
Terms for subject Environment containing Servicios | all forms | exact matches only
Asociación de servicios de suministro de aguas del Rin y del MosaAssociation of Rhine and Meuse Water Supply Companies
bienes y serviciosgoods and services The total of economic assets, including both physical or storable objects and intangible acts of human assistance
Comité para la adaptación al progreso técnico y la aplicación de la directiva sobre el control de emisiones de compuestos orgánicos volátiles COV resultantes del almacenamiento y distribución de gasolina desde las terminales a las estaciones de servicioCommittee for adaptation to technical progress and implementation of the Directive on the control of volatile organic compound VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stations
empleo de serviciosservices providing company
industrias de serviciosservice industry
placa de datos de serviciorating plate
plataforma intergubernamental científico-normativa sobre diversidad biológica y servicios de los ecosistemasIntergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
proveedor de servicios de Internetinternet service provider
proveedor de servicios de Internetinternet service provider A business or organization that supplies connections to a part of the Internet, often through telephone lines
reservorio de servicioservice reservoir
Residuos de servicios médicos o veterinarios y/o de investigación asociadaWastes from human or animal health care and/or related research excluding kitchen and restaurant wastes which do not arise from immediate health care
residuos de servicios médicos o veterinarios y/o de investigación asociada excluidos residuos de cocina y restaurantes que no son de procedencia directa de cuidados sanitarioswastes from human or animal health care and/or related research except kitchen and restaurant wastes not arising from immediate health care
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientalesenvironmental industry
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientalesenvironment industry
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientalesenvironmental goods and services industry
sector de bienes y servicios medioambientaleseco-industry
Servicio australiano de parques nacionales y faunaAustralian National Parks and Wildlife Service
servicio de bibliotecalibrary service
servicio de bibliotecalibrary service The duties of an establishment, or a public institution, charged with the care and organizing of a collection of printed and other materials, and the duty of interpreting such materials to meet the informational, cultural, educational, recreational or research needs of its clients
servicio de bomberosfire service
servicio de búsqueda en CD-ROMCD-ROM search service The provision of special aid by library staff trained to query bibliographic or other information contained on an electronic storage medium, usually to meet the research needs of the library's clients
servicio de búsqueda en Internetinternet search service The provision of special aid by library staff trained to query bibliographic or other information contained on the Internet, a large distributed electronic system, usually to meet the research needs of the library's clients
servicio de control de desastredisaster control service
servicio de control de desastredisaster control service Work done or agency established to analyze, plan, assign and coordinate available resources in order to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from damage caused by an ecological calamity, natural or human in origin
servicio de incendiosfire agency
servicio de incendiosfire service
servicio de incendiosfire service Technical organisation with trained personnel for dealing with fires and other incidents and for co-operating in their prevention
servicio de informacióninformation service An organized system of providing assistance or aid to individuals who are seeking information, such as by using databases and other information sources to communicate or supply knowledge or factual data
servicio de inspeccióninspection service An organization designated to look into, supervise and report upon, the staff members and workings of some institution or department, or the conforming to laws and regulations by a segment of society or other group
servicio de limpieza municipalmunicipal cleansing service
servicio de limpieza municipalmunicipal cleansing service Removal for treatment or disposal of those residues that can be regarded as waste including removal of litter from public places, public thoroughfares or the countryside
Servicio de Recursos, Manejo y Conservación de SuelosSoil Resources, Management and Conservation Service
servicio de referenciareference service The provision of aid by library staff trained to interpret library materials and library organizational structures to meet the informational, educational, cultural, recreational or research needs of the library's clients
servicio de rescaterescue service
servicio de rescaterescue service Service organized to provide immediate assistance to persons injured or in distress
servicio ecosistémicoeco-service
servicio ecosistémicoecosystem service
servicio en líneaon-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications network
servicio local de pasajeroslocal passenger service
servicio local de pasajeroslocal passenger service Passenger transport system for a limited local area
Servicio Mundial de Referencias e Información sobre Datos ClimáticosWorld Climate Data Information Referral Service
servicio públicopublic service An enterprise concerned with the provision to the public of essentials, such as electricity or water
servicio sanitariohealth service The supply of health care to the public
servicio socialsocial service Welfare activities organized by the state or a local authority and carried out by trained personnel
servicio verdegreen service
servicios químicoschemical toilet
Sistema Global Integrado de Servicios OceánicosIntegrated Global Ocean Services System
Sistema global integrado de servicios oceánicosIntegrated Global Ocean Station System
zonas de serviciosservice area
zonas de serviciosservice area The area served by a particular public facility such as school, library, police station, park, etc.