
Terms for subject Environment containing Organismo | all forms | exact matches only
Comité de aplicación de la directiva relativa a la liberación intencional en el medio ambiente de organismos modificados genéticamenteCommittee for implementation of the directive on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms
descarga accidental de organismosaccidental release of organisms
descarga accidental de organismosaccidental release of organisms Genetically engineered organisms that are released in the environment by mistake; once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce a form with hazardous consequences for the environment
equilibrio entre organismosbiological balance
equilibrio entre organismosbiological equilibrium
equilibrio entre organismosbalance of organisms
las radiaciones ionizantes actúan sobre un organismo por transferencia de energíathe ionising radiations reacted on an organism by a transfer of energy
liberación de organismosrelease of organisms
liberación de organismosrelease of organisms The release of organisms in the environment creates the risk that once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria
liberación intencional en el medio ambiente de organismos genéticamente modificadosdeliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms
micro-organismo acuáticoaquatic microorganism
organismo beneficiosobeneficial organism
organismo beneficiosobeneficial organism Any pollinating insect, or any pest predator, parasite, pathogen or other biological control agent which functions naturally or as part of an integrated pest management program to control another pest
organismo colaboradorassisting agency
organismo consultivo del Estadogovernment advisory body
organismo de abastecimiento de aguawater authority
organismo de acreditaciónaccreditation body
organismo de agua dulcefreshwater organism
organismo de agua dulcefreshwater organism Organisms which live in freshwater
Organismo de Investigaciones sobre el Medio AmbienteEnvironmental Investigation Agency
Organismo de Investigaciones sobre el Medio AmbienteEnvironment Investigation Agency
organismo de no objetivonon-target organism
organismo de no objetivonon-target organism A plant or animal other than the one against which the pesticide is applied
organismo de obras hidráulicasWater Board
organismo de obras hidráulicasWater Authority
organismo de pruebatest organism
organismo de pruebatest organism Any animal organism used for scientific research
organismo de suelosoil organism
organismo de suelosoil organism Organisms which live in the soil
organismo encargado de la gestión de los residuos radiactivoswaste manager
organismo genéticamente modificadogenetically modified organism An organism that has undergone external processes by which its basic set of genes has been altered
organismo heterótrofoheterotrophic organism
organismo marinomarine organism
organismo marinomarine organism Organisms which live in sea water
Organismo para la protección del lobo italianoItalian Wolf Conservation Association
organismo patógenopathogenic organism
organismos acuáticosaquatic organism
organismos acuáticosaquatic organism Organisms which live in water
organismos de limpiezascouring organism
organismos dispersadosdispersed growth
organismos fijadosfixed growth
organismos fitobentónicosphytobenthos
organismos incrustantesfouling
organismos patógenospathogenic organism Agents producing or capable of producing disease
placas para organismos incrustantesfouling plates
propiedad patógena de organismos portadores de información genética nuevapathogenic property of organisms carrying new genetic information