
Terms for subject Environment containing Sistema | all forms | exact matches only
Comité del Reglamento por el que se permite que las organizaciones se adhieran con carácter voluntario a un sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientales EMASCommittee on the Regulation allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme EMAS
Comité del sistema comunitario revisado de concesión de etiqueta ecológicaCommittee on the revised Community eco-label award scheme
Comité para la aplicación del Reglamento que autoriza la participación voluntaria de las empresas del sector industrial en un sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientalesCommittee for the application of the regulation authorizing voluntary participation by undertakings in the industrial sector in a Community eco-management and audit scheme
Comité reglamentario del sistema comunitario de concesión de una etiqueta ecológicaRegulatory Committee on the Community award scheme for an eco-label
comparación de sistemassystems comparison
comparación de sistemassystems comparison Analysis or estimate noting similarities and differences in the operations of businesses and organizations
contador proporcional montado o no con un sistema anticoincidenciaa proportional counter which may or may not be fitted with an anti-coincidence system
Foro de consulta del sistema revisado de concesión de la etiqueta ecológicaConsultation Forum of the revised Community Eco-label Scheme
incertidumbre relacionada con el sistema climáticouncertainty related to the climate system
la capacidad radiológica límite de un sistema hidrobiológicothe limiting radiological capacity of a hydrobiological system
límite del sistemasystem boundary
nuevo sistema modular de tratamiento de recursos hídricos mediante la combinación de la fotooxidación solar y la ionización del airenovel modular water treatment system by combination of solar photooxidation and air ionisation
Programa a mediano plazo para el medio ambiente a nivel de todo el sistemaSystem Wide Medium-Term Environment Programme
Programa Mundial de Viligancia del Sistema ClimáticoWorld Climate System Monitoring Programme
red de datos del sistema internacional de datos de referencia sobre el ciclo de vida ILCD ILCD DN
red de datos del sistema internacional de datos de referencia sobre el ciclo de vida ILCD International Reference Life Cycle Data System ILCD Data Network
red de datos del sistema internacional de datos de referencia sobre el ciclo de vida ILCD ILCD Data Network
sistema acústicohearing system
sistema acústicohearing system The system that is concerned with the perception of sound, is mediated through the organ of Corti of the ear in mammals or through corresponding sensory receptors of the lagena in lower vertebrates, is normally sensitive in man to sound vibrations between 16 and 27.000 cycles per second but most receptive to those between 2.000 and 5.000 cycles per second, is conducted centrally by the cochlear branch of the auditory nerve, and is coordinated especially in the medial geniculate body
sistema automático de información de la calidad de las aguasautomatic system providing information on water quality
sistema BIPbuilt-in-purifier system
sistema BIPBIP system
sistema cardiovascularcardiovascular system Those structures, including the heart and blood vessels, which provide channels for the flow of blood
sistema central de adquisición de datoscentral data acquisition system
sistema climáticoclimate system
sistema colectorcollecting system
sistema combinado de fijación de prioridades basado en mediciones y modeloscombined monitoring-based and modelling-based priority setting
Sistema compartido de información medioambientalShared Environmental Information System
sistema comunitario de auditoría medioambientalCommunity Eco-audit scheme
Sistema comunitario de concesión de etiqueta ecológicaCommunity award scheme for an Eco-label
sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientalesCommunity eco-management and audit scheme
sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientaleseco-management and audit scheme
sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientalesenvironmental management and audit scheme
sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientalesCommunity Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
sistema comunitario de gestión y auditoría medioambientalesCommunity eco management and audit scheme
sistema comunitario de informaciónCommunity Information System
sistema comunitario de información sobre los incendios forestalesCommunity forest-fire information system
sistema comunitario Eco-auditoríaCommunity Eco-audit scheme
sistema comunitario para la evaluación y mejora del comportamiento medioambiental en los centros industriales de producciónEuropean Community scheme for the evaluation and improvement of the environmental performance at industrial production sites
sistema de abastecimiento de agua corrientepipe-distributed water system
sistema de acreditaciónaccreditation system
sistema de aireación extendidoextended aeration system
sistema de aireación por conoscone aeration system
sistema de aislamiento superficialsurface containment system
sistema de alcantarilla separadoseparate sewer system
sistema de alcantarilla separadoseparate sewer system Sewer system having distinct pipes for collecting superficial water and sewage water
sistema de alcantarillado de aguas pluvialesrain water sewer system
sistema de alcantarillado de aguas pluvialesrain water sewer system Channels for clearing away rain water
Sistema de análisis, investigación y capacitación para hacer frente al cambio mundialGlobal Change System for Analysis, Research and Training
sistema de apoyo a las decisionesdecision-support system
sistema de apoyo a las decisionesdecision-support system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources that analyzes, typically, business data and presents it so that users can make business decisions more easily
sistema de apoyo de decisiones relativas a emergencia medioambientalEnvironmental Emergency Decision Support System
sistema de aspiraciónexhaust system
sistema de calidadquality system
sistema de camelloneswindrow system
sistema de canalizaciónwaste management system
sistema de captación de fluidoslight fluid separator
sistema de captación del agua de lluviarainwater collecting scheme
sistema de ciclo cerrado a través del polígono ecoindustrialclosed loop system within ecoindustrial district
sistema de compactación de residuosdensification
sistema de compensación de emisionescarbon offset scheme
sistema de comunicacionessignal communication system
sistema de comunicacióncommunications system
sistema de comunicacióncommunications system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources designed to exchange information and data by means of mutually understood symbols
sistema de contabilidadaccounting system The system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm and of analyzing its financial status and operating results
sistema de control de gasesgas control system
sistema de control de la contaminación del aireair pollution control system
sistema de control de las emisiones evaporantesevaporative emissions control system
sistema de control de los gasesgas control system
sistema de control del medioenvironmental monitoring system
sistema de control hidrológicohydrological monitoring system
sistema de coordenadascoordinate system
sistema de coordenadasco-ordinate system
sistema de coordenadasco-ordinate system A reference system used to measure horizontal and vertical distances on a planimetric map. A coordinate system is usually defined by a map projection, a spheroid of reference, a datum, one or more standard parallels, a central meridian, and possible shifts in the x- and y-directions to locate x, y positions of point, line, and area features. A common coordinate system is used to spatially register geographic data for the same area
sistema de coordinación interorganismosmultiagency coordination system
sistema de cultivocultivation system Any overall structure or set-up used to organize the activity of preparing land or soil for the growth of new crops, or the activity of promoting or improving the growth of existing crops
sistema de decantación por gravedadinduced-gravity settling system
sistema de depuración de aguaswater treatment system
sistema de depósito de los desechos gaseososgaseous-waste holdup system
sistema de desagüe colectivocombined sewer system
sistema de desagüe colectivocombined sewer system A sewer intended to serve as a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer, or as an industrial sewer and a storm sewer
sistema de desagüe pluvialstorm water drain
sistema de descargadump system
sistema de descargasteam dump system
sistema de descargatank and gating system
sistema de descarga de vaporsteam dump system
sistema de descarga de vapordump system
sistema de detección tempranaearly warning system
sistema de detección tempranaearly warning system Any series of procedures and devices designed to detect sudden or potential threats to persons, property or the environment at the first sign of danger; especially a system utilizing radar technology
sistema de diagnóstico anticontaminatorioanti-pollution diagnostic system
sistema de dilución sin reducción del caudalfull-flow dilution system
sistema de distribución de aguawater distribution system The system of pipes supplying water to communities and industries
sistema de distribución energéticaenergy distribution system
sistema de distribución energéticaenergy distribution system Any publicly or privately organized setup in which usable power such as electricity is delivered to homes and businesses
sistema de drenajesystem of drainage
sistema de drenajedrainage system
sistema de drenaje naturalnatural drainage system
sistema de ecogestión y ecoauditoríaeco-management and audit scheme
sistema de ecogestión y ecoauditoríaenvironmental management and audit scheme
sistema de ecogestión y ecoauditoríaCommunity Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
sistema de eliminacióndisposal system
sistema de energía eólicawind-power system
sistema de etiqueta ecológica de la UEEU Ecolabel scheme
sistema de etiqueta ecológica de la UECommunity eco-label award scheme
sistema de etiquetado ecológicoeco-labelling scheme
sistema de etiquetado ecológico de ámbito comunitarioCommunity-wide eco-labelling system
sistema de gestión de las inundacionesflood management system
sistema de gestión de residuos sólidossolid-waste management system
sistema de gestión mediambientalenvironmental management system
sistema de gestión medioambientalenvironment management system
sistema de gestión y auditoría medioambientaleseco-management and audit scheme
sistema de gestión y auditoría medioambientalesenvironmental management and audit scheme
sistema de gestión y auditoría medioambientalesCommunity Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
sistema de identificación de residuos tóxicos peligrosostoxic and dangerous waste identification system
sistema de impermeabilización y de recogida de lixiviadosleachate collection and sealing system
sistema de Incineración Móvil con Bajas Emisionesmobile incineration system with low emissions
sistema de información bibliográficabibliographic information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources organized for the exchange of data pertaining to the history, physical description, comparison, and classification of books and other works
sistema de información bibliográficabibliographic information system
Sistema de información comunitarioCommunity Information System
sistema de información de remisiónreferral information system
sistema de información de remisiónreferral information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources organized to provide directions leading people to sources known to provide knowledge or assistance on a specified topic or request
sistema de información estadísticastatistical information system
sistema de información estadísticastatistical information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources enabling the exchange of numerical data that has been collected, classified or interpreted for analysis
Sistema de información sobre conservación forestal y de áreas silvestresForest and Wildlands Conservation Information System
Sistema de Información sobre el Agua para EuropaWater Information System for Europe
Sistema de Intercambio de Información sobre Desastres Naturales y AmbientalesNatural and Environmental Disaster Information Exchange System
sistema de irrigaciónirrigation system
sistema de irrigaciónirrigation system A system of man-made channels for supplying water to land to allow plants to grow
sistema de lagunaslagoon system
sistema de limitación y comerciocap and trade
sistema de limitación y comerciocap-and-trade system
sistema de límites máximos y comercio de derechos de emisióncap and trade
sistema de límites máximos y comercio de derechos de emisióncap-and-trade system
sistema de medición de las emisiones de polvodust emission measuring system
sistema de observación desde estaciones terrestresground-based system
sistema de planificación-programación-presupuestoPlanning-Programming-Budgeting System
sistema de planificación-programación-presupuestoPlanning-Programming-Budgeting System A system to achieve long-term goals or objectives by means of analysis and evaluation of the alternatives. PPB is designed to solve problems by finding the most effective and most efficient solution on the basis of objective criteria
sistema de propulsión independienteindependent drive system
sistema de protecciónprotection system A series of procedures and devices designed to preserve people, property or the environment from injury or harm
sistema de purificación de residuos en el punto de descargaend of pipe waste cleaning system
sistema de reciclado de los gases de escapeexhaust gas recycle system
sistema de reciclado de los gases de escapeEGR system
sistema de recuperación de vaporvapour recovery system
sistema de recuperación de vaporvapour recovery system Gas feedback device: while refuelling gasoline vapors are sucked off and led back again into the storage tank
sistema de reparaciónrepair system
sistema de rescaterescue system Any series of procedures and devices used by trained personnel to provide immediate assistance to persons who are in danger or injured
sistema de rodillos microalveoladosmicrofoam roller system
sistema de seguridadsafety system
sistema de seguridadsafety system A unified, coordinated assemblage or plan of procedures and devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment
sistema de separación por aireair separation system
sistema de separación y clasificaciónsegregation and sorting system
sistema de telemática para combatir los incendios forestalestelematics system to fight forest fires
sistema de torretower system
sistema de tratamientotreatment system
sistema de tratamiento del efluente radiactivoactive effluent system
sistema de tratamiento digital de la imagenimage processing digital system
sistema de tratamiento digital de la imagenimage processing digital system A coordinated assemblage of computer devices designed to capture and manipulate pictures stored as data in discrete, quantized units or digits
sistema de tratamiento móvilmobile treatment system
sistema de tratamiento transportableportable treatment system
sistema de trituracióncrushing system
sistema de valorizaciónrecovery system
sistema de ventilaciónventilation system
sistema de vertido en secodry disposal system
sistema de vigilanciamonitoring system
sistema de vigilanciamonitoring system A coordinated body of sensory and communications devices that observes, detects or records the outputs or operations of any natural or artificial system in order to construct a history or future of events
Sistema de vigilancia atmosférica globalGlobal Atmosphere Watch
sistema de votaciónvoting
sistema de votaciónvoting The act of formally expressing an opinion or choice in some matter or for some candidate, usually by voice or ballot
sistema de áreas cortacombustiblesfuelbreak system
sistema destinado a acreditar verificadores medioambientales independientes y a supervisar sus actividadessystem for the accreditation of independent environmental verifiers and for the supervision of their activities
Sistema digital GISGIS digital system
Sistema digital GISGIS digital system An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information that can be drawn from different sources, both statistical and mapped
sistema dinámico de dilución y homogeneizacióndynamic dilution and mixing system
sistema documentaldocumentary system
sistema documentaldocumentary system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources providing written, printed or digitized items that furnish or substantiate information or evidence
sistema ecológicoecosystem
sistema ecológicobiogeocoenosis
sistema ecológicobiogeocenose
sistema educativoeducational system Any formulated, regular or special organization of instruction, training or knowledge disclosure, especially the institutional structures supporting that endeavor
sistema endocrinoendocrine system The chemical coordinating system in animals, that is, the endocrine glands that produce hormones
Sistema Euromediterráneo de Información sobre los conocimientos especializados en el sector del aguaEuro-Mediterranean Information System on Know-How in the Water Sector
sistema euromediterráneo de prevención, atenuación y gestión de catástrofes naturales y provocadas por el hombreEuromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters
Sistema europeo de observación de la TierraEuropean Earth Observation System
sistema europeo de supervisión del estado de los bosquesEuropean monitoring system of forest health
sistema expertoexpert system A computer configuration of hardware and software that simulates the judgment and behavior of a human or an organization with extensive knowledge in a particular field, often by giving answers, solutions or diagnoses
Sistema Global Integrado de Servicios OceánicosIntegrated Global Ocean Services System
Sistema global integrado de servicios oceánicosIntegrated Global Ocean Station System
sistema híbrido de desalaciónhybrid desalination system
sistema híbrido de revestimientohybrid coating system
sistema húmedo de desechamientowet disposal system
sistema impositivotax system A co-ordinated body of methods or plan of procedures for levying compulsory charges for the purpose of raising revenue
sistema informáticodata processing system
sistema informáticodata-processing system
sistema informáticodata processing system An assembly of computer hardware, firmware and software configured for the purpose of performing various operations on digital information elements with a minimum of human intervention
sistema inmunológicoimmune system A body system that helps an organism to resist disease, through the activities of specialised blood cells or antibodies produced by them in response to natural exposure or inoculation
sistema integrado de gestión de riesgosintegrated system for risk management
sistema internacional de datos de referencia sobre el ciclo de vidaInternational Reference Life Cycle Data System
Sistema internacional de información ambientalInternational Environmental Information System
sistema internacional de referencia de datos sobre el ciclo de vidaInternational Reference Life Cycle Data System
sistema judiciallegal system The organization and network of courts and other institutions, procedures and customs, officers and other personnel concerned with interpretation and enforcement of a country's law or with advice and assistance in matters pertaining to those laws
sistema judicialjudicial system Entire network of courts in a particular jurisdiction
sistema linfáticolymphatic system A system of vessels and nodes conveying lymph in the vertebrate body, beginning with capillaries in tissue spaces and eventually forming the thoracic ducts which empty in the subclavian veins
sistema litorallittoral system
sistema mecanizado de clasificación de desechosmechanized waste sorting system
sistema mecanizado de clasificación de desechosmechanised waste sorting system
sistema microfiltro bypassmicrofilter bypass-system
sistema monetario europeoEuropean Monetary System An organization established in Europe in 1979 to coordinate financial policy and exchange rates for the continent by running the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) and assisting movement toward a common European currency and a central European bank
sistema monodispersadomonodispersed system
sistema mundial de gestión de las situaciones de emergenciaglobal emergency management system
Sistema mundial de información y alerta sobre recursos fitogenéticosWorld Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic Resources
Sistema Mundial de ObservaciónGlobal Observing System WMO/WWW
Sistema Mundial de Observación de la TierraGlobal Terrestrial Observing System
Sistema Mundial de Observación de los OcéanosGlobal Ocean Observation System
Sistema mundial de observación oceánicaGlobal Ocean Observation System
Sistema mundial de observación terrestreGlobal Terrestrial Observing System
Sistema Mundial de Vigilancia del Medio AmbienteGlobal Environment Monitoring System
Sistema Mundial de Vigilancia del Medio AmbienteGlobal Environmental Monitoring System
Sistema mundial de viligancia del medio ambienteGlobal Environment Monitoring System
sistema municipal de alcantarilladowastewater disposal
sistema municipal de alcantarilladourban sewerage system
sistema municipal de alcantarilladosewage disposal
sistema municipal de alcantarilladomunicipal sewage system
sistema muscularmuscular system
sistema muscularmuscular system The muscle cells, tissues, and organs that effect movement in all vertebrates
sistema nacional de eliminación de vertidos contaminantesNational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
sistema nacional que permite la estimación de las emisiones antropógenasnational system for the estimation of anthropogenic emissions
Sistema Nacional Unificado de Observación, Control e Información sobre la Situación del Medio AmbienteUnified National System for Observation, Control and Information on the Environment's State
sistema nerviosonervous system A coordinating and integrating system which functions in the adaptation of an organism to its environment; in vertebrates, the system consists of the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, cranial and peripheral nerves, and ganglia
sistema regional de alerta inmediataregional early warning system
sistema respiratoriorespiratory system The structures and passages involved with the intake, expulsion and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vertebrate body
sistema salarialwage system
sistema salarialwage system System which compensates the employees with a fixed sum per piece, hour, day or another period of time, covering all compensations including salary
sistema separativoseparate system
sistema separativoseparate sewer system
sistema separativoseparate sewer
sistema socialsocial system The concept of system appears throughout the social and natural sciences and has generated a body of literature of its own (general systems theory). A system is any pattern of relationships between elements, and is regarded as having emergent properties on its own over and above the properties of its elements
sistema telemático de alerta automáticatelematic, automatic alert system
sistema tradicionalconventional treatment
sistemas de alertawarning system
sistemas de alertawarning system Any series of procedures and devices designed to detect sudden or potential threats to persons, property or the environment, often utilizing radar technology
sistemas de informacióninformation system Any coordinated assemblage of persons, devices and institutions used for communicating or exchanging knowledge or data, such as by simple verbal communication, or by completely computerized methods of storing, searching and retrieving information
sistemas de información ambientalenvironmental information system
sistemas de información ambientalenvironmental information system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources designed to exchange data or knowledge concerning any aspect of the ecosystem, the natural resources within or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life
sistemas de información geográficageographic information system
sistemas de información geográficageographic information system An organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of geographically referenced information that can be drawn from different sources, both statistical and mapped
sistemas de transportetransport system
sistemas de transportetransport system System of lines of movements or communication by road, rail, water or air
sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residualessewage treatment system
sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residualessewage treatment system Sewage treatment comes in two stages - primary and secondary treatment. The primary stage involves a process of screening solids from sewage, leaving a sludge and relatively clear water for further treatment or for disposal into rivers, the sea or on to the land. In the secondary stage the sludge is stirred constantly in vast tanks to get more oxygen into the mixture, allowing bacteria to break down the organic matter and leave a harmless residue that falls as a sediment to the bottom of the tank. After processing, the clear water on top of the tank is discharged into rivers and the sediment is used as landfill or discharged at sea
sistemas económicoseconomic system
sistemas económicoseconomic system Organized sets of procedures used within or between communities to govern the production and distribution of goods and services
teoría de sistemassystems theory
teoría de sistemassystems theory The science concerned with the general study of structures and behaviours of systems which may be applicable in different branches of learning