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Terms containing bits de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
ITaplicación de 16 bits16-bit application
ITaplicación de 32 bits32-bit application
ITbits de señalización E & MM signaling bits
ITbits de señalización E & MM signalling bits
ITbits de señalización E & ME &
snd.rec.bits de uniónmerging bits
ITbyte de cuatro bitsquartet byte
ITbyte de cuatro bitsquartet
ITbyte de n bitsn-bit byte
commun.caja de prueba para la medida de los errores en los bitsbit-error measuring test set
commun.caja de prueba para la medida de los errores en los bitsbit-error measuring test facility
ITcambio rápido de bitsbit bang
el.capacidad de transmisión en bitstransmission capacity in binary units
comp., MScifrado de 40 bits40-bit encryption (A low level of encryption that uses a 40-bit key to scramble the contents of a file or data packet to make the data unreadable without the decryption key)
comp., MScifrado de 128 bits128-bit encryption (A high level of encryption that uses a 128-bit key to scramble the contents of a file or data packet to make the data unreadable without the decryption key)
comp., MScifrado SSL de 128 bits128-bit SSL encryption (An encryption level used for SSL. The number refers to the length of the key, so the higher the number, the more difficult the encryption is to break)
comp., MScolor de 8 bits8-bit color (A display setting that holds up to 256 specific color entries. Any color palette attached to a picture is by definition an 8-bit palette)
radiocompresión de la tasa de bits de una señal de imagenbit-rate reduction of a video signal
el.conmutación de bitsbyte switch
el.conmutación de bitsbit switch
ITcontrol de secuencia de direcciones de 4 bitscontrolling the sequence of 4 bits addresses
IT, transp.convención sobre posiciones de los bitsbit position convention
commun., el.corriente de bitsbitstream
pwr.lines.cuasi-independencia de la secuencia de bitsquasi bit sequence independence
ITcódigo de n elementos, código de n bitsn-bit code
ITcódigo ISO de 7 bitsISO seven-bit code
ITdecaimiento de los bitsbit decay
el.deriva de los bitstransmission bit slip
el.deriva de los bitsbit slip
el.deslizamiento de los bitstransmission bit slip
el.deslizamiento de los bitsbit slip
el.distorsión de los bitsbit distortion
el.entrelazado de bitsbit interleaving
commun.equipo de prueba de medida de errores en loas bitsbit-error measuring test set
commun.equipo de prueba de medida de errores en loas bitsbit-error measuring test facility
comp., MSespecificación de bitsbit specification (The number of colors or levels of gray that can be displayed at one time. The amount or memory in the computer's graphics controller card controls the display. An 8-bit controller can display 256 colors or levels of gray; a 16-bit controller, 64,000 colors; and a 24-bit controller, 16.8 million colors)
commun., ITetiqueta de n bits de longitudn-bit length label
ITfalsificación de bitsbit twiddling
ITfalsificación de bitsbit bashing
ITfalsificación de bitsbit diddling
comp., MSfuente de mapa de bitsbitmapped font (A font that is stored as a bitmap. Raster fonts are designed with a specific size and resolution for a specific printer and cannot be scaled or rotated. If a printer does not support raster fonts, it will not print them. The five raster fonts are Courier, MS Sans Serif, MS Serif, Small, and Symbol)
ITgrupo de n bitsn-bit group
el.independencia de la secuencia de bitsbit sequence independency
el.independencia de la secuencia de bitsbit sequence independence
pwr.lines.integridad de la secuencia de bitsbit sequence independence
el.integridad de los bitsbit integrity
ITinterfaz con los bits de reservaspare bit interface
ITinterfaz en bits de reservaspare bit interface
commun.intervalo de bitsbit interval
commun., ITintervalo de tiempo de los bitstime slot bit
comp., MSmapa de bitsbitmap (A data structure in memory that represents information in the form of a collection of individual bits. A bit map is used to represent a bit image. Another use of a bit map in some systems is the representation of the blocks of storage on a disk, indicating whether each block is free (0) or in use)
comp., MSmapa de bits del volumenvolume bitmap (A stored reference (which may exist both on hierarchical directory volumes and in memory) to every piece of data that is in the allocation blocks and indicates whether the block is allocated or free for use)
ITmatriz de bitsbit array
el.medida de la tasa de error en bitsbit error rate test
el.medidor de la tasa de error en bitsbit error rate tester
IT, dat.proc.modo de mapas de bits estándarstandard bitmap mode
IT, dat.proc.modo de mapas de bits personalizadospersonalized bitmap mode
comp., MSmáquina de 32 bits32 bit machine (A computer that works with data in groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors)
comp., MSmáscara de bitsbitmask (A numeric value intended for a bit-by-bit value comparison with other numeric values, typically to flag options in parameter or return values. Usually this comparison is done with bitwise logical operators, such as And and Or in Visual Basic, && and || in C++)
comp., MSmáscara de bitsbit mask (A numeric value intended for a bit-by-bit value comparison with other numeric values, typically to flag options in parameter or return values. Usually this comparison is done with bitwise logical operators, such as And and Or in Visual Basic, && and || in C++)
comp., MSmúltiples velocidades de bitsmultiple bit rate (A characteristic of a data stream in which the same content is encoded at several different bit rates in oder to optimize content delivery)
commun., ITorden de transmisión de los bitsbit-order of transmission
commun., ITpalabra de 8 bitseight-bit word
gen.pantalla en mapa de bitsbit mapped screen
commun., ITposibilidades idénticas de error en los bitsequal bit error probabilities
el.probabilidad de error en los bitsbit error probability
commun., ITproporción de bits erróneosbit error ratio
el.puesta en fase de los bitsbit phasing
IT, el.rebanada de microprocesador de 4 bits bipolaresfour bit bipolar microprocessor slice
el.registro de almacenamiento de bitsbit stockage register
commun.secuencia binaria de bits 1:1binary 1:1 bit pattern
commun.secuencia de bits de los indicadores de señal de avisoalert signal indicator bit sequence
el.señalización A/B de bits robadosA/B robbed-bit signalling
el.señalización A/B de bits robadosA/B robbed-bit signaling
el.sincronización de los bitsbit synchronism
el.sincronización de los bitsbit synchronization
el.sincronización de los bitsbit synchronisation
el.tasa de bits erróneosbit error rate
el.tasa de error en los bitsbit error rate
commun.tasa de error residual en los bitsresidual bit error ratio
el.tasa de errores en los bitsbit error rate
el.tasa de errores en los bitsbit error performance
ITtemporizador de 8 bits8 bits timer
comp., MStipo que puede transferirse en bloque de bitsblittable type (A data type that has a unique characteristic and an identical presentation in memory for both managed and unmanaged environments. It can be directly shared)
commun., ITtransmisión de bits en paralelobit-parallel
el.tren de bitsdigital stream
comp., MSvalor de bitsbitness (A characteristic of a microprocessor's data stream (the distinction between 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit address spaces) and the potential differences in instantiation of components that this entails)
comp., MSvelocidad de bits constanteconstant bit rate (A characteristic of a data stream in which the bit rate remains nearly uniform for the duration of the stream)
comp., MSvelocidad de bits variablevariable bit rate (A characteristic of a data stream in which the bit rate fluctuates, depending upon the complexity of the data)