
Terms for subject Microsoft containing archives | all forms
archivo ACCDEACCDE file (An Access 2007 database (.accdb) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
archivo activohot file (A file that is frequently accessed and frequently stored in memory)
archivo binario compiladocompiled binary file (An Access 2007 database (.accdb) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
archivo .brl.brl file (A business rules definition file)
archivo BSDLBSDL file (An external file that defines the capabilities of any single device's boundary scan logic)
archivo de anotacionesannotation file (A file that contains annotations)
archivo de arranqueboot file (A system file needed to start Windows. The boot files include Ntldr and Ntdetect.com)
archivo de audioaudio file (A file containing digitized audio, such as voice or music)
archivo de base de datosdatabase file (One of the physical files that make up a database)
archivo de biblioteca de vínculos dinámicosdynamic-link library file (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
archivo de control de sitiosite control file (An ASCII text file (such as Sitectrl.ct0) that contains the settings of an SMS/Configuration Manager site)
archivo de copia de seguridadbackup file (A duplicate of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding files)
archivo de código fuentesource file (A file that contains source code)
archivo de datos de formularioform data file (The file in which information gathered from electronic forms is stored)
archivo de datos predeterminadodefault data file (The .pst data file used as the main delivery location for your e-mail messages)
archivo de dibujodrawing file (A Visio file with a .vsd extension that contains a drawing)
archivo de ensambladoassembly file (A file that is part on an assembly)
archivo de formato de secuenciastream format file (A file used by a player to decode a multicast stream)
archivo de hibernaciónhibernation file (A file created during hibernation that contains all CPU memory and registers information)
archivo de imagenimage file (A file containing graphics (illustrations, photographs, etc) or other visual information)
archivo de IntelliTraceIntelliTrace file (The file containing information that is collected by IntelliTrace. The file name extension is .iTrace)
archivo de mapa del sitiosite map file (A Web site file that lists the URLs in the Web site that are available for search engines to index)
archivo de origensource file (A file that contains the data that a program will process and store in a destination file)
archivo de paquete DACDAC package file (The XML file that is the container of a DAC package)
archivo de recursosresource file (A file that consists of resource data and the resource map that indexes it)
archivo de respuestaresponse file (Text files that contain MSBuild.exe command line switches)
archivo de salidaoutput file (The packaged Windows Media file that is created with Windows Media Rights Manager SDK)
archivo de solicitud de envíosend request file (A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination)
archivo de suscripciónsubscription file (An audio or video file that you rent from an online store, typically for a monthly fee)
archivo de texto de longitud fijafixed-width text file (A file containing data, where each field has a fixed width)
archivo .dll.dll file (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
archivo DTDDTD file (A document type definition that contains the definitions for the GdPDU INDEX.XML file)
archivo .edmx.edmx file (An XML file that defines a conceptual model, a storage model, and the mapping between these models)
archivo espejomirror file (A file separate from your database model diagram in which you can save the code from your model)
archivo fragmentadochunked file (The process of outputting a stream as a number of discrete file chunks rather than a single contiguous file.)
archivo ICOICO file (The file for the icon on the client's desktop used to launch a sequenced application)
archivo incrustradoembedded file (Graphics, sounds, and other types of multimedia file that have been inserted in a Web page)
archivo intermediostash file (An internal structure that is used to stage a disc before recording it to media)
archivo Makemakefile (A file that contains rules that describe how to compile source code or link object modules)
archivo MBOXMBOX file (A specially-constructed text file, usable by any text editor, that contains mail messages within the file)
archivo .mof.mof file (A text file that contains definitions of classes and instances using the Managed Object Format language)
archivo MOFMOF file (A text file that contains definitions of classes and instances using the Managed Object Format language)
archivo MOFManaged Object Format file (Based on the Interface Definition Language (IDL), a file that describes management information)
archivo .msi.msi file (A Windows Installer package file)
archivo multimediamedia file (A file that contains audio, video, or script data)
archivo PostScriptPostScript file (A file created with PostScript page-description language. Nearly all high-resolution files are PostScript)
archivo RAWRAW file (A digital image file that contains unprocessed data from the camera's sensors)
archivo .rge.rge file (A file type created by Entourage when a user archives a project)
archivo sin formatoraw file (A native format for fast reading and writing of data)
archivo .swm.swm file (One of a collection of read-only files that contain one or more volume images of a Windows operating system)
archivo VMC.vmc file (An XML-based file that stores the configuration of the virtual machine)
archivo .wim.wim file (A Windows image file, which can contain one or more Windows images)
archivo .xsd.xsd file (A file containing the persisted form of a BizTalk schema)
archivo .XSN.xsn file (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
asignación de archivofile mapping (The association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
destino de archivo sin formatoRaw File destination (An SSIS destination that writes raw data to a file)
extensión de nombre de archivofile name extension (A set of characters added to the end of a file name that identifies the file type or format)
formato de archivofile format (The structure or organization of data in a file. File format is usually indicated by the file name extension)
menú ArchivoFile menu (A common drop-down menu that includes commands for file operations, such as Open, Save, and Print)
origen de archivo sin formatoRaw File source (An SSIS source that reads raw data from a file)
ruta del archivo de registrolog file path (The location of the log file on a computer)
tamaño de archivofile size (The length of a file, typically given in bytes)