
Terms containing amarillo | all forms | exact matches only
bot.abedul amarillo canadiense Betula luteaCanadian yellow birch
bot.abedul amarillo canadiense Betula luteaswamp birch
bot.abedul amarillo canadiense Betula luteacurly birch
agric.abedul amarillo canadienseyellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis, Betula lutea)
agric.abedul amarillo canadienseswamp birch (Betula alleghaniensis, Betula lutea)
agric.abedul amarillo canadienseCanadian yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis, Betula lutea)
bot.abedul amarillo canadiense Betula luteayellow birch
nat.sc., agric.abigarrado amarillo de la patatapotato aucuba mosaic
nat.res.abrepuno amarilloyellow star thistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.)
nat.res.abrepuno amarilloSt.Barnaby's Thistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.)
gen.adornos de ámbar amarillojewelry of yellow amber
gen.adornos de ámbar amarillojewellery of yellow amber
nat.sc., agric.alfalfa amarillasickle alfalfa (Medicago falcata)
bot.alhelí amarillo Cheiranthus cheiriwallflower
nat.sc., agric.almeja amarillabutter clam (Saxidomus giganteus)
nat.sc., agric.alquequenje amarilloground cherry (Physalis peruviana var. edulis)
nat.sc., agric.alquequenje amarilloCape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana var. edulis)
nat.res., agric.altramuz amarilloyellow lupin (Lupinus luteus Lin., Lupinus luteus)
bot.altramuz amarillo Lupinus luteusyellow lupine
transp., agric.amarillo-anaranjadoorange tint
food.ind.amarillo anaranjado SFD&C Yellow No. 6
food.ind.amarillo anaranjado SOrange yellow S
food.ind.amarillo anaranjado SSunset Yellow FCF
food.ind.amarillo anaranjado SCrelborange S
food.ind.amarillo anaranjado SCI food yellow 3
food.ind.amarillo anaranjado Ssunset yellow F
food.ind.amarillo anaranjado Sdisodium 2-hydroxy-1-4-sulfonatophenylazo naphthalene-6-sulfonate
chem.amarillo azoníquelnickelazo yellow
chem.amarillo brillantejaune brilliant
gen.amarillo brillantebright yellow
crim.law., chem.amarillo básicobasic yellow
food.ind., chem.amarillo cúrcumaturmeric yellow
food.ind., chem.amarillo cúrcumayellow ginger
food.ind., chem.amarillo cúrcumaE100
food.ind., chem.amarillo cúrcumacurcumin
food.ind., chem.amarillo cúrcumaCI natural yellow 3
food.ind., chem.amarillo cúrcumahaldi
food.ind., chem.amarillo cúrcumadiferoyl methane
cultur.amarillo de antimoniolead antimonate
cultur.amarillo de antimonioNaples yellow
cultur.amarillo de antimonioantimony yellow
cultur.amarillo de baritabarium yellow
chem.amarillo de bencidinabenzidine yellow
industr., construct., chem.amarillo de cadmiocadmium yellow
chem.amarillo de callime yellow
industr., construct., chem.amarillo de CasselCassel yellow
chem.amarillo de Cassellead oxychloride
chem.amarillo de CasselCassel's yellow
industr., construct., met.amarillo de cementaciónsilver staining
industr., construct., met.amarillo de cementaciónyellow staining
chem.amarillo de cinczinc yellow
cultur.amarillo de cobaltocobalt yellow
chem.amarillo de cromochrome yellow
chem.amarillo de cromoLeipzig yellow
chem.amarillo de cromoyellow chrome
industr.amarillo de cromo oscurodark chromium yellow
chem.amarillo de cromo y titaniochrome titanium yellow
cultur.amarillo de estronciostrontium yellow
chem.amarillo de estronciostrontium chromate
chem.amarillo de hierroiron buff
chem.amarillo de la IndiaIndian yellow
chem.amarillo de MarteMars yellow
chem.amarillo de Napolesgalliolino
chem.amarillo de NapolesNaples yellow
cultur.amarillo de NápolesNaples yellow
cultur.amarillo de Nápoleslead antimonate
cultur.amarillo de Nápolesantimony yellow
chem.amarillo de orojaune d'or
chem.amarillo de pajastraw
chem.amarillo de ParisParis yellow
chem.amarillo de praseodimioyellow praseodymium
food.ind., chem.amarillo de quinoleinaQuinoline Yellow
food.ind., chem.amarillo de quinoleinaE 104
chem.amarillo de quinoleínaE104
chem.amarillo de quinoleínaquinoline yellow
chem.amarillo de quinoleínaCI food yellow 13
chem.amarillo de quinolinaquinoline yellow
chem.amarillo de sulfocromato de plomoC.I.Pigment Yellow 34
chem.amarillo de titaniochrome nickel titanium yellow
chem.amarillo de titanio y níqueltitanium yellow
chem.amarillo de titanio y níquelnickel titanate yellow
chem.amarillo de ultramaryellow ultramarine
chem.amarillo de vanadioyellow vanadium
chem.amarillo de zinczinc yellow
chem.amarillo de zinczinc chrome
chem.amarillo de óxido de hierroyellow iron oxide
chem.amarillo de óxido de hierroE172
chem.amarillo hansaHansa yellow
polygr., model.amarillo limónyellow morocco
nat.sc., agric.amarillo mediomedium yellow
chem.amarillo-naranja Ssunset yellow
chem.amarillo naranja SE 110
chem.amarillo naranja Ssunset yellow FCF
chem.amarillo naranja Sorange yellow S
chem.amarillo ocasosunset yellow
food.ind.amarillo ocaso FCFCrelborange S
food.ind.amarillo ocaso FCFSunset Yellow FCF
food.ind.amarillo ocaso FCFOrange yellow S
food.ind.amarillo ocaso FCFFD&C Yellow No. 6
food.ind.amarillo ocaso FCFsunset yellow F
food.ind.amarillo ocaso FCFdisodium 2-hydroxy-1-4-sulfonatophenylazo naphthalene-6-sulfonate
food.ind.amarillo ocaso FCFCI food yellow 3
bot.amarillo pálidoflavidulous
chem.amarillo realking's yellow
el.amarillo selectivoselective yellow
cultur.amarillo siderínsiderine yellow
chem.amarillo siderínsiderin yellow
chem.amarillo sunset FCForange yellow S
chem.amarillo sunset FCFsunset yellow FCF
chem.amarillo sunset FCFE 110
chem.amarillos de ferritaferrite yellows
chem.amarillos de óxido de hierroiron oxide yellows
fish.farm.anchoveta rabo amarilloAtlantic anchoveta (Cetengraulis edentulus)
ichtyol.Anchoveta rabo amarillo Cetengraulis edentulusAtlantic anchoveta
industr., construct.arcilla cociendo amarilloyellow-burning clay
med.atrofia aguda amarillaacute parenchymatous hepatitis (hepatitis parenchymatosa acuta)
pharma., chem.atrofia aguda amarilla del hígadoacute yellow liver atrophy
fish.farm.atún aleta amarillaAllison's tuna (Neothunnus albacora, Neothunnus macopterus, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus albacores)
life.sc., fish.farm.atún de aleta amarillayellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, Neothunnus albacora, Neothunnus macropterus)
fish.farm.bacalao salado amarilloamarelo cure
ichtyol.bagre amarillo Ictalurus natalisyellow catfish
ichtyol.bagre amarillo Arius parkerigillbacker sea catfish
pest.contr.barrenador amarillo del tallo Tryporyza incertulaspaddy borer
pest.contr.barrenador amarillo del tallo Tryporyza incertulasyellow rice borer
pest.contr.barrenador amarillo del tallo Tryporyza incertulaspaddy stem borer
pest.contr.barrenador amarillo del tallo Tryporyza incertulasyellow stem borer rice
entomol.barrenillo del pino amarillo Dendroctonus brevicornisWestern pine beetle
ichtyol.berberecho amarillo Trachycardium muricatumyellow cockle
ichtyol.berberecho amarillo Trachycardium muricatumamerican yellow cockle
ichtyol.blanquillo ojo amarillo Caulolatilus chrysopsAtlantic goldeye tilefish
transp., el.bombilla amarillayellow glass bulb
bot.bonduc amarillo Caesalpinia bonducellanicker bean
bot.bonduc amarillo Caesalpinia bonducellanicker nut
bot.bonduc amarillo Caesalpinia bonducellanicker seed
bot.bonduc amarillo Caesalpinia bonducellabonduc nut
environ., nat.res.calitrix de cabeza amarillabuff-headed marmoset
ichtyol.camarón fijador amarillo Trachypenaeus similisroughback shrimp
ichtyol.camarón fijador amarillo Trachypenaeus similisyellow roughneck shrimp
chem.cambio de un color al amarilloyellowing
health.camote amarilloyam
agric.captura mediante recipiente amarillocatch in yellow bowl
industr., construct., met.cementación amarillasilver staining
agric.cera amarillawax in its natural state
ichtyol.chucho amarillo Myliobatis goodeisouthern eagle ray
IT, dat.proc.Cian, Magenta, Amarillo y NegroCyan,Magenta,Yellow and Black
comp., MScian-magenta-amarillo-negrocyan-magenta-yellow-black (A color model for commercial printing that produces a wide range of colors by mixing varying percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks)
bot.ciruelo amarillo Spondias purpureaSpanish plum
bot.ciruelo amarillo Spondias purpureared mombin
chem.cloruro amarilloAuCl3.HCl4H2O
chem.cloruro amarilloyellow chlorid
chem.cloruro amarillochloroauric acid
pack.cobre amarillobrass
nat.sc., agric.coccido amarilloyellow scale (Aspidiotus destructor)
med.colorante amarillo de la mantequillabutter yellow
bot.congo amarillo Dioscorea cayenensisattoto yam
ichtyol.congrillo amarillo Hildebrandia flavayellow conger
bot.coquito amarillo Cyperus esculentusearth almond
bot.coquito amarillo Cyperus esculentustigernut
bot.coquito amarillo Cyperus esculentusyellow nutsedge
bot.coquito amarillo Cyperus esculentuschufa
nat.sc., agric.corvina amarillayellow drum (Nibea albiflora)
nat.sc., agric.corvina amarillawhite flower croaker (Nibea albiflora)
chem.cromato amarilloK2CrO4
chem.cromato amarillopotassium chromate
chem.cromo de amarilloyellow chrome
chem.cromo de amarillochrome yellow
anim.husb.cuerpo amarillocorpus luteum
med.cuerpo amarilloyellow body (corpus luteum)
entomol.culicoide de vientre amarillo Culicoides xanthogasteryellow venter biting midge
entomol.culicoides amarillo Culicoides citroneuscitrus biting midge
fish.farm.cuna amarillayellowmouth grouper (Mycteroperca interstitialis)
ITcyan magenta amarilloCyan Magenta Yellow
ITCyan magenta amarillo negrocyan, magenta, yellow, black
nat.sc., agric.decoloración amarillayellow stain
nat.sc.dendroica amarillayellow warbler (Dendroica petechia)
food.ind.dextrinas, almidón tostado blanco y amarillodextrins, white and yellow, roasted starch
gen.diarrea líquida y amarillayellow calf scours
transp.dispositivo que emita luz amarilla selectivadevice emitting selective-yellow light
gen.El carpintero lleva puesto un casco amarilloThe carpenter is wearing a yellow helmet
gen.El color verde es una mezcla de amarillo y azulThe color green is a mixture of yellow and blue
gen.El sol parece amarillo pero realmente no es amarilloThe sun looks yellow, but it's not really yellow
gen.embocaduras de ámbar amarillo para boquillas de fumador de cigarros puros y cigarrillostips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders
gen.embocaduras de ámbar amarillo para boquillas de fumador de cigarros puros y cigarrillosmouthpieces of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders
pest.contr.enanismo amarillo de la cebadabarley yellow dwarf virus
pest.contr.enanismo amarillo de la cebadabarley yellow dwarf
pest.contr.virus del enanismo amarillo de la cebollaonion yellow dwarf
pest.contr.virus del enanismo amarillo del frambuesoraspberry yellow dwarf
agric.enanismo amarillo vírico de la cebadabarley yellow dwarf virus
bot.enebro amarillo Juniperus occidentalisyellow cedar
bot.enebro amarillo Juniperus occidentalissierra juniper
biochem.enzima amarillo de WarburgWarburg’s yellow enzyme
chem.enzima amarillo de Warburgyellow respiratory enzyme
life.sc., environ., agric.espino amarillosallow thorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
nat.res.espino amarillosea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides)
bev.espino amarillo Hippophae rhamnoides (L.)sea buckthorn
health.fiebre amarillayellow fever
immigr., tech.filtro amarilloyellow filter
comp., MSfiltro amarilloYellow filter (One of the most common filters used in B&W photography. Increases contrast slightly)
rem.sens.filtro amarillominus-blue filter
photo.filtro amarillo de mediana intensidadmedium yellow filter
environ.fluorescencia granular amarillayellow granular fluorescence
nat.sc., agric.fusilero amarillo azuladoyellow-and-blueback fusilier (Caesio teres)
nat.sc., agric.fusilero de lomo amarilloyellowback fusilier (Caesio xanthonota)
nat.sc., agric.fustete amarillodyer's mulberry (Chlorophora tinctoria, Morus tinctoria)
nat.sc., agric.fustete amarillofustic (Chlorophora tinctoria, Morus tinctoria)
nat.sc., agric.fustete amarillofustic tree (Chlorophora tinctoria, Morus tinctoria)
bot.fustete amarillo Chlorophora tinctoriadyer's mulberry
bot.fustete amarillo Chlorophora tinctoriafustic tree
bot.fustete amarillo Chlorophora tinctoriafustic
chem.fósforo amarilloyellow phosphorus
nat.sc.galio amarilloyellow galium (Galium verum)
nat.sc.galio amarilloyellow bedstraw (Galium verum)
nat.sc.galio amarillolady's bedstraw (Galium verum)
life.sc., fish.farm.gallineta cola amarillayellowtail rockfish (Sebastes flavidus)
nat.res., agric.genciana amarillayellow gentian (Gentiana lutea)
nat.sc., agric.gran babosa amarillatawny garden slug (Limax flavus)
nat.sc., agric.gran babosa amarillayellow introduced slug (Limax flavus)
nat.sc., agric.gran babosa amarillayellow slug (Limax flavus)
nat.sc., agric.gran babosa amarillalarge yellow slug (Limax flavus)
agric.granos amarillosyellow grains
agric.grasa amarilla de untaryellow fat
agric.grasa amarilla de untarspreadable yellow fat
food.ind.grasas amarillas de untaryellow spreadable fats
med.gránulos amarillos de la actinomicosissulfur granules
bot.guinea amarillo Dioscorea cayenensisattoto yam
med.hepatización amarillayellow hepatization
nat.sc., agric.hierba amarillajerusalemoak goosefoot (Chenopodium botrys L.)
nat.sc., agric.jaiba de roca amarillaAtlantic rock crab (Cancer irroratus (Say))
ichtyol.jaqueta rabo amarillo Microspathodon chrysurusyellowtail damselfish
nat.sc., agric.jaramago amarillostinking wall rocket (Brassica muralis Huds., Diplotaxis muralis)
nat.sc., agric.jaramago amarilloannual wall rocket (Brassica muralis Huds., Diplotaxis muralis)
fish.farm.jurel amarilloyellow horse mackerel (Caranx rhonchus (Geoffroy St.-Hilaire))
chem.laca de maderas amarillasyellow wood lake
tech.latón amarilloyellow brass
med.ligamentos amarillosligamenta flava
ichtyol.lisa ojo amarillo Mugil gainardianusredeye mullet
chem.litargirio amarillocanary litharge
gen.lluvia amarillayellow rain
agric., chem.los aceites amarillos con aceites blancos mezclados con ortocresoles cloradosyellow oils are white oils mixed with nitrated orthocresols
math.los peces son amarillosthe fish are yellow
agric.lupino amarilloyellow lupin (Lupinus luteus)
nat.sc., agric.madurez amarillayellow ripeness
nat.sc., agric.madurez amarillacribbing maturity
met.mancha amarillatin yellow
med.mancha amarillamacula lutea
pest.contr.marchitamiento amarillo de la remolacha Corium betaebeet yellows
bot.meliloto amarillo Melilotus officinalisfield melilot
nat.sc., agric.meliloto amarilloribbed melilot (Melilotus officinalis Pall./Lam. em.Thuill.)
nat.sc., agric.meliloto amarillofield melilot (Melilotus officinalis Pall./Lam. em.Thuill.)
nat.sc., agric.meliloto amarilloyellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis Pall./Lam. em.Thuill.)
bot.meliloto amarillo Melilotus officinalisyellow melilot
bot.meliloto amarillo Melilotus officinalisyellow sweet clover
health.melón amarillohoneydew melon
nat.sc., agric.mero amarilloyellow grouper (Epinephelus awoara)
nat.sc., agric.mezcla de amarilloyellow blend
nat.sc., chem.moder amarilloyellow moder
nat.sc., agric.moho amarillomat disease
nat.sc., agric.moho amarilloyellow mould
pest.contr.moho amarillobrown mould
pest.contr.moho amarillobotrytis
nat.sc., agric.moho amarillo castañobrown mould (Peziza ostracoderma, Plicaria fulva (stat. con.Chromelosporium ollare, Botrytis crystallina))
nat.sc., agric.moho amarillo castañobotrytis (Peziza ostracoderma, Plicaria fulva (stat. con.Chromelosporium ollare, Botrytis crystallina))
nat.res.mora amarillacloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus)
agric.mora amarillayellow berry (Rubus chamaemorus)
agric.mora amarillasalmonberry (Rubus chamaemorus)
chem., el.mordentado amarillopickling
pest.contr.mosaico amarillo de la judía Aphidophilus phaseolibean yellow mosaic
pest.contr.mosaico amarillo de la vidgrapevine yellow mosaic
agric.mosaico amarillo de las habasbean yellow mosaic
nat.sc., agric.mosaico amarillo de las judíasbean yellow mosaic
pest.contr.virus del mosaico amarillo del naboturnip yellow mosaic
agric., industr.moteado en amarillomottled yellow
pest.contr.nanismo amarillo del sorgoyellow stunt virus
pest.contr.nanismo amarillo del sorgoyellow sorghum stunt
nat.sc., agric.nototenia amarillayellow belly rockcod (Notothenia coriiceps neglecta)
nat.sc., agric.nototenia amarillasmoothhead notothenia (Notothenia coriiceps neglecta)
gen.obispo de manto amarillo Euplectes macrourusyellow-mantled widow-bird
gen.obispo de manto amarillo Euplectes macrourusyellow backed whydaw
gen.obispo de manto amarillo Euplectes macrourusyellow-mantled whydah
paint.varn.ocre amarilloyellow ocher
nat.sc., agric.palmera amarillaMadagascar palm (Dypsis lutescens, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
nat.sc., agric.palo amarillotatajuba (Bagassa guianensis)
nat.sc., agric.palo amarilloold fustic (Chlorophora tinctoria)
nat.sc., agric.palo amarilloyellow wood (Chlorophora tinctoria)
nat.sc., agric.palo amarilloCuba wood (Chlorophora tinctoria)
nat.sc., agric.palo amarillofustic (Chlorophora tinctoria)
bot.palo amarillofustic wood
fish.farm.panchote rabo amarilloyellowtail blue snapper (Paracaesio xanthurus)
nat.sc., agric.pargo amarilloschoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus)
ichtyol.pargo amarillo Lutjanus apodusschoolmaster
fish.farm.pargo de rayas amarillasyellow-streaked snapper (Lutjanus lemniscatus)
nat.sc., agric.pargo rabo amarilloyellowfin red snapper (Lutjanus guilcheri)
tech., industr., construct.pasta amarilla de pajayellow strawpulp
nat.sc., agric.pasto amarilloyellow oat grass (Avena flavescens, Trisetum flavescens)
agric.pasto amarillo Trisetum flavescensgolden oat-grass
nat.sc., agric.pasto amarillogolden oat grass (Avena flavescens, Trisetum flavescens)
agric.pasto amarillo Trisetum flavescensyellow oat-grass
fish.farm.pescado amarilloyellow fish
nat.res.pico americano amarillonorthern flicker (Colaptes auratus)
bot.pino amarillo Pinus ponderosaponderosa pine
bot.pino amarillo Pinus ponderosaBritish Columbia soft pine
nat.sc., forestr.pino amarillowestern yellow pine (Pinus benthami Mill., Pinus parrayana Gord., Pinus ponderosa)
nat.sc., forestr.pino amarilloponderosa pine (Pinus benthami Mill., Pinus parrayana Gord., Pinus ponderosa)
bot.pino amarillo Pinus ponderosabull pine
bot.pino amarillo Pinus ponderosaCalifornia yellow pine
bot.pino amarillo Pinus ponderosaWestern yellow pine
med.placa amarillayellow plaque
pest.contr.platillo amarilloyellow pan
pest.contr.plato amarilloyellow pan
pharm.pomada de óxido amarillo de mercurioyellow mercuric oxide ointment
entomol.purruja del vientre amarillo Culicoides xanthogasteryellow venter biting midge
commer., commun.Páginas AmarillasGolden Pages
commun., ITpáginas amarillasyellow pages
inet.Páginas AmarillasYellow Pages
commer., commun.Páginas AmarillasClassified Business Directory
gen.pájaro amarillo con un pico anaranjadoyellow bird with an orange beak
nat.res., agric.pámpano amarillocommon pompano (Trachinotus carolinus)
nat.res., agric.pámpano amarilloFlorida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus)
agric.raza amarillayellow breed
pest.contr.virus del reticulado amarillo de los Rubusrubus yellow net
ichtyol.ronco amarillo Haemulon flavolineatumfrench grunt
agric.roya amarillastripe rust of wheat (Puccinia glumarum, Puccinia striiformis)
ichtyol.salmonete amarillo Mulloidichthys martinicusyellow goatfish
ichtyol.sargo amarillo Archosargus rhomboidalisWestern Atlantic seabream
agric.semillas amarillasPersian berries
fish.farm.silago aleta amarillayellowfin sillago (Sillago schomburgkii)
lab.law.sindicato amarillohouse union
lab.law.sindicato amarilloyellow union
polit.sindicato amarillocompany union
polit.sindicato amarillocompany union A union limited to a single company which dominates or strongly influences it, thereby limiting its influence (Sindicato limitado a los asalariados de una empresa y dominado o influido por ésta, disminuyendo asì su independencia)
life.sc.suelo amarilloyellow soil
soil.suelo amarillo podsólicoyellow podzolic soil
chem.sulfocromato de plomo amarillolead sulfochromate yellow
entomol.taladro amarillo de la madera Zeuzera pyrina (L.)wood leopard moth
entomol.taladro amarillo de la madera Zeuzera pyrina (L.)populus moth borer
entomol.taladro amarillo de la madera Zeuzera pyrina (L.)horse-chestnut borer
entomol.taladro amarillo de la madera Zeuzera pyrina (L.)leopard moth
nat.sc., agric.taladro amarillo de los troncoswood leopard moth (Zeuzera aesculi, Zeuzera pyrina)
entomol.taladro amarillo de los troncos Zeuzera pyrina (L.)leopard moth
entomol.taladro amarillo de los troncos Zeuzera pyrina (L.)wood leopard moth
entomol.taladro amarillo de los troncos Zeuzera pyrina (L.)populus moth borer
entomol.taladro amarillo de los troncos Zeuzera pyrina (L.)horse-chestnut borer
nat.sc., agric.taladro amarillo de los troncosleopard moth (Zeuzera aesculi, Zeuzera pyrina)
agric.taladro amarillo de los troncoswood leopard (Zeuzera pyrina)
entomol.termes de cuello amarillo Calotermes flavicollisyellow-necked termite
entomol.termita de cuello amarillo Calotermes flavicollisyellow-necked termite
ichtyol.tiburón amarillo Carcharinius acronotusblacknose shark
life.sc.tierra amarillayellow soil
agric.trampa de recipiente amarillocatch in yellow bowl
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarillosmall hop-clover (Trifolium dubium Sibth., Trifolium filiforme L.)
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarillo de las arenaskidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria)
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarillo de las arenasyellow clover (Anthyllis vulneraria)
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarillohop-clover (Trifolium campestre Schreb., Trifolium procumbens L.)
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarillo de las arenaskidney clover (Anthyllis vulneraria)
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarillolesser trefoil (Trifolium dubium Sibth., Trifolium filiforme L.)
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarilloyellow suckling clover (Trifolium dubium Sibth., Trifolium filiforme L.)
agric.trébol amarillokidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria)
nat.sc., agric.trébol amarillohop-trefoil (Trifolium campestre Schreb., Trifolium procumbens L.)
nat.sc., agric.trébol de olor amarilloribbed melilot (Melilotus officinalis Pall./Lam. em.Thuill.)
nat.sc., agric.trébol de olor amarilloyellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis Pall./Lam. em.Thuill.)
nat.sc., agric.trébol de olor amarillofield melilot (Melilotus officinalis Pall./Lam. em.Thuill.)
med.tubérculo amarillomiliary tubercle
med.tubérculo amarilloyellow tubercle
med.tubérculo amarillogray tubercle
environ., nat.res.varano amarilloyellow monitor (Varanus flavescens)
environ., nat.res.varano amarilloIndian oralgrain lizard (Varanus flavescens)
environ., nat.res.varano amarilloruddy snub-nosed monitor (Varanus flavescens)
environ., nat.res.varano amarilloyellow land lizard (Varanus flavescens)
life.sc., environ.varano amarilloyellow monitor, ruddy snub-nosed monitor, yellow land lizard, Indian oralgrain lizard (Varanus flavescens)
industr., construct., chem.vidrio amarillo de uraniouranium yellow glass
nat.sc., agric.virado a amarilloyellowing
virol.virus del moteado amarillo del arrozrice yellow mottle virus
bot., mexic.zapote amarillo Achras sapota, A. zapotasapodilla
bot., mexic.zapote amarillo Achras sapota, A. zapotasapodilla tree
horticult., mexic.zapote amarillo Manilkara zapotasapodilla plum
entomol.ácaro amarillo Eotetranychus carpinihornbeam mite
nat.sc., agric.ácaro amarilloyellow tea mite (Hemitarsonemus latus, Polyphagotarsonemus latus, Tarsonemus latus, Tarsonemus translucens)
nat.sc., agric.ácaro amarillobroad mite (Hemitarsonemus latus, Polyphagotarsonemus latus, Tarsonemus latus, Tarsonemus translucens)
nat.sc., agric.ácaro amarilloyellow mite (Hemitarsonemus latus, Polyphagotarsonemus latus, Tarsonemus latus, Tarsonemus translucens)
entomol.ácaro amarillo del ciruelo Eotetranychus pruniplum yellow mite
entomol., Venezuel.áfido amarillo de la caña de azúcar Sipha flava (Forbes)yellow sugar cane aphid
chem.ámbar amarilloamber
gen.ámbar amarilloyellow amber
forestr.árbol de madera amarillaupright yellowwood (Podocarpus latifolius, Podocarpus sweetii, Podocarpus thunbergii)
forestr.árbol de madera amarillareal yellowwood (Podocarpus latifolius, Podocarpus sweetii, Podocarpus thunbergii)
bot.ñame amarillo Dioscorea cayenensisattoto yam
chem.óxido amarillo de mercurioyellow mercuric oxide
chem.óxido mercúrico amarilloyellow mercuric oxide