
Terms for subject Microsoft containing columna | all forms | exact matches only
bloque de creación de columnascolumn building block (A worksheet template that contains headings for report columns as well as codes to define the type of information in a column, such as reporting periods and calculations. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks)
campo de columnacolumn field (A field that's assigned a column orientation in a PivotTable report. Items associated with a column field are displayed as column labels)
columna calculadacomputed column (A virtual column in a table whose value is computed at run time)
columna calculadacalculated column (A type of column that displays the results of mathematical or logical operations or expressions instead of stored data)
columna calculada persistentepersisted computed column (A computed column of a table that is physically stored, and whose values are updated when any other columns that are part of its computation change. Applying the persisted property to a computed column allows for indexes to be created on it when the column is deterministic, but not precise)
columna de clavekey column (A column whose contents uniquely identify every row in a table)
columna de datos externosexternal data column (A column type that allows data from external systems to be incorporated into SharePoint lists)
columna de identidadidentity column (A column in a table that has been assigned the identity property)
columna de particiónpartitioning column (The column of a table or index that a partition function uses to partition a table or index)
columna de predicciónpredictable column (A data mining column that the algorithm will build a model around based on values of the input columns. Besides serving as an output column, a predictable column can also be used as input for other predictable columns within the same mining structure)
columna derivadaderived column (A transformation that creates new column values by applying expressions to transformation input columns)
columna dispersasparse column (A column that reduces the storage requirement for null values at the cost of more overhead to retrieve nonnull values)
columna índice sin claveNonkey index column (Column in a nonclustered index that does not participate as a key column. Rather, the column is stored in the leaf-level of the index and is used in conjunction with the key columns to cover one or more queries)
Columnas básicasBasic Columns (A grouping of column headings on a report)
columnas de combinaciónjoin column (A column referenced in a join condition)
Columnas de seguimientoTracking Columns (" An option under the Columns heading on the Report window. When expanded, this option enables the user to select columns that contain tracking information such as "Created By" and "Modified On".")
Columnas personalizadasCustom Columns (A grouping of column headings on a report)
conjunto de columnascolumn set (An untyped XML representation that combines all the sparse columns of a table into a structured output)
Cuadrícula de columnasColumns Grid (An editable grid structure in the Table Designer that lists the columns of a table and additional information about each column)
delimitador de columnacolumn delimiter (A character which separates columns from each other in the CSV file being imported/exported)
encabezado de columnacolumn heading (A standard Windows control that can be used to provide interactive column titles for a list)
enlace de columnacolumn binding (The binding of an Analysis Services object to a column in a data source view)
Etiquetas de columnaColumn Labels (An area in the layout section of a PivotTable field list to which fields can be added in order to display fields as columns at the top of the report)
filtro de columnacolumn filter (A filter that restricts columns that are to be included as part of a snapshot, transactional, or merge publication)
gráfico de columnascolumn graph (A graph that uses vertical bars to show data changes over a period of time or illustrate comparisons among items)
gráfico de columnascolumn chart (A graph that uses vertical bars to show data changes over a period of time or illustrate comparisons among items)
gráfico de columnas agrupadasclustered column chart (A column chart subtype that compares values across categories. The categories are organized horizontally, and values vertically, to emphasize variation over time)
gráfico de columnas 100% apiladas100% stacked column chart (A column chart subtype that compares the percentage that each value contributes to a total across categories)
gráfico de columnas 3D3-D column chart (A column chart subtype that compares data points along two axes)
gráfico de columnas flotantefloating column chart (A stacked column chart that creates the effect of floating columns by making the first data series invisible. The result is a chart that depicts mininum and maximum values)
guías de columnacolumn guide (A vertical layout guide that is used to divide a publication page into two or more columns)
hoja de cálculo de columnascolumn worksheet (A worksheet template that contains headings for report columns as well as codes to define the type of information in a column, such as reporting periods and calculations. One of the three Management Reporter building blocks)
intercalación de columnacolumn-level collation (Supporting multiple collations in a single instance)
modo de ordenación de varias columnasmultiple column sort mode (The state of a header control in which two or more header columns can participate in a sort)
Opciones de columnaColumn Options (A dialog for specifying columns and sort order to display in a result list)
restricción de columnacolumn-level constraint (A constraint definition that is specified within a column definition when a table is created or altered)
salto de columnacolumn break (A special symbol that breaks a column when inserted into a document. It ends the current column and starts the next column)
selector de columnascolumn selector (The horizontal bar at the top of a column. You can click a column selector to select an entire column in the query design grid or the filter design grid)
valor de columna de base de datosdatabase column value (The placeholder for a database field displayed inside a database results region)
área de columnacolumn area (The part of PivotTable view that contains column fields)
índice de almacén de columnascolumnstore index (Stores each column in a separate set of disk pages rather than storing multiple rows per page)
índice de columnacolumn ordinal (A number that represents the position of the column in a set of columns. So, if a table has 3 columns, named Name, Address, and Zip, in that order, their ordinals are 0, 1, and 2)
índice de columna incluidoincluded column index (A nonclustered index containing both key and nonkey columns)