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Terms for subject Microsoft containing bloqueo de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Bloqueo de archivosFile Block (A feature that allows end users and IT admins to control which file types and versions can be opened and saved in the application)
bloqueo de cuentaaccount lockout (A Windows security feature that locks a user account if a number of failed logon attempts occur within a specified amount of time, based on security policy lockout settings. Locked accounts cannot log on)
bloqueo de dispositivodevice lock (A feature that provides enhanced protection for data by locking the device and requiring user authentication through a password)
bloqueo de hardwarehardware locking (The act of forcing a computer into Hardware Locked Mode (HLM), where the computer is not under the control of the operating system; instead, the boot sequence is stopped at a firmware screen and the user is told to call customer support. Hardware Locked Mode (HLM) prevents the use of a computer in the case of tampering or default on the agreement with the customer)
bloqueo de movimiento panorámico en una direcciónpanning direction lock (Functionality that constrains the panning direction to a primary axis. A distance threshold is used to determine the user's intent and select the primary axis)
bloqueo de preinstalación de sistemasystem-locked preinstallation Technology that helps restrict legitimately licensed operating system software to use with the computer system upon which it was originally distributed by a royalty OEM, all in accordance with the license rights granted (SLP)
bloqueo de rangos con clavekey range lock (A lock that is used to lock ranges between records in a table to prevent phantom additions to, or deletions from, a set of records. Ensures serializable transactions)
lista de bloqueo en tiempo realreal-time block list (A dynamic list that is maintained inside an organization or by a remote third-party organization that contains a list of known unsolicited e-mail sources. The receiving mail server may refuse connections from addresses that are on a RBL)
modo de bloqueolocked mode (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption prevents access to the encrypted drive, either because the system components have changed or because it needs an authentication key. In this circumstance, the user investigates why BitLocker triggered recovery mode and can either repair the system or enter the recovery password to exit recovery mode)
pantalla de bloqueolock screen (The screen that appears when a user locks the PC)
publicación de bloqueo de datos adjuntos de ExchangeExchange Publishing Attachment Blocking (A feature that enables the user to configure whether or not mail attachments should be blocked)
puerta de bloqueolockout gate (A workflow activity in the authentication phase of request processing to lockout a user who has failed to authenticate)
servicios de listas de bloqueo en tiempo realreal-time block list service (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
token de bloqueolock token (The value that is returned on successful execution of the WebDAV LOCK method. This value is used to transact subsequent requests)
Umbral de bloqueoLockout threshold (An integer control that specifies the number of times a user can fail to complete the authentication workflow before they are locked out for the Lockout Duration specified in the next step. The default setting for this is "3". The lower limit is "0" and the upper limit is "99")
Umbrales de bloqueo antes del bloqueo permanenteLockout Threshold before Permanent Lockout (An integer control that allows the administrator to configure a numeric value for the number of times a user can hit the Lockout Threshold before being permanently locked out. Permanent lockout implies that the user must be unlocked by the system administrator to someone with rights to perform the unlock operation. By default, this is set to "3". The range for this setting is between "1" and "99")