
Terms for subject Environment containing carga | all forms | exact matches only
acuerdo de reparto de la cargaBurden Sharing Agreement
cable de cargalead line
capacidad de cargaholding capacity
capacidad de carga ecológicaecological carrying capacity
capacidad de carga ecológicaecological carrying capacity 1. The maximum number of species an area can support during the harshest part of the year, or the maximum biomass it can support indefinitely. 2. The maximum number of grazing animals an area can support without deterioration
carga ambiental del pasadocost of the past
carga ambiental del pasadoold burden
carga atmosféricaatmospheric load
carga atmosféricaatmospheric loading
carga contaminantepollution load
carga contaminantepollutant load
carga contaminantepollution load The amount of stress placed upon an ecosystem by pollution, physical or chemical, released into it by man-made or natural means
carga contaminante del aguapollution load
carga contaminante del aguapollution burden
carga contínuacontinuous load
carga contínuacontinuous load The amount or quantity of polluting material found in a transporting agent that flows at a steady rate, in contrast to a sudden or dramatic influx
carga corporalbody burden
carga críticacritical load
carga críticacritical load The maximum load that a given system can tolerate before failing
carga de aguas residualeswaste water load
carga de aguas residualeswaste water load The amount of spent or used water, often containing dissolved and suspended matter, that is found in a stream or some other body of water
carga de calor residualwaste heat charge
carga de calor residualwaste heat charge The release of heat generated as a byproduct from industrial or power generation processes
carga de contaminación del aguapollution load
carga de contaminación del aguapollution burden
carga de contaminantespollutant load
carga de contaminantespollutant load The amount of polluting material that a transporting agent, such as a stream, a glacier, or the wind, is actually carrying at a given time
carga de contaminantes atmosféricosatmospheric loading
carga de contaminantes atmosféricosatmospheric load
carga de contaminates en el aguapollution loading
carga de contaminates en el aguapollution load of water
carga de emisiónimmission load
carga de emisiónimmission load The total amount of immissions introduced in a given environment
carga de fósforo integralintegral phosphorous loading
carga de incendiofire load
carga de materia en partículasparticulate loading
carga de materias en suspensión en el aguawaterborne waste load
carga de metal pesadoheavy metal load
carga de metal pesadoheavy metal load The amount of stress put on an ecosystem by heavy metal pollution released into it
carga de residuoswaste charge
carga de residuoswaste charge Imposed fee, expense, or cost for the management of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process
carga del caudal de entradaload of the influent
carga en granosgrain loading
carga en materias orgánicasorganic matter content
carga exteriorexternal load
carga externa maximaexternal payload
carga imprevistasudden load
carga imprevistasudden load Sudden immission in considerable amount of one or more pollutants in the atmosphere, in a water body or in the soil
carga media por habitantepopulation equivalent
carga medioambientalenvironmental load
carga medioambientalecological burden
carga negociablenegotiable charge
carga orgánicaorganic load
carga orgánicaorganic matter content
carga, presentación, ejecución, transmisión y almacenamiento de un programa de ordenadorloading, displaying, running, transmission and storage of a computer program
carga saladasalt load
carga total de metales preciosostotal charge of precious metal
carga térmicathermal load
cargas de baremo fijofixed schedule of charges
condiciones de carga del motorengine load conditions
enganche de carga en estacionariohover hook-up
evitar la generación de cargas electrostáticas por ejemplo, mediante conexión a tierraprevent build-up of electrostatic charges e.g.,by grounding
formulario de cargaload calculation form
hoja de cargaload calculation form
identificación de cargas nocivas y peligrosasidentification of noxious and hazardous cargoes
lado de descarga de las bombas de cargadischarge side of the cargo pumps
mejora de la combustión de la gasolina mediante una "carga estratificada"improvement in the combustion of petrol by means of a "stratified load"
pista de cargaloading pad
proceso de lodos activados de baja cargalow-rate activated sludge process
red para cargacargo sling
red para cargacargo net
reducción de cargadownloading
reparto de cargasburden sharing
reparto de la cargaburden sharing
Residuos sólidos de barcos de cargasolid wastes from ship cargoes
sitio de cargaloading pad
tasa de cargaloading rate
índice de cargaloading rate
índice de carga de fuegofire load index