
Terms containing Notas | all forms | exact matches only
commer.acuerdo comercial en forma de intercambio de notastrade agreement in the form of an exchange of letters
lawacuerdo en forma de canje de notasagreement in the form of an exchange of letters
gen.Acuerdo en forma de canje de notas complementarioAgreement in the form of a complementary Exchange of Letters
fin., polit., met.Acuerdo en forma de Canje de Notas entre la Comunidad Europea y la Federación de Rusia por el que se establece un sistema de doble control sin límites cuantitativos para las exportaciones de la Federación de Rusia a la Comunidad Europea de determinados productos siderúrgicosAgreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Russian Federation establishing a double-checking system without quantitative limits in respect of the export of certain steel products from the Russian Federation to the European Community
gen.Acuerdo en forma de Canje de Notas entre la Unión Europea y el Gobierno de Indonesia sobre los cometidos, el estatuto, los privilegios y las inmunidades de la Misión de Observación de la Unión Europea en Aceh Indonesia, Misión de Observación en Aceh - MOA y de su personalAgreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Union and the Government of Indonesia on the tasks, status, privileges and immunities of the European Union Monitoring Mission in Aceh Indonesia, Aceh Monitoring Mission - AMM and its personnel
agric.Acuerdo en forma de Canje de Notas por el que se prorroga la adaptación del Acuerdo entre la Comunidad Europea y...sobre el comercio de las carnes de oveja, cordero y cabraAgreement in the form of an exchange of letters extending the adaptation to the Agreement between the European Community and...on trade in mutton, lamb and goatmeat
meas.inst.altura de la nota de batidobeat note pitch
comp., MSbloc de notasnotebook (A group of OneNote sections)
gen.bloc de notasnotepad
patents.bloc de notasmemo pads
comp., MSBloc de notas de Expression MediaExpression Media Notepad (A feature that enables users to exchange comments on an image or other digital file)
comp., MSBorrar notaClear Note (An item on the user's My Status menu that deletes the user's current status note)
commun., ITcampo de notasnote field
gen.canje de notasexchange of letters
gen.canje de notas interpretativasexchange of interpretative letters
patents.carteras para blocs de notasnotebook holders
IMF.con nota especialspecial mention
comp., MScontenedor de notasnote container (A flexible bounding box that contains the notes that you type or paste on a page)
gen.contratación mediante una simple nota de gastos o facturacontracts made against invoice or bill of costs
fin.contratar mediante una simple factura o nota de gastosto make contracts against invoice or bill of costs
comp., MSCrear nota...Set Note... (The item on the user's My Status menu that enables the user to type a note that will appear as part of his status)
patents.cuadernos de notasnotepads
lawel juez hace notar que...the court notes (in 3rd person)
commun.escala de calidad de cinco notasfive-grade quality scale
commun.escala de calidad de cinco notas5-grade quality scale
ITescala de cinco notasfive-point scale
commun.escala de degradación de cinco notasfive-grade impairment scale
commun.escala de degradación de cinco notas5-grade impairment scale
commun.escala de evaluación de seis notassix-grade-scale
commun.escala de evaluación de seis notas6-grade-scale
comp., MSEscritura de notas de JournalJournal Note Writer (In Windows Journal, the printer driver that converts a document to a document image file)
comp., MSetiqueta de notanote tag (A marker that can be applied to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. This allows the user to find, view and sort tagged items with ease)
IT, dat.proc.formato de nota membreteadaheaded note-paper format
lawhago notar que...the court notes (in 1st person, the judge speaking)
gen.He notado que cambiaste tu corte de cabelloI noticed you changed your haircut
comp., MSherramienta para tomar notasnote-taking tool (A feature that enables users to capture notes, such as text, images, audio, video and Web content)
gen.intercambio de notas entre ministeriosministerial correspondence
polygr., model.libro de notasnotebook
account.lista de verificación de las notas explicativas de los estados financierosfinancial statement disclosure checklist
automat.mando de las notas gravesbass control
patents.material escolar, en concreto plumas, lápices, gomas de borrar, estuches de lápices, sacapuntas, reglas, grapadoras, pisapapeles, cuadernos, carpetas, clasificador de anillas, cuadernos de notas de espiral, forros para libros y señales para librosschool supplies, namely fountain pens, pencils, erasers, pencil cases, pencil sharpeners, rulers, staplers, paperweights, notebooks, folders, ring binders, spiral notepads, book covers and bookmarks
fin., econ.mediante factura o simple nota de gastosagainst invoice or bill of costs
comp., MSMis notasMy Notes (A home part that allows the user to view all notes that are addressed to them. We will not be able to implement Notifications as described in the POR for Dynamics NAV 5.0. Therefore we will implement My Notes instead. When the user clicks the note link in their My Notes home part, the task page that contains the note will appear. My Notes is a list-based system where users can view all note that are addressed to them. Users will be able to view the following fields: To, From, Description. On task pages, users can write a note and then select users they want to whom they send the note)
work.fl., commun.nota a pie de páginabottom note
gen.nota a pie de páginafootnote
commun.nota adicional de erratasimperfection note
patents.nota al pie de la páginafootnote
gen.nota al Presidente del ConsejoNote for the President of the Council
gen.nota al Presidente del ConsejoBrief for the President of the Council
transp., avia.nota autorizadora de vuelomaster flight clearance note
commun.nota bibliográficabibliographical note
IT, dat.proc.nota centralcentre note
IT, dat.proc.nota centralcenter note
patents.nota circularcircular letter
law, nucl.phys.nota complementariaside letter
gen.nota conceptualconcept note
IMF.Nota Consultiva Conjunta del Personal TécnicoJoint Staff Assessment Note
IMF.Nota Consultiva Conjunta del Personal TécnicoJoint Staff Advisory Note
comp., MSnota de abonocredit note (An invoice with a negative amount)
libr., span.nota de abonocredit memorandum
fin.nota de abonocredit advice
insur.nota de acompañamientocovering note
insur.nota de acompañamientocover slip
insur.nota de acompañamientocover note
econ.nota de adeudocharge note
fin., ITnota de adeudoconfirmation of debit
fin., ITnota de adeudodebit advice
comp., MSnota de agradecimientothank you note (A note or email message sent to a person to thank them for something received, or for a meeting)
work.fl.nota de alcancescope note AGROVOC
el.nota de apreciación de la calidad del sistemasystem performance score
commun.nota de apreciación de la nitidezarticulation index
commun.nota de apreciación de la nitidezarticulation score
earth.sc.nota de apreciación de la nitidezarticulation score test
corp.gov.nota de asesoramientoadvisory note
earth.sc.nota de batido audibleaudible beat note
el.nota de batido audible y perturbadoraaudible interfering beat note
econ.nota de buqueobooking note
commun.nota de calidad relativarelative performance score
commun.nota de calidad superiorupper performance score
fin., ITnota de cargodebit advice
bank.nota de cargodebit note
fin., ITnota de cargoconfirmation of debit
insur.nota de coberturacover slip
insur.nota de coberturacovering note
insur.nota de coberturacover note
insur.nota de cobro de indemnizacionescollecting note
market.nota de comprabroker's note
market.nota de comprasale note
market.nota de compracontract note
market.nota de comprabought note
work.fl.nota de conceptoconcept note
work.fl.nota de conceptoconceptual paper
work.fl.nota de conceptoconcept document
work.fl.nota de conceptoconcept paper
libr., mexic.nota de créditocredit memorandum
fin.nota de créditocredit note
comp., MSnota de créditocredit memo (A document that states an amount for a return or refund. You create a customer credit memo when you are crediting a customer; you create a vendor credit memo when a vendor is crediting you)
comp., MSnota de crédito de clientecustomer credit memo (A document that states an amount a company owes a customer for a return or refund)
comp., MSnota de crédito de proveedorvendor credit memo (A document that states an amount a vendor owes your company for a return or refund)
gen.nota de cálculo del andamionote of the calculations for the scaffolding
econ.nota de depósitoreceipt voucher
fin.nota de débitodebit note
transp.nota de embarqueberth note
libr.nota de entregadelivery slip
comp., MSnota de entregadelivery note (A business document that documents the delivery of products between two parties)
libr.nota de entregaDO
libr.nota de entregadelivery order
IMF.nota de envíocover note
insur.nota de envíocovering note
IMF.nota de envíoletter of transmittal
IMF.nota de envíocover letter
gen.nota de envíotransmittal memorandum
environ.nota de envíodispatch note
gen.nota de envíomemorandum
insur.nota de envíocover slip
libr., span.nota de expediciónpacking list
libr., span.nota de expediciónpackaging list
work.fl.nota de exposición de conceptosconcept note
work.fl.nota de exposición de conceptosconcept document
work.fl.nota de exposición de conceptosconceptual paper
work.fl.nota de exposición de conceptosconcept paper
fin.nota de gastosmemorandum
fin.nota de gastosbill of costs
UN, account.nota de habilitación de créditosallotment advice
IMF.nota de información a la prensaPress Information Notice
econ., fin.nota de información al públicoPublic Information Notice
comp., MSnota de interésinterest note (A source document that documents an interest payment obligation)
bank.nota de liquidaciónaccounting note
commun.nota de llamada inalámbricawireless call note
commun.nota de llamada universaluniversal call note
comp., MSnota de negociosbusiness note (An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for)
econ., market.nota de no emisiónnote of non-issuance
insur.nota de ofertarequest note
insur.nota de ofertaoffer note
insur.nota de oferta y aceptooffer and acceptance note
tel.nota de opinión en telefoníaopinion score d'un poste téléphonique
h.rghts.act.Nota de orientación del ACNUR sobre las solicitudes de la condición de refugiado relacionadas con la orientación sexual y la identidad de géneroUNHCR Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
IMF.nota de orientación para la supervisión en el marco de las consultas del Artículo IVGuidance Note for Surveillance under Article IV Consultations
IMF.nota de orientación sobre el análisis de sostenibilidad de la deuda pública en los países con acceso a los mercadosGuidance Note on Public Debt Sustainability Analysis for Market Access Countries
IMF.nota de orientación sobre la liberalización y gestión de los flujos de capitalesGuidance Note on Liberalization and Management of Capital Flows
pharma.Nota de orientación sobre la química de los nuevos ingredientes activos y excipientesNote for Guidance on Chemistry of New Active Ingredients and Excipients
lawnota de pagopromissory note (pagaré)
fin., ITnota de pasotransit advice note
ITnota de pie de páginafootline
ITnota de pie de páginafooter
work.fl.nota de procedimientoprocedural brief
comp., MSnota de proteccióncheck-in note (A comment associated with a changeset that is added during the check-in process by prompting the user for specific data)
el.nota de pulsaciónbeat note
gen.nota de referenciareference slip
comp., MSnota de salidaissue slip (A report that is generated by a bailor when items are shipped to a bailee for storage purposes)
IT, el.nota de salida de materialesstores delivery note
gen.nota de serviciodepartmental note
gen.nota de servicioStaff Notice
gen.nota de sonidosound note
IMF.nota de síntesisStaff Position Paper
IMF.nota de síntesisStaff Position Note
IMF.nota de síntesis del personal técnico del FMIStaff Position Paper
IMF.nota de síntesis del personal técnico del FMIStaff Position Note
nat.sc., el.nota de tecnología nuclearNuclear Technology Note
gen.nota de transmisióncover note
fin., fish.farm.nota de ventasales note
comp., MSnota de vozvoice note (A note that contains recorded information)
econ.nota del corredorbroker’s note
work.fl.nota del encabezamientohead-note
insur.nota del liquidadoradjusters'note
polit.nota, directrizguideline
work.fl.nota editorialeditorial note
comp., MSnota etiquetadatagged note (A OneNote item that has been marked with a note tag)
polit.nota explicativabackground note
econ., market.nota explicativaexplanatory note
work.fl.nota explicativascope description AGRIS/CARIS subject categories
health., pharma.Nota explicativa para los solicitantesNotice to Applicant
IT, dat.proc.nota finalpostface
IT, dat.proc.nota finalendnote
nat.sc.nota general de tecnologíaGeneral Technology Note
ITnota general para el equipo lógicoGeneral Software Note
UNnota informativainformation note
gen.nota informativabriefing note
IMF.nota informativaNews Brief IMF document series, NB/...
work.fl.nota informativafact sheet
lawNota informativa sobre el planteamiento de cuestiones prejudiciales por los órganos jurisdiccionales nacionalesInformation note on references from national courts for a preliminary ruling
comp., MSnota internainternal note (A note added by an internal party, such as Support, to use for their own reference. Customers will not see these notes)
gen.nota interpretativainterpretative notice
gen.nota introductoriaintroductory note
fin.nota legal complementariaadditional note
commun.nota marginalside-note
commun.nota marginalshoulder-note
commun.nota marginalmarginal note
commun.nota marginaladdition
commun.nota marginal2. marginal note
lawnota marginalnote in the margin
commun.nota media de opiniónmean opinion score
gen.nota necrológicaobituary
econ.nota orientativaguidance note
gen.nota para adjuntar al expedientenote for the file
gen.nota para el expedientenote for the file
gen.nota para invertención oralspeaking note
org.name.Nota para las actasNote for the Record
comp., MSnota personalpersonal note (A text note provided by a user that is displayed along with his or her presence status)
gen.nota posterior a la inspecciónstatement after inspection
gen.nota punto "A""A" item note
gen.nota punto "I/A""I/A" item note
polit.nota recapitulativabackground note
polit., fin.nota rectificativaamending letter
fin.nota rectificativaletter of amendment
econ.nota rectificativa ad hocad hoc letter of amendment
tech.nota resultantebeat note
gen.Nota resumidaExecutive Brief
comp., MSnota segurasecure note (Any information (e.g. account numbers, sensitive data, etc) with a title and some free-form text that can be stored in a secure manner in a personal vault)
comp., MSnota sobre el contactocontact note (An annotation in a conversation window that contains contact-specific information that may be important for call handling)
comp., MSnota sobre la conversaciónconversation note (A note you type on the Notes tab of a conversation window to potentially be forwarded along with the call and saved in the call history)
IMF.nota sobre la estrategia de asistencia técnica a un paísTechnical Assistance Country Strategy Note
econ.nota sobre la estrategia del paíscountry strategy note UNDP
econ.nota sobre la estrategia para el paíscountry strategy note UNDP
comp., MSnota sobre la llamadacall note (A note with general information about the call, such as subject, that is generated by the ACD to potentially be forwarded or transferred along with the call)
comp., MSnota telefónicaphone log (The details of a phone call which may be linked with the history of an account, business contact, or opportunity)
work.fl.nota verbalthird person note
gen.nota verbalNote Verbale
tech.notas a colorescolored chits
tech.notas a colorescolor chits
fin., amer.notas a las cuentasnotes to financial statements
fin.notas a las cuentasnotes to the accounts
fin.notas a los estados contablesfootnotes disclosures
fin., amer.notas a los estados financierosnotes to financial statements
fin.notas a los estados financierosnotes to the accounts
work.fl.notas adicionales: información optativaadditional notes:optional data items
comp., MSNotas compartidasShared notes (The OneNote pages that are shared with everyone in a Room. Once created, they appear in the "lists" panel in the Room UI panorama)
work.fl., ITnotas de aplicación de microcomputadoresmicrocomputer application notes
lawnotas de fin del año escolarfinal grades
comp.PowerPoint notas de la reuniónmeeting minder
comp., MSnotas de la versiónrelease notes (A document that contains general release information and late changes. It is one of the deliverables leading to the release readiness approved milestone)
gen.notas de pedidoorder forms
fin.notas de suscripciónunderwriting notes
comp.notas del oradorspeaker's notes
comp., MSnotas del productowhite paper (A document with a high proportion of technical content. It can be a technical overview of a product, technology, or initiative, or it can be a procedural document)
comp.notas, documentos y esquemanotes, handouts and outline
IMF.notas estratégicas regionalesRegional Strategy Notes
fin.notas explicativas de la nomenclatura combinadaexplanatory notes to the combined nomenclature
fin.notas explicativas de la nomenclatura combinadaExplanatory notes to the Combined Nomenclature of the European Communities
fin.notas explicativas de la nomenclatura combinadaExplanatory notes to the Combined Nomenclature of the European Union
fin.Notas explicativas de la nomenclatura combinada de las Comunidades Europeasexplanatory notes to the combined nomenclature
fin.Notas explicativas de la nomenclatura combinada de las Comunidades EuropeasExplanatory notes to the Combined Nomenclature of the European Communities
fin.Notas explicativas de la nomenclatura combinada de las Comunidades EuropeasExplanatory notes to the Combined Nomenclature of the European Union
fin.notas explicativas del arancel aduanero de las Comunidades europeasExplanatory Notes of the Customs Tariff of the European Communities
fin.notas explicativas para la aplicación de la definiciónexplanatory notes as a guide to the application of the Definition
med.notas gravesnatural voice
med.notas graveschest voice
fin.notas interpretativas de la definición del valor en aduanainterpretative notes to the definition of value
med.notas introductoriasintroductory notes
comp., MSNotas para imágenesImage Annotator (The app that enables users to quickly annotate images, create simple drawings, and share them)
comp., MSNotas recibidas por correo electrónicoNotes E-mailed To Me (The name of a folder that contains any .one files that have been sent to you as an e-mail message attachment)
patents.notas reposicionablesrepositionable notes
comp., MSNotas rápidasQuick Notes (A section in the default OneNote notebook where certain notes are stored by default)
comp., MSNotas rápidasInk Desktop (A program in the Microsoft Experience Pack for Tablet PC that you can use to write notes on your Tablet PC screen by using your tablet pen. Any notes you take are automatically saved and remain on your desktop until you delete them)
dialys.notas sobre la evoluciónprogress notes
stat.notas sobre los paísescountry notes
meteorol.Notas técnicasTech Notes
UN, clim.objeto de la notaScope of the note
comp., MSPanel de notasNotes Pane (A pane that displays a consolidated list of annotations as thumbnails in the current document)
comp., MSpanel de notasnote board (An area for storing comments about a Web page. A note board can appear on a Web page or in a separate dialog box. The notes can be viewed, managed, and shared by using My Site)
patents.papelería, papel de cartas, sobres, cuadernos, agendas y diarios, tarjetas para notas, tarjetas de felicitaciones, cromosstationery, writing paper, envelopes, notebooks, diaries, note cards, greeting cards, trading cards
comp.patrón de notasnotes master
comp., MSpedido de ventas, nota de ventasales order (An agreement between two parties for the sale of goods or services)
med.perineumonía notaperipneumonia notha
gen.poner una notapost
comp., MSPresencia de bloc de notasNotebook Presence (A feature that broadcasts user presence in a OneNote notebook and supports real-time synchronization for users who are editing the same page)
ed.promedio de notasgrade point average
commun.prueba con notas de opiniónopinion scale test
comp., MSPublicar una notaPost a note (The link someone clicks to leave a brief note on someone else's profile)
comp., MSpágina de notasnotes page (A printed page that displays author notes beneath the slide that the notes accompany)
comp.página de notasnote page
IT, dat.proc.referencia cruzada a una notacross-reference to a note
market.registro de notas verbalesverbal note registration
market.registro de notas verbalesregistration of verbal notes
automat.regulación de la nota de batidobeat note control
fin.revelaciónes en notasfootnotes disclosures
fin.revelaciónes y notas relativas a ciertas cuentasroutine disclosures
insur.R/I nota de pedidorisk index order form
insur.R/I nota de pedidoR/I order form
meteorol.Si el módulo no pasa automáticamente a la página de Notas técnicas, haga clic aquíIf you are not automatically taken to the tech notes page, click here.
patents.tacos de papel para notaswriting pads
transp.tomar notaregister
transp.tomar notarecord
tech.discurso técnica de lectura de notasmanuscript reading technique
comp., MSvista de diseño del Bloc de notasnotebook layout view (A document view in Word that enables users to take notes more easily)
work.fl.área de notasnote area