
Terms for subject Microsoft containing aprobación | all forms | exact matches only
aprobacion automáticaautomatic approval (An update management configuration in which newly synchronized updates are automatically approved, and deployed to managed computers)
aprobación compra ilimitadaunlimited purchase approval (An approval for which no maximum amount has been specified on purchase documents)
aprobación electrónicaeApproval (A workflow that provides a hierarchical organizational chart from which you can select the approvers and allow the approvers to use a stamp control instead of a signature)
aprobación solicitud compra ilimitadaunlimited request approval (An approval for which no maximum amount has been specified on purchase request documents)
aprobación venta ilimitadaunlimited sales approval (An approval for which no maximum amount has been specified on sales documents)
Asistente para aprobaciónApproval Assistant (A report, accessible from the Web Author, that generates a list of all pages waiting for the approval of the user who is logged on)
clave de aprobaciónendorsement key (A key pair, consisting of a public key and a private key, which is used to verify that a TPM is genuine)
correo electrónico de aprobaciónapproval e-mail (An e-mail that is sent to identified approvers when a request requires an approval before being committed)
estado de aprobaciónapproval status (The approval status for an entry)
historial de aprobaciónapproval history (The log of approved changes made to an object)
importe límite aprobación solicitud comprarequest amount approval limit (The maximum amount on a purchase request document that an approver is allowed to approve)
importe límite aprobación ventassales amount approval limit (The maximum amount on a sales document that an approver is allowed to approve)
límite aprobaciónapproval limit (Any amount or other limits set for an approver)
límite aprobación importe comprapurchase amount approval limit (The maximum amount on a purchase document that an approver is allowed to approve)
plantilla aprobaciónapproval template (A table with a list of templates that the user can select to set up which documents he wants to be included in an approval process)
regla de aprobación automáticaautomatic approval rule (A type of rule that allows updates to be automatically approved based on product and update classifications)
regla de contabilidad de aprobación de ingresosrevenue recognition accounting rule (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements)
regla de contabilidad de aprobación del gastoexpenditure recognition accounting rule (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
respuesta de aprobaciónapproval response (" An e-mail message sent from the ILM "2" Outlook add-in in reply to an approval request.")
solicitud de aprobaciónapproval request (A request that is sent to an approver in the ILM Service as part of the processing of an approval activity)
tipo aprobaciónApproval Type (The UI field that specifies the role of a document approver)
umbral de aprobaciónapproval threshold (The number of positive approval response messages needed to permit a request to continue processing)