files and putting them back onto the source medium if necessary)
el.copias sucesivas de grabaciónsuccessive generations of recording
gen.¿Copiaste todas las instrucciones que dio el maestro?Did you copy all instructions given by the teacher?
mech.eng.corredera de copiadoprofiling slide
IT, dat.proc.corregir y copiarto correct and copy
comp.crear siempre copia de reservaalways create backup copy
comp.crear siempre copia de seguridadalways create backup copy
commun., ITdensidad de copiaprinting density
inet.derecho de copiacopyright
commun., ITdestinatario de copiasecondary recipient
commun., ITdestinatario de copiacopy recipient
commun., ITdestinatario de copia ocultablind-copy recipient
commun., ITdestinatario de copia ocultablind copy recipient
fin., ITdifusión de copiascopy distribution
comp., MSdispositivo de copia de seguridadbackup device (A tape or disk drive containing a backup medium)
mech.eng.dispositivo mecánico de copiadomechanical copying attachment
mech.eng.dispositivo para copiar o reproducirduplicating attachment
mech.eng.dispositivo para copiar o reproducirforming attachment
mech.eng.dispositivo para copiar o reproducirprofiling attachment
mech.eng.dispositivo para copiar o reproducircopying attachment
polit., lawentrega de la copia contra recibodelivery of the copy against a receipt
gen.equipo de copiarduplicating equipment
gen.equipo de copiarcopying equipment
transp.error de copiaclerical error
bank.error de copiacopy mistake
lawexpedición de copias autenticadas de la solicitudissue of certified copies of the application
lawexpedición de copias de los documentos de los expedientesissue of copies of file documents
lawexpedición de una copia del certificado de registroissue of a copy of the certificate of registration
lawextender copias del originalprepare copies of documents
lawfacilitar una copiato forward a copy
commun.faltar copiawait copy
commun.faltar copiabe out of copy
commun., ITficha copiacopy card
patents.fundas para copiascopyholders
comp., MSgrupo Operadores de copia de seguridadBackup Operators group (A type of local or global group that contains the user rights you need to back up and restore files and folders. Members of the Backup Operators group can back up and restore files and folders regardless of ownership, permissions, encryption, or auditing settings)
IThacer una copia de seguridadback up
comp., MShacer una copia de seguridadback up (To make a duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data)
comp., MSHerramienta de migración para recuperación de copias de seguridadBackup Recovery Migration tool (A command line utility that is used to backup and restore print configuration and items (print queues, drivers, print processors, etc) during a print migration)
life.sc.hoja de copiacopying layer
comp., MSinstantánea de copia de seguridadbackup snapshot (A snapshot of a site's data, created by the Backup Configuration Manager Site Server task or by another backup utility. The backup snapshot is used during a site recovery process to restore the site's data)
comp., MSinstantánea de la copia de seguridadbackup shadow copy (A shadow copy of a replica created by the DpmBackup command-line tool. In DPM, backup shadow copies are used to archive replicas to tape)
patents.izquierdo de copiaCopyLeft
inet.izquierdo de copiacopyleft
patents.izquierdo de copiacopyleft clause
ITlectura y copiareadout
ITlectura y copiaread out
ITlicencia por copiasper copy licence
patents.material de copiacopying materials
comp., MSmedio de copia de seguridadbackup medium (Disk file or tape used to hold one or more backups)
med.modelo de la copia de ADNcopy choice model
mech.eng.máquina para copiarcopying machine
commun.máquina para tirar copiasprinting box
commun.máquina para tirar copiasprinting machine
commun.máquina para tirar copiasprinter
cultur.numeración de las copias para alquilernumbering of copies of films
med., life.sc.número de copiascopy number
comp.número de copiasnumber of copies
industr., construct.papel copiacarbon copy paper
tech., industr., construct.papel copia sin carbóncarbonless copy paper forms
industr., construct.papel copiado electrostáticoelectrostatic copying paper
patents.papel de copia que no sea papel carbóncarbonless copying paper
industr., construct.papel electrostático para copiaselectrostatic copying paper
industr., construct.papel para copia electrostáticaelectrostatic copying paper
commun., ITpapel para copia por proyecciónprojection paper
industr.papel para copiarcarbonless paper
industr.papel para copiarcopying paper
industr.papel para copiarself-copy paper
industr.papel para copiarself-copying paper
industr.papel para copiarno carbon required paper
industr.papel para copiarcarbonless copy paper
industr.papel para copiarNCR paper
industr., construct.papel para copiasmanifold paper
industr., construct.papel para copiascarbon copy paper
industr., construct.papel para copiasmanifold
industr., construct.papel para copiascopying paper
tech., industr., construct.papel para formularios de copias múltiplesmulticopy business form
commun., ITpelícula para copiasprint film
mech.eng.plantilla de chapa para copiarformer plate
mech.eng.plantilla de chapa para copiarmaster profile template
mech.eng.plantilla de chapa para copiarprofile plate
mech.eng.plantilla de chapa para copiarcopying template
mech.eng.plantilla de chapa para copiarform-control template
mech.eng.plantilla de chapa para copiarcontour plate
mech.eng.plantilla de copiarmaster workpiece
mech.eng.plantilla de copiarpattern
mech.eng.plantilla de copiarform-control template
med.plásmido de bajo número de copiasweak copy number plasmid
med.plásmido de bajo número de copiaslow-copy number plasmid
med., life.sc.plásmido de copia múltiplemultiple copy number plasmid
genet.plásmido de copia múltiplemulticopy plasmid
med., life.sc.plásmido de copia múltiplemulticopyplasmid
IT, dat.proc.preparación de copiacopy preparation
ITprocedimiento de copia de seguridadbackup procedure
comp., MSprotección contra copia analógicaanalogue copy protection (A form of rights management based on technology developed by Macrovision, which prevents analogue output to be played back from VHS tape)
earth.sc.proyector de copiascopying projector
lawprueba de copia verdaderatrue test copy
comp., MSrealizar copia intermediastage (To copy the directories and files to be installed to a destination computer without configuring registry settings)
mech.eng.regla de copiarprofiling bar
life.sc.retículo de copiacopying screen
ITsistema de copia de seguridad para archivo de imágenesback-up system for image archive
ITsistema de protección contra copias diseñado para CD-ROMcopy protection system for CD-ROMs
ed., ITsoporte para copia de seguridadbackup medium
patents.tasa por emisión de copiasfee for the issue of copies
lawtasa por la expedición de una copiafee for issuing copy
gen.tiempo de copiarcopying time
chem.tinta para copiascopying ink
life.sc.trama de copiacopying screen
earth.sc.transformador de copiastransforming printer
lawuna copia de la solicitud anteriora copy of the previous application
comp.usar copiar y pegar inteligentementeuse smart cut and paste
ITutilidad de copiado de disco/cintadisk/tape copy utility
comp., MSvalidación de copia originalgenuine validation (A process that verifies whether installed software is genuine)
genet.variación en el número de copiascopy number variation
comp., MSárea de copiacopy area (The cells that you copy when you want to paste data into another location. After you copy cells, a moving border appears around them to indicate that they've been copied)