
Terms for subject Microsoft containing barra | all forms | exact matches only
barra de accesoaccess bar (A toolbar that docks to the desktop, similar to the taskbar)
Barra de accionesAction Bar (A horizontal pane found along the bottom of the application window that both displays and lets you change the transformations applied to one or more objects (the location, rotation, scaling, skewing, and so on))
barra de acoplamiento con fichatabbed docking bar (The host control for a group of dockable windows. Once docked, each window changes form, becoming a tab)
barra de actualizaciónupdate bar (A control that appears in the Page Inspector integrated browser when changes have been made to a file in a web application. It prompts the user to update the view of the web application in the Page Inspector browser by either pressing CTRL+ALT+ENTER, or by clicking the update bar with the mouse)
barra de aplicaciones de escritoriodesktop app bar (The workspace at the bottom of the application that displays alerts and notifications)
barra de aplicaciones para móvilmobile app bar (The workspace along the bottom edge of the screen that enables the user to access Office 365 services or sign out)
Barra de BingBing Bar (A toolbar including the Bing search box installed for the variety of common-used browsers, like Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc)
Barra de cambio de tamañoShutter Bar (The bar that replaces the Navigation Pane in Access when it is minimized)
barra de comandoscommand bar (In VBA, a resource in which toolbars, shortcut menus, and menu bars and their menus have been combined into a single functionality. Command bars can be one of three types: menu bar, toolbar, or pop-up menu)
Barra de confianzaTrust Bar (A notification bar warning the user about data that is blocked in the loaded file. Trust Bars can be for information only (non-actionable) or actionable)
barra de controlcontrol bar (A control implemented by MMC to display and manage its own toolbars and menu buttons, as well as those added by snap-ins)
barra de controles de la películamovie controller bar (A bar that allows a user to pause, play, back up or rewind a movie as well as to adjust the volume)
barra de cuadro de diálogodialog bar (A control bar that contains standard Windows controls. A dialog bar has dialog-box characteristics in that it contains controls and supports tabbing between them, and it uses a dialog template to represent the bar. Dialog bars can be aligned to the top, bottom, left, or right side of a frame window)
barra de datosdata bar (A graphical bar (think bar charts) displayed in each cell. The length of the bar is related to the cell's value)
barra de desplazamientoscroll bar (A standard Windows control that supports scrolling)
barra de desplazamiento verticalvertical scrollbar (The vertical bar at the right of a window that users can click to move through a document)
barra de desplazamiento verticalvertical scroll bar (The vertical bar at the right of a window that users can click to move through a document)
barra de direccionesaddress bar (A navigational element, usually appearing at the top of a window, that displays, and allows users to change, their current location)
barra de divisiónsplit bar (A division between window panes in a split window; the split bar visually separates window panes)
barra de errorerror bar (Usually used in statistical or scientific data, an error bar shows the potential error or degree of uncertainty relative to each data marker in a series)
barra de estadostatus bar (A horizontal window at the bottom of a parent window in which an application can display various kinds of status information. The status bar can be divided into parts to display more than one type of information)
Barra de fracciónfraction bar (A line that separates the numerator and denominator of a fraction)
barra de fórmulasformula bar (A bar at the top of the Excel window that you use to enter or edit values or formulas in cells or charts. Displays the constant value or formula stored in the active cell)
barra de GanttGantt bar (A graphical element on the chart portion of the Gantt Chart view representing the duration of a task)
barra de herramientastoolbar (A row, column, or block of buttons or icons, usually displayed across the top of the screen, that represent tasks or commands within the program. The toolbar buttons provide shortcuts to common tasks frequently accessed from the menus)
barra de herramientas acopladadocked toolbar (A toolbar that is attached to one edge of the program window. When you drag a toolbar below the program title bar or to the left, right, or bottom edge of the window, the toolbar snaps into place on the edge of the program window)
barra de herramientas Administrador de máquina virtualVirtual Machine Manager toolbar (A toolbar in the main Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console that includes commands for hiding or displaying the Actions pane, customizing columns in the current view, opening the Job Tracking Status Window to monitor the status your own jobs, and opening Virtual Machine Manager Help)
barra de herramientas AudioAudio toolbar (A Live Meeting client toolbar for performing audio tasks during a Live Meeting session)
Barra de herramientas de acceso rápidoQuick Access Toolbar (A customizable toolbar that provides one-click access to commands)
barra de herramientas de Microsoft Business ManagerBusiness Contact Manager toolbar (The toolbar at the top of an item where you can view existing links or create new links to Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project records)
barra de herramientas de miniaturasthumbnail toolbar (A toolbar control that is embedded in a window's thumbnail preview. Thumbnail toolbars are a feature of pinned sites in Internet Explorer 9)
barra de herramientas del escritoriodesktop toolbar (A toolbar that docks to the desktop, similar to the taskbar)
barra de herramientas EstándarStandard toolbar (A toolbar that contains buttons you can use to perform some of the most common tasks in a Microsoft Office program, such as opening, saving, and printing files)
barra de herramientas flotantefloating toolbar (A toolbar that is not attached to the edge of the program window. You can change the shape of some floating toolbars)
barra de herramientas incorporadabuilt-in toolbar (A toolbar that is part of an application when it's installed on your computer)
barra de herramientas InformesReport toolbar (The toolbar at the top of the Report section, used to create and edit reports)
barra de herramientas Inicio rápidoQuick Launch toolbar (A customizable area of the taskbar, which by default is displayed to the right of the Start button. It contains icons you can click to open programs, such as Windows Explorer or Outlook Express, or to show the desktop. You can add or remove icons to it and move it to a different area of the taskbar)
barra de herramientas NuevoNew toolbar (The toolbar, in wizards and property sheets for creating hardware configurations for virtual machines and for configuring virtual machine hosts, that contains tools for configuring new hardware components. In hardware configurations, the New toolbar contains tools for configuring SCSI adapters, DVDs, and network adapters for virtual machines. In host properties, the New toolbar contains a tool for configuring a virtual network on the host)
barra de herramientas personalizadacustom toolbar (A toolbar that you create for your application)
barra de herramientas PresentaciónPresentation toolbar (A toolbar that contains tools that presenters can use during a meeting)
barra de herramientas RecursosResources toolbar (A toolbar that contains tools that meeting participants can use to manage resources during a meeting)
Barra de herramientas reducidaSummary toolbar (A list view toolbar type in the toolbar picker, that shows an abbreviated version of a full toolbar)
Barra de informaciónInformation bar (An area in a browser or mail program that displays various information or messages for the user)
Barra de inicioLaunchbar (A window where Groove users start new activities. It contains two panels, one for creating and managing workspaces, and the other for managing contacts)
barra de la aplicaciónapp bar (The surface that appears along the bottom edge of the screen and includes app commands)
barra de menú globalglobal menu bar (A special custom menu bar that replaces the built-in menu bar in all windows in your application, except where you've specified a custom menu bar for a form or report)
barra de menúsmenu bar (A rectangular bar displayed in an application program's on-screen window, often at the top, from which menus can be selected by the user. Names of available menus are displayed in the menu bar; choosing one with the keyboard or with a mouse causes the list of options in that menu to be displayed)
Barra de meteorologíaWeather Bar (A feature in the Outlook calendar that can be enabled to display the weather forecast for a selected location)
barra de navegaciónnavigation bar (On a Web page, a grouping of hyperlinks for getting around in that particular Web site)
barra de navegaciónnav bar (A surface that appears along the top edge of the screen and includes navigation commands)
Barra de notificaciónNotification bar (A bar at the bottom of the Internet Explorer view pane that alerts the user to status changes and provides possible actions the user can take)
barra de progresoprogress bar (A progress indicator that displays the percentage of completion of a particular process as a graphical bar)
barra de redimensionamientogripper (A handle (often, a tall, thin rectangle) that appears on a rebar or command band. By touching and dragging a gripper bar with a stylus or mouse, a user can reposition or resize a rebar or command band)
barra de ruta de navegaciónbreadcrumb bar (A navigational element, usually appearing at the top of a window, that displays, and allows users to change, their current location)
barra de separaciónseparator bar (A special type of menu item that appears as a dividing bar between two active menu items)
barra de separación de menúsmenu separator bar (A special type of menu item that appears as a dividing bar between two active menu items)
barra de tareastaskbar (The bar that contains the "Start" button and appears by default at the bottom of the desktop. You can click the taskbar buttons to switch between programs. You can also hide the taskbar, move it to the sides or top of the desktop, and customize it in other ways)
barra de tareas frecuentesdeskband (A customized toolbar that can be added to the regular program taskbar and that contains shortcuts to frequently performed tasks)
barra de títulotitle bar (The horizontal bar at the top of a window that displays the name of the window. Title bars can contain different buttons, such the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons, so that you can control how you want to view the window)
barra de vistasView Bar (A screen element along the left edge of the Project window that provides buttons for the most commonly used views. The View Bar provides a convenient means of changing views by just clicking the icons that appear on the View Bar)
barra de vínculoslink bar (A collection of graphic or text buttons representing hyperlinks to pages both within your Web site and to external sites)
barra descriptivadescription bar (The bar above the results pane. Contains the name of the selected node)
barra diagonalslash (The / character)
barra diagonalforward slash (The / character)
barra diagonalslash mark (The / character)
barra diagonal inversabackslash (A character used to separate directory names in MS-DOS and UNIX path specifications. When used as a leading character, it means that the path specification begins from the topmost level for that disk drive)
barra espaciadoraSPACEBAR (A long key occupying much of the bottom row of most keyboards that sends a space character to the computer)
barra lateralsidebar (A note alongside the main text that contains interesting or useful information)
barra lateral CompartirSharing sidebar (An element that appears on the right side of all list, library, and calendar pages that are contained within Business Applications, and on the right side of pages contained in Contact Manager. The Sharing sidebar is a convenient way to manage permission levels and add new user accounts, and is also a quick way to publish a list or add a form to your public Web site)
barra separadoraseparator bar (A line that separates groups of controls (on a surface) or commands (on a menu))
Barra Tareas pendientesTo-Do Bar (An area within the Outlook application window that can be enabled to show an overview of the user's schedule, tasks and frequent contacts)
Barra Tareas pendientes-Do Bar
barra verticalpipe (The | character)
barra verticalvertical bar (The | character)
barras ascendentes y descendentesup-down bars (In line charts with multiple data series, bars that indicate the difference between data points in the first and last series)
botón de la barra de herramientastoolbar button (A command button used in a toolbar (or status bar))
botón de la barra de tareastaskbar button (A button that represents an item or program that is open and running on your computer. For example, if you open Microsoft Word, and then minimize it, it will be displayed as a taskbar button, which you can then click when you want to maximize it)
botón del cuadro de edición de la barra de herramientastoolbar edit box button (The commands for the ribbon appear as a drop down menu that appears when the user clicks the default button)
control de barra de comandoscommand bar control (A built-in or custom control on a menu bar, toolbar, menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. Custom controls you can add to command bars include buttons, edit boxes, drop-down list boxes, and pop-up controls, which display a menu or submenu)
control de barra de estadostatus bar control (A standard Windows control that provides the functionality of a status bar)
control de barra de navegaciónnavigation bar control (A control that developers use to create a navigation bar)
control de barra de navegaciónnav bar control (A control that developers use to create a navigation bar)
control de la barra de herramientastoolbar control (A standard Windows control designed with the same characteristics as the toolbar)
código de barrasbarcode (The special identification code printed as a set of vertical bars of differing widths on books, grocery products, and other merchandise. Used for rapid, error-free input in such facilities as libraries, hospitals, and grocery stores, bar codes represent binary information that can be read by an optical scanner. The coding can include numbers, letters, or a combination of the two; some codes include built-in error checking and can be read in either direction)
código de barrasbar code (The special identification code printed as a set of vertical bars of differing widths on books, grocery products, and other merchandise. Used for rapid, error-free input in such facilities as libraries, hospitals, and grocery stores, bar codes represent binary information that can be read by an optical scanner. The coding can include numbers, letters, or a combination of the two; some codes include built-in error checking and can be read in either direction)
código de barras de directivapolicy bar code (An image that encodes a unique identifier for a Windows SharePoint Services object, where the value of the unique identifier can also be represented textually)
fracción sin barrano-bar fraction (A fraction that is written vertically with the numerator on top and denominator below, with no fraction bar between them.)
grupo de la barra de herramientasribbon group (A labeled collection of commands and controls that are grouped together on a ribbon tab)
gráfico circular con subgráfico de barrasbar of pie chart (A pie chart with user-defined values extracted and combined into a stacked bar)
gráfico de barrasbar chart (A graph that uses horizontal bars to illustrate comparisons among individual data items)
gráfico de barrasbar graph (A graph that uses horizontal bars to illustrate comparisons among individual data items)
gráfico de barras agrupadasclustered bar chart (A bar chart subtype that compares values across categories)
gráfico de barras 100% apiladas100% stacked bar chart (A bar chart subtype that compares the percentage that each value contributes to a total across categories)
lector de código de barrasbar code reader (An optical device that uses a laser beam to read and interpret bar codes, such as the Universal Product Codes, found on grocery products and other retail items)
macro de barra de menúsmenu bar macro (A macro containing AddMenu actions that you can use to create a custom menu bar or shortcut menu)
submenú de la barra de ruta de navegaciónoverflow crumb (A subfolder in the breadcrumb bar's overflow menu)
Traductor de la Barra de BingBing Bar Translator (A service available on Bing Bar allowing translation of web-page text in place using the Microsoft statistical machine translation system)
área de la barra de herramientas de Application DiagnosticsApplication Diagnostics toolbar area (The area where the toolbar options provide all of the tools that you require to control the quantity and type of information to display in Application Diagnostics)