
Terms for subject Environment containing Minas | all forms | exact matches only
agua residual procedente de minas de carbóncoal minewater discharge
colocación de contenedores en una minaemplacement of containers in a mine
mina con avenidas de aguamine susceptible to water inrushes
mina de salsalt dome
mina sellada e inacesiblesealed, inaccessible repository
minas de carbóncoal mining
minas de carbóncoal mining The technical and mechanical job of removing coal from the earth and preparing it for market
rehabilitación de las minas clausuradasrestoration of sites
rehabilitación de las minas clausuradasrehabilitation of redundant sites
rehabilitación de minamining site restoration Mining is an intensive type of land use with potential for environmental impact over a limited area. When closure occurs, it should address both environmental and safety aspects. Mine reclamation is an ongoing program designed to restore to an acceptable state the physical, chemical and biological quality or potential of air, land and water regimes disturbed by mining. The objective of mine reclamation is to prevent or minimize adverse long-term environmental impacts, and create a self-sustaining ecosystem as near as practicable to what existed before the mining activity
rellenado de minasmine filling
rellenado de minasmine filling Filling of disused mines with soil, crushed stone, or waste materials in order to restore the geological, agricultural and landscape features of the concerned area
restauración de minamining site restoration