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Terms for subject Microsoft containing base de la | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
asociado de creación de reflejo de la base de datosdatabase mirroring partner (One in a pair of server instances that act as role-switching partners for a mirrored database)
asociados de creación de reflejo de la base de datosdatabase mirroring partners (A pair of server instances that act as role-switching partners for a mirrored database)
base de datos a la que se hace referenciareferenced database (The database to which the user has established a reference from the current database. The user can create a reference to a database and then call procedures within standard modules in that database)
base de datos de servicios de la aplicación ASP.NETASP.NET application services database (In ASP.NET, a database that stores the data for several ASP.NET application services, including membership, Web Parts personalization, roles, and profiles. The database can be a local database in the Web site's App_Data folder or a SQL Server or other database, depending on how the site is configured)
base de la aplicaciónapplication base (The directory where the .exe file that loads into the initial or default application domain is located. If you create your own application domain, the application base is the location you specify in the AppDomainSetup class)
creación de reflejo de la base de datosdatabase mirroring (Immediately reproducing every update to a read-write database (the principal database) onto a read-only mirror of that database (the mirror database) residing on a separate instance of the database engine (the mirror server). In production environments, the mirror server is on another machine. The mirror database is created by restoring a full backup of the principal database (without recovery))
cuestionario de base para la aplicacióncore application questionnaire (A questionnaire used to gather key information about your organization to be used as a roadmap for building your PerformancePoint Server application)
esquema de la base de datosdatabase schema (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
estructura de la base de datosdatabase structure (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
herramienta de mantenimiento de la base de datosdatabase maintenance tool (One of a number of utilities that allow users to back up, restore, and check for errors in the Business Contact Manager for Outlook database)
Knowledge Base de la compañíaCompany Knowledge Base (A field which specifies the company-provided knowledge base information associated with the rule group. This field is available only if there is company-provided knowledge base information associated with the rule group)
Knowledge Base de la compañíacompany knowledge (An editable field of a rule or monitor in which you can capture any relevant information about the required steps to resolve an alert that was raised by the rule or monitor)
Monitor de creación de reflejo de la base de datosDatabase Mirroring Monitor (A tool used to monitor any subset of the mirrored databases on a server instance)
nombre del servidor de la base de datos de configuraciónConfiguration database server name (A UI element. The name of the server on which the Configuration database is housed)
propietario de la base de datosdatabase owner (The person who created the database, and has full control, including granting access permissions or deleting records. When a database has been restored, then the person who restored it becomes the owner)
restauración completa de la base de datoscomplete database restore (A restore of a full database backup, the most recent differential database backup (if any), and the log backups (if any) taken since the full database backup)
restauración parcial de la base de datospartial database restore (A restore of only a portion of a database consisting of its primary filegroup and one or more secondary filegroups. The other filegroups remain permanently offline, though they can be restored later)