
Terms for subject Environment containing asentamiento | all forms | exact matches only
asentamiento de "squatters"squatter settlement Settlement on land or property to which there is no legal title
asentamiento transitoriotransitional settlement
asentamiento transitoriotransitional settlement A small village, community or group of houses, or other shelters, usually located in a thinly populated area and existing there for only a short time
asentamientos humanoshuman settlement
asentamientos humanoshuman settlement Cities, towns, villages, and other concentrations of human populations which inhabit a given segment or area of the environment. Human settlements are associated with numerous and complex environmental, pollution, and living condition problems for planning and management
asentamientos ruralesrural settlement
asentamientos ruralesrural settlement A collection of dwellings located in a rural area
asentamientos urbanosurban settlement
asentamientos urbanosurban settlement A collection of dwellings located in an urban area
aspecto ambiental de asentamientos humanosenvironmental aspect of human settlements
aspecto ambiental de asentamientos humanosenvironmental aspect of human settlements Human settlements have an adverse impact on many ecosystems and on themselves by the addition of toxic or harmful substances to the outer lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The major types of environmental pollutants are sewage, trace metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, synthetic organic compounds, and gaseous emissions. Most, if not all, of the additions of potentially harmful substances to the environment are result of the population growth and the technological advances of industrial societies
aspectos ambientales de los asentamientos humanosenvironmental aspect of human settlements
aspectos socioeconómicos de los asentamientos humanossocioeconomic aspect of human settlements
concentración de asentamientossettlement concentration
concentración de asentamientossettlement concentration The distribution or total amount of communities, villages and houses within a specified geographic area
extensión de asentamientosurban sprawl
extensión de asentamientosurban sprawl The physical pattern of low-density expansion of large urban areas under market conditions into the surrounding agricultural areas. Sprawl lies in advance of the principal lines of urban growth and implies little planning control of land subdivision. Development is patchy, scattered and strung out, with a tendency to discontinuity because it leap-frogs over some areas, leaving agricultural enclaves
ordenación de los asentamientos humanoshuman settlements management
ordenación de los asentamientos humanoshuman settlement management