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Terms for subject Microsoft containing ancho de banda de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
ancho de bandabandwidth (The data transfer capacity, or speed of transmission, of a digital communications system as measured in bits per second (bps))
ancho de banda de transferencia de datosdata transfer bandwidth (Data transmissions to and from a Windows Azure datacenter as measured in GB. Data transfers are charged based on the total amount of data going in and out of the Azure services via the Internet in a specified 30-day period. Data transfers within a sub-region are free)
audio de banda anchawideband audio (Audio transmission that uses more bandwidth than conventional telephony in order to enhance voice quality)
conexión de banda anchabroadband connection (A high-speed Internet connection. Broadband connections are typically 256 kilobytes per second (KBps) or faster. Broadband includes DSL and cable modem service)
códec de audio de banda anchawideband audio codec (An audio codec that provides high-quality voice by using a sampling rate of 16 kHz)
códec de banda anchawideband codec (An audio codec that provides high-quality voice by using a sampling rate of 16 kHz)
de banda anchabroadband (Of or relating to communications systems in which the medium of transmission (such as a wire or fiber-optic cable) carries multiple messages at a time, each message modulated on its own carrier frequency by a modem)
Distribución dinámica equilibrada de ancho de bandaDynamic Network Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
Distribución dinámica equilibrada de ancho de banda de Servicios de Escritorio remotoRemote Desktop Services Network Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
límite de ancho de bandabandwidth throttling (The process of setting the maximum portion of total network capacity that a service is allowed to use. An administrator can deliberately limit a servers Internet workload by not allowing it to receive requests at full capacity, thus saving resources for other programs, such as e-mail)
límite de ancho de banda de rednetwork bandwidth throttling (The process of setting the maximum portion of total network capacity that a service is allowed to use. An administrator can deliberately limit a servers Internet workload by not allowing it to receive requests at full capacity, thus saving resources for other programs, such as e-mail)
límite de uso del ancho de banda de rednetwork bandwidth usage throttling (A performance optimization in DPM that limits the percentage of network bandwidth that protection and recovery jobs can consume)
Protección de contenido digital de ancho de banda altoHigh-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (An encryption and authentication specification created by Intel for Digital Video Interface (DVI) devices such as digital cameras, high-definition televisions, and video disk players. HDCP is designed to protect transmissions between DVI devices from being copied)
protocolo de asignación de ancho de bandabandwidth allocation protocol (A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) control protocol that is used on a multiprocessing connection to dynamically add and remove links)
red de banda anchabroadband network (A transmission medium designed for high-speed data transfers over long distances. Cable modem services and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) are examples of broadband networks)
Red digital de servicios integrados de banda anchaBroadband Integrated Services Digital Network An International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication [Standardization Sector] (ITU-T) communication standard for high-speed networking that provides new services, including voice, video, and data on the same network (B-ISDN)