
Terms for subject Environment containing X | all forms | exact matches only
a los voltajes normales de operación la dosis de radiación de rayos X es bastante elevadafairly high X-radiation dose rates at normal operating voltages
análisis por difracción de rayos xX-ray diffraction analysis
cámara de ionización fluida para medir la exposición a rayos X blandosfluid ionization chambers for measuring exposure to soft X-rays
el bombardeo de los electrones parásitos genera emisión de rayos Xthe parasitic electron bombardment causes emission of X-rays
el haz de rayos X se colima mediante un diafragmathe X-ray beam is collimated by a diaphragm
en una amplia banda horizontal los rayos X fueron semihomogéneosthe X-rays were semihomogeneous in a broad horizontal band
espectrometría de rayos X blandos mediante un detector de semiconductoresspectrometry of soft X-rays by means of a semiconductor detector
la aparición de un pico en el espectro es atribuible a radiación X secundariathe appearance of a peak in the spectrum is attributable to secondary X-radiation
la intensidad y calidad de las radiaciones X depende del voltaje de aceleraciónthe intensity and quality of the X-radiation are dependent on the accelerating voltage
los receptores de televisión emiten rayos X de baja energíaX-radiation emitted by television sets is of low energy
rayos XX ray
rayos XX ray A penetrating electromagnetic radiation, usually generated by accelerating electrons to high velocity and suddenly stopping them by collision with a solid body, or by inner-shell transitions of atoms with atomic number greater than 10; their wavelength ranges from about 10(-5) angstrom to 10 angstroms, the average wavelength used in research being 1 angstrom