
Terms for subject Microsoft containing asociación | all forms | exact matches only
asociación binariabinary association (In a static structure diagram, a relationship between exactly two classes. You can add name and stereotype properties to a binary association. The point where a binary association connects to a class is an association end or role)
asociación cruzada entre modelosmodel association (A relationship that allows users to define links between reference data elements to enable fact data movement)
asociación cruzada entre modeloscross-model association (A relationship that allows users to define links between reference data elements to enable fact data movement)
asociación de característicafeature stapling (The process of associating a feature with a site definition, without modifying the site definition itself or using code routines. The associated feature is added automatically to new sites that are based on that site definition)
asociación de clave externaforeign key association (An association between entities that is managed through foreign key properties)
Asociación de pagos de CanadáCanadian Payment Association (An organization that specifies payment formats for Canada)
asociación de seguridadsecurity association (A combination of identifiers, which together define Internet Protocol security (IPsec), that protects communication between sender and receiver)
asociación de seguridadSA (A combination of identifiers, which together define Internet Protocol security (IPsec), that protects communication between sender and receiver)
asociación entre miembrosmember association (A relationship between a source dimension member and a destination dimension member. One or more of these can exist for each dimension association)
Asociación francesa de normalizaciónAssociation Française de Normalisation (The French subsidiary of the International Standards Organization (ISO))
conjunto de asociacionesassociation set (A logical container for instances of associations of the same type)
línea de asociaciónassociation line (A line leading from a field or property to a shape that represents that field or property's type)
Protocolo de asociación de datos por infrarrojosInfrared Data Association The industry organization of computer, component, and telecommunications vendors who have established the standards for infrared communication between computers and peripheral devices such as printers (IrDA)
Protocolo de asociación de datos por infrarrojos IrDA, IrDAIrDA (The industry organization of computer, component, and telecommunications vendors who have established the standards for infrared communication between computers and peripheral devices such as printers)
Quitar asociaciónRemove association (An option that allows the user to remove the link between an item and a To Do)