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Terms containing algoritmos de | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
meteorol.algoritmo automatizado de quema de biomasaAutomated Biomass Burning Algorithm
meteorol.algoritmo automatizado de quema de biomasa para incendios descontroladosWildfire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm
ITalgoritmo criptográfico de clave pública RSARivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key encryption algorithm
ITalgoritmo criptográfico de clave pública RSARSA algorithm
ITalgoritmo criptográfico de clave pública RSARSA public-key encryption algorithm
ITalgoritmo criptográfico de clave pública RSARivest, Shamir and Adleman algorithm
commun.algoritmo de autenticación A3algorithm A3
ITalgoritmo de cifrado de bloques de n-bitn-bit block cipher algorithm
stat.algoritmo de clasificación multidimensional no jerárquicanon-hierarchical multivariate clustering algorithm
comp., MSalgoritmo de clave asimétricaasymmetric key algorithm (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
comp., MSalgoritmo de clave públicapublic key algorithm (An asymmetric cipher that uses two keys, one for encryption, the public key, and the other for decryption, the private key. As implied by the key names, the public key used to encode plaintext can be made available to anyone. However, the private key must remain secret. Only the private key can decrypt the ciphertext. The public key algorithm used in this process is slow (on the order of 1,000 times slower than symmetric algorithms), and is typically used to encrypt session keys or digitally sign a message)
comp., MSalgoritmo de clústeres de secuencia de MicrosoftMicrosoft Sequence Clustering algorithm (Algorithm that is a combination of sequence analysis and clustering, which identifies clusters of similarly ordered events in a sequence. The clusters can be used to predict the likely ordering of events in a sequence based on known characteristics)
ITalgoritmo de compresión en escala de grisesgrey scale compression algorithm
commun.algoritmo de encriptación A5algorithm A5
meteorol.algoritmo de extracción de datosretrieval algorithm
meteorol.algoritmo de extracción de la precipitación multivariado autocalibradoSelf-Calibrating Multivariate Precipitation Retrieval
comp., MSAlgoritmo de firma digitalDigital Signature Algorithm (The U.S. government standard for digital signatures, as specified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in FIPS 186, Digital Signature Standard. DSA is based on signature encryption based on a public and a private key)
commun.algoritmo de generación de la clave de cifrado A8algorithm A8
stat.algoritmo de la peladurapeeling algorithm
math.algoritmo de la uno mismo-consistencia de Efronmissing information principle
math.algoritmo de la uno mismo-consistencia de EfronEfron's self-consistency algorithm
auto.ctrl.algoritmo de modo posiciónposition algorithm
auto.ctrl.algoritmo de modo velocidadvelocity algorithm
comp., MSalgoritmo de Naglenagling (An optimization process for HTTP over TCP that increases efficiency by trying to minimize the number of packets that are required before data is sent)
tech., law, el.algoritmo de negociación continua de la casacióncontinuous trading matching algorithm
ITalgoritmo de retropropagación en líneaon-line back-propagation algorithm
comp., MSalgoritmo de serie temporal de MicrosoftMicrosoft Time Series algorithm (Algorithm that uses a linear regression decision tree approach to analyze time-related data, such as monthly sales data or yearly profits. The patterns it discovers can be used to predict values for future time steps)
meteorol.algoritmo de tasa de lluviarain rate algorithm
stat.algoritmo del aumento de los datosdata augmentation algorithm
commun., transp.algoritmo para el reconocimiento de formaspattern recognition algorithm
meteorol.algoritmos de generación de productosproduct algorithms
meteorol.algoritmos de identificación, representación cartográfica y observación de incendiosFire Identification Mapping and Monitoring Algorithms
ITalgoritmos de paginación de memoria virtualvirtual memory paging algorithms
gen.Algoritmos y arquitecturas avanzados para proceso de voz y de imagenAdvanced algorithms and architectures for speech and image processing
meteorol.equipo de algoritmo operativo OAT, por sus siglas en inglésOperational Algorithm Team
ITLenguaje de algoritmosalgorithmic oriented language
ITLenguaje de algoritmosAlgorithmic Language
meteorol.producto derivado de algoritmosalgorithm-derived product