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Terms for subject Microsoft containing consulta de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
campo de consultaquery field (A field that can contain a value that is used in a query)
cláusula de consultaquery clause (The combination of an expression (or query subclause) and its adjacent logical operator. It is modeled on the WHERE clause of a SQL statement and contains Field Name, operator, and value)
conjunto de pruebas basado en consultaquery-based test suite (The set of test cases that are returned when a specific query is run. If new test cases that meet the criteria in this query are added to the test suite, the new test cases will automatically appear in the query-based test suite)
consulta de actualizaciónupdate query (An action query that changes a set of records according to criteria you specify. An update query does not return any records)
consulta de combinación en estrellastar query (A query that joins a fact table and a number of dimension tables)
Consulta de contenidoContent Query (A Web Part that queries data from multiple sources within a site collection and presents that data in a custom view)
consulta de creación de tablaMake Table query (A query (SQL statement) that creates a new table and then creates records (rows) in it by copying records from an existing table)
consulta de creación de tablamake-table query (A query (SQL statement) that creates a new table and then creates records (rows) in it by copying records from an existing table)
consulta de definición de datosdata-definition query (An SQL-specific query that contains data definition language (DDL) statements. These statements allow you to create or alter objects in the database)
consulta de elementos de trabajowork item query (A specialized SELECT statement containing a WHERE clause, and COLUMN and SORT BY elements. Work Item Query is modeled after SQL queries)
consulta de eventoevent query (A WMI Query Language statement that event consumers use to register to receive notification of specific events. An event provider uses an event query to register to generate notifications of specific events)
consulta de funciones agregadasaggregate query (A query (SQL statement) that summarizes information from multiple rows by including an aggregate function such as Sum or Avg)
Consulta de hojas de cálculoSpreadsheet Inquire (A Microsoft Office product that provides interactive diagnostics to identify errors, deviations from spreadsheet best practices and insights into data flow in and out of the spreadsheet)
consulta de parámetrosparameter query (A type of query that, when you run it, prompts for values (criteria) to use to select the records for the result set so that the same query can be used to retrieve different result sets)
consulta de selecciónselect query (A query that asks a question about the data stored in your tables and returns a result set in the form of a datasheet, without changing the data)
consulta de sondeopolling query (A singleton query that returns a value Analysis Services can use to determine if changes have been made to a table or other relational object)
consulta de tabla de referencias cruzadascrosstab query (A query that calculates a sum, average, count, or other type of total on records, and then groups the result by two types of information: one down the left side of the datasheet and the other across the top)
consulta de textofull-text query (As a SELECT statement, a query that searches for words, phrases, or multiple forms of a word or phrase in the character-based columns (of char, varchar, text, ntext, nchar, or nvarchar data types). The SELECT statement returns those rows meeting the search criteria)
consulta de totalestotals query (A query that displays a summary calculation, such as an average or sum, for values in various fields from a table or tables. A totals query is not a separate kind of query; rather, it extends the flexibility of select queries)
consulta específica de SQLSQL-specific query (A query that consists of an SQL statement. Subqueries and pass-through, union, and data-definition queries are SQL-specific queries)
diseñador gráfico de consultasgraphical query designer (A query designer provided by the Reporting Services that allows the user to interactively build a query and view the results for data source types SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB, and ODBC)
diseño de consultaquery design (All elements included in the Query window, such as tables, criteria, the order in which fields are arranged, and so on. The design also specifies whether Auto Query is turned on, and whether you can edit the source data)
enlace de consultasquery binding (The process of binding instances of input adapters and instances of output adapters to an instance of a query template)
enlazador de consultasquery binder (An object that binds an existing StreamInsight query template to specific input and output adapters)
expresión de consultaquery expression (An expression that uses a language-integrated syntax for queries)
informe Número de consultasNumber of Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the number searches performed)
Lenguaje de consulta de gráficoGraph Query Language (A query language used to query the graph index)
lenguaje de consulta de WMIWMI Query Language (A subset of ANSI SQL with semantic changes adapted to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI))
Lenguaje de consulta estructuradoStructured Query Language (A database query and programming language widely used for accessing, querying, updating, and managing data in relational database systems)
lenguaje de consulta estructurado interactivointeractive structured query language (An interactive command prompt utility provided with SQL Server that lets users run Transact-SQL statements or batches from a server or workstation and view the results that are returned)
lenguaje de consultas de elemento de trabajoWork Item Query Language (A loose variant of SQL that describes a query in the Work Item Tracking subsystem of Team Foundation Server using a syntax that contains SELECT, WHERE, COLUMN and SORT clauses. Query View is the user interface for defining work item queries)
modelo de consultaquery pattern (The set of standard query operators that is available in all LINQ queries, and the rules that define the structure of a LINQ query)
modo de consulta SQL ANSIANSI SQL query mode (One of two types of SQL syntax: ANSI-89 SQL (also called Microsoft Jet SQL and ANSI SQL), which is the traditional Jet SQL syntax; and ANSI-92 SQL, which has new and different reserved words, syntax rules, and wildcard characters)
operador de consulta estándarstandard query operator (A method that constitutes a query pattern and that is implemented by a LINQ provider for a specific domain. Standard query operators are defined in the System.Linq.Enumerable class)
palabra clave de consultaquery keyword (A contextual keyword in C and Visual Basic that designates the query clause of a query expression. For example, from, join, and select are query keywords in C, and From, Join, and Select are query keywords in Visual basic)
petición de consultaprompted query (A query in which a dialog box prompts a user to supply more information. Prompted queries are constructed with a general expression, not a specific value. The SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console prompts the user to supply the actual value when the query is run)
regla de consultaquery rule (A rule that an administrator can configure and apply to query processing to help optimize results and create an enhanced user experience)
regulador de consultasquery governor (A configuration option that can be used to prevent system resources from being consumed by long-running queries)
ruta de la consultaquery path (A string representation of a path that specifies which related objects to return when a typed object query is executed)
Servicio web de consultaQuery Web Service (A Provisioning Server Web service that responds to customer service related queries from solution providers)
Sintaxis de consulta avanzadaAdvanced Query Syntax (A search query syntax that helps produce more precise search results by using targeted queries that search specific properties in a message type. AQS defines certain keywords which can be used to refine the search query, such as specifying boolean operations on searched terms (AND, OR, NOT) as well as to specify further filters based on file metadata or file type. It can also be used to limit results from specific information stores like regular files, offline files cache, or e-mail stores)
sintaxis de consulta de palabras clavekeyword query syntax (A query syntax for enterprise search that supports free-text expressions, property restrictions, and specified operators)
sintaxis de consulta en lenguaje naturalnatural query syntax (A search method that lets you direct your search using conversational language)
sugerencia de consultaquery hint (A hint that specifies that the indicated hints should be used throughout the query. Query hints affect all operators in the statement)
umbral de tamaño de consultaquery-size threshold (An administrative setting that limits the number of query results for SharePoint lists, sites, and site collections that contain a large number of items)
variable de consultaquery variable (A variable that stores a query, as opposed to the results of a query)
Vista de consultasQuery View (The Visual Studio document window that contains both the query builder and the results list. Query View is designed to help you quickly define and run your own queries)