
Terms for subject Microsoft containing La | all forms | exact matches only
Abrir la nueva oportunidadOpen the new opportunity (Check box on Convert to Opportunity dialog box where the user chooses that the opportunity will be opened after they have converted it from a task)
acción posterior a la implementaciónpost-deployment action (A set of methods that run from within the Office ClickOnce installer after the Office solution is installed)
Acelerador de desarrollo extendido de la plataforma Windows AzureWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Extended (An extended Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided)
Acelerador de desarrollo extendido de la plataforma Windows Azure para partnersWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Extended for Partners (An extended Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided, available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
Acelerador de desarrollo principal de la plataforma Windows AzureWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Core (A Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided)
Acelerador de desarrollo principal de la plataforma Windows Azure para partnersWindows Azure Platform Development Accelerator Core for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform package with a single rate plus an overage charge based on the amount of services provided, available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
Actualización de la plataforma de WindowsWindows Platform Update (End-user operating system updates that support the use of selected current release technologies on previous versions of the Windows operating system)
acuerdo comercial con el clientecustomer trade agreement (A fixed-price agreement that a company enters into with one or more customers in relation to sales prices or discounts for costs associated with the completion of a project (labor, expenses, and fees))
Administración de la detecciónDiscovery Management (The role group that gives users the permissions needed to use Multi-Mailbox Search)
administración de las relaciones con el clientecustomer relationship management (The process of building profitable customer relationships through the delivery of highly targeted interactions at all customer touch points by aligning marketing, sales and service functions and systems)
Administrar campos definidos por el usuarioManage User-Defined Fields (An option, found on the Business Contact Manager menu, that enables the user to customize multiple fields)
Agregar a la lista de contactosAdd to Contacts List (An item on the shortcut menu that adds a selected person to the user's Contacts list)
Agregar una persona a la llamada...Add Person to Call… (An item on the right-click menu for a conversation participant. Clicking it opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box)
Agregar una persona a la llamadaAdd a Person to the Call (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
ahorro de la bateríabattery saver (A feature that allows a person to turn off some services on their phone to preserve the battery life of their phone)
Ajustar la marca de horaAdjust Time Stamp (A control that allows users to adjust the time an image or a set of images was taken. Particularly useful when a camera was not set to the appropriate time zone)
ajuste a la escala de tiempotimeline snapping (Snapping the movement of the playhead during frame-by-frame playback, and snapping keyframes, to specific intervals on the timeline)
alias de la tarjetanickname (An alternate name a user can give their cards to more easily identify what they are and how they can be used)
alineado a la derecharight-aligned (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the right margin)
alineado a la izquierdaleft-aligned (Pertaining to text that is aligned along the left margin)
alinear a la derecharight align (To align text along the right margin)
alinear a la izquierdaleft align (To align text along the left margin)
almacenamiento conectado a la rednetwork-attached storage (A storage unit directly connected to the network using standard protocols such as Ethernet and TCP/IP for providing file access services)
almacén de datos de la aplicaciónapp data storage (An isolated data store specific to a particular application and user)
anular la seleccióncancel (To reverse the action of selecting a range of text or objects)
Análisis de la cesta de comprasshopping basket analysis (A standard data mining algorithm that analyzes a list of transactions to make predictions about which items are most frequently purchased together)
API de .NET para aplicaciones de la Tienda Windows.NET APIs for Windows Store apps (The subset of .NET APIs that can be used to develop Windows Store apps)
aplicación de la empresacompany app (The apps or hubs provided by a company that users can install on their phones once they have enrolled in a company account)
aplicación de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store app (An app that runs on the new Windows platform and meets the criteria for onboarding to the Windows Store)
aplicación de la Tienda Windows desarrollada para Windows con C++ o CWindows Store app built for Windows using C++ or (A Windows Store app written in C++ or C that uses standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can participate in the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps)
aplicación de la Tienda Windows desarrollada para Windows con JavaScriptWindows Store app built for Windows using JavaScript (A Windows Store app that uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, can use the standard Windows UI controls, has access to the Windows Runtime APIs, and can leverage the extensibility offered to Windows Store apps. These apps use CSS for their visual styling with Windows UI controls to create a native look and feel)
aplicación para dispositivo de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store device app (An app that's downloaded from the Windows Store and installed automatically to the PC when a user attaches a certified device to the PC, provided that the device manufacturer has submitted the app to the Windows Store)
aplicación que admite el almacenamiento en cachécache-enabled application (An application that uses the Windows Server AppFabric cache client to store data in cache on the cache cluster)
archivo de configuración de la aplicaciónapplication configuration file (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
archivo de datos de la compañíacompany data file (A file with the extension .sbb that contains all the information for a company)
argumento de la acciónaction argument (Additional information required by some macro actions - for example, the object affected by the action or special conditions under which the action is carried out)
arquitectura de la infraestructurainfrastructure architecture (The topology of the deployment environment including protocols, security levels, and services. This architecture provides a logical mapping to the deployment environment, such as the datacenter)
arquitectura de la soluciónsolution architecture (The architecture of the software including its structure, entry points, trust areas, and class and component relationships)
Asistente para configurar la pantallaDisplay Configuration wizard (A wizard that guides the user to configure their TV or monitor to get the best picture. The wizard helps the user to center and resize the picture, select the correct aspect ratio, and adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness settings)
Asistente para la activaciónActivation Assistant (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
Asistente para la activación de Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Activation Assistant (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
Asistente para la compatibilidad de programasProgram Compatibility Assistant (A tool that provides a discoverable and generic solution to allow end users resolve compatibility issues at runtime, just after the user completed running a program with problems. This is accomplished by monitoring programs for compatibility issues through heuristics and whenever a potential issue is detected, provide the user with interface to re-run the program with solutions)
Asistente para la configuración de administración de actualizacionesUpdate Management Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through configuring the update management feature and then downloading information about current updates from Microsoft Update so the user can start deploying updates to managed computers)
Asistente para la configuración de System Center EssentialsSystem Center Essentials Setup Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through the intial configuration of System Center Essentials, after it has been installed)
Asistente para la importación de datosImport Data Wizard (A wizard used to import multiple records from a comma-delimited text file into Microsoft Dynamics CRM as records)
Asistente para la instalación de impresoras de redNetwork Printer Installation Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through installing a printer on their network)
Asistente para la publicación en SharePointSharePoint Publishing Wizard (The wizard used to publish sharepoint sites and servers)
Asistente para preparar la recuperación automática del sistemaAutomated System Recovery Preparation Wizard (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
asociado de creación de reflejo de la base de datosdatabase mirroring partner (One in a pair of server instances that act as role-switching partners for a mirrored database)
asociados de creación de reflejo de la base de datosdatabase mirroring partners (A pair of server instances that act as role-switching partners for a mirrored database)
asunto de la conversaciónconversation subject (Text indicating the topic of a conversation. It is entered by the user or generated by the computer based on conversation information. It is displayed in the conversation title bar or in an alert)
Automatización de la fuerza de ventasSales Force Automation (The management of all aspects of the sales cycle and standardization of key sales functions by automating activities such as account and opportunity management, quote and proposal generation, scheduling, forecasting, and reporting)
automatización de la interfaz de usuarioUI Automation (The accessibility model for Microsoft Windows that programmatically gathers information about an application's User Interface (UI) elements and exposes it to assistive technology products and automated test scripts)
Automatización de la interfaz de usuario de Microsoft® Windows®Microsoft Windows User Interface UI Automation (The accessibility model for Microsoft Windows that programmatically gathers information about an application's User Interface (UI) elements and exposes it to assistive technology products and automated test scripts)
autor de la llamadacaller (The person who is calling another person or place)
aval de la compañíacompany reference (Someone within a company who can verify the status of the company or the status of someone else as an employee of the company)
ayuda para la toma de decisionesdecision support (Systems designed to support the complex analytic analysis required to discover business trends)
Ayudante para el inicio de sesión de Windows LiveWindows Live Sign-in Assistant (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
barra de controles de la películamovie controller bar (A bar that allows a user to pause, play, back up or rewind a movie as well as to adjust the volume)
barra de la aplicaciónapp bar (The surface that appears along the bottom edge of the screen and includes app commands)
basado en la fecha de finalizaciónend date-based (Pertaining to a computer running FlexGo technology that meters computer usage until a defined usage expiration date. The usage expiration date can be extended by days or months, on a recurring basis)
basado en la nubecloud-based (Pertaining to operations that take place within the cloud)
base de datos a la que se hace referenciareferenced database (The database to which the user has established a reference from the current database. The user can create a reference to a database and then call procedures within standard modules in that database)
base de datos de servicios de la aplicación ASP.NETASP.NET application services database (In ASP.NET, a database that stores the data for several ASP.NET application services, including membership, Web Parts personalization, roles, and profiles. The database can be a local database in the Web site's App_Data folder or a SQL Server or other database, depending on how the site is configured)
base de la aplicaciónapplication base (The directory where the .exe file that loads into the initial or default application domain is located. If you create your own application domain, the application base is the location you specify in the AppDomainSetup class)
bloqueo a la red GSMsubsidy lock (A type of phone lock that original equipment manufacturers embed into their mobile phones at the request of mobile phone operators to prevent their use on a cellular network other than the one for which the phone was originally intended)
botón de inicio de la cintaribbon launch button (The button at the bottom right corner of a ribbon group. Typically, a click of the button opens a dialog box or other element that is related to the group)
botón de la barra de herramientastoolbar button (A command button used in a toolbar (or status bar))
botón de la barra de tareastaskbar button (A button that represents an item or program that is open and running on your computer. For example, if you open Microsoft Word, and then minimize it, it will be displayed as a taskbar button, which you can then click when you want to maximize it)
botón del cuadro de edición de la barra de herramientastoolbar edit box button (The commands for the ribbon appear as a drop down menu that appears when the user clicks the default button)
botón predeterminado del panel de la cintaribbon pane default button (The button that appears when a ribbon is reduced to its minimum size. A click of the button displays the ribbon commands on a menu)
búsqueda en el buzónmailbox search (One instance of a multi-mailbox search)
cadena de id. de la estación transmisoratransmitting station ID string (A string that specifies the transmitter subscriber ID sent by the fax machine when sending a fax to a receiving machine. This string is usually a combination of the fax or telephone number and the name of the business. It is often the same as the called subscriber ID)
caducidad de la cachécache aging (The mechanism of caching that determines when a cache row is outdated and must be refreshed)
calendario de la aplicaciónapplication calendar (A time period concept that matches the practices that are used in your company)
calidad de la experienciaQuality of Experience (A measurement of a user's perception of the quality of an audio communication session. For example, in a voice communication, QoE monitors echoes and background noises such as hissing in the line)
cambiar el aspecto visualskin (To apply a skin to an existing user interface)
Cambiar el nombre de esta tarea pendienteRename this To Do (An option that allows the user to change the name of a To Do item in the list of tasks)
cambiar el tamañosize (To change the dimensions of a shape by dragging one of its handles after it has been selected with the pointer tool)
Cambiar el tamaño para un dispositivo móvilResize for mobile device (An option that allows a user to resize an image to fit on a mobile device, such as a cell phone or PDA)
cambiar la posiciónreposition (To change only the object's alignment, and margins (if the container is a Grid), or the top and left properties (if the container object is a Canvas))
Cambie el estado de la tarea a Completada y cierre el formularioChange the task status to Completed and close the form (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
campo definido por el usuariouser-defined field (A field that you can define to track information specific to your business)
cancelar la publicaciónunpublish (To remove an item from public view)
carga de la bateríabattery charge (The amount of battery power left on the system. It is shown, in percentage, if user holds the mouse over the battery icon)
carro de la comprashopping cart (A virtual container that stores products that have been selected for purchase from a procurement catalog or a vendor catalog)
Carro de la comprashopping cart (A list of items that a customer has selected to purchase from a commerce Web site. It is usually compiled into a file and sometimes visually represented by a shopping basket, shopping cart, or other container used when shopping)
Ceder el controlGive Control (A Sharing slide option that allows the presenter to give application control to another meeting participant)
Certificación de la asociación francesa de normalizaciónAssociation Française de Normalisation certification (A certification that accounting software is legally compliant with French legislation for electronic accounting)
ciclo de vida de la aplicaciónapplication life cycle (The stages an application used in an organization goes through: deployable, installable, executable, and executing)
ciclo de vida de la identidadidentity life cycle (The stages an identity goes through from the time it is conceived until the time it is destroyed)
cierre de la empresabusiness closure (A period of time that an entire business is not available for service activities)
cifrado Seguridad de la capa de transporteTransport Layer Security encryption (A generic security protocol similar to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP))
Clasificación de la comunidad SpyNetSpyNet Community Rating (Information provided by the SpyNet community which shows the percentage of users who allowed or blocked a particular program. This information is available even before they confirm whether or not a program is spyware)
clasificación de la facturaciónbilling classification (A payment request classifier documented on customer invoices that govern payment terms and conditions and the processing of the invoices)
cliente de automatización de la interfaz de usuarioUI Automation client (An assistive technology application, such as a screen reader, that uses UI Automation to obtain programmatic access to the UI elements in an application's user interface. The client presents information about UI elements to the end user. Automated test scripts are also considered to be UI Automation clients)
Cloud Essentials de la plataforma Windows Azure para partnersWindows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partners (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)
colección en la nubecloud collection (A description for music or videos stored in the cloud that users may access from their phone. Used for Xbox Music and any other potential cloud-based media services)
colocar en la basecradle (To place a mobile device in a cradle to connect to a desktop computer)
color básico de la cuatricromíaprocess color (One of the four transparent inks (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) that are used in commercial printing to produce color photographic images and a wide range of solid colors)
color de la combinaciónscheme color (One of the colors defined in a set of chosen colors. If you fill an object with a scheme color, the object's color changes whenever you choose another color scheme for that publication)
colores que identifican la marca, identidad cromáticabrand colors (The colors that are specific to a particular company or product)
comando de la aplicaciónapp command (A function relevant to an app in use that is displayed on the app bar)
compatibilidad con el idioma nacionalnational language support API (Set of system functions in 32-bit Windows containing information that is based on language and cultural conventions)
compensación de la comisióncommission offset (An interim method of recording commission until payment for the sale is actually collected and paid to the salesperson)
compensación de la exposiciónexposure bias (A control on most digital cameras that lets you control the under -or over- exposure of the image)
compensación de la exposiciónexposure bias compensation (A control on most digital cameras that lets you control the under -or over- exposure of the image)
compensación de la exposiciónexposure compensation (A control on most digital cameras that lets you control the under -or over- exposure of the image)
competidor de la oportunidadopportunity competitor (A competitor to a particular sales opportunity)
compilación de la audienciaaudience compilation (The process of evaluating a set of user profile entities with an audience rule to determine which user profile entities are members of the audience)
complementos en el nivel de la aplicaciónapplication-level add-in (A supplemental program that modifies or adds functionality to an existing program or application. The modifications are available to the application at all times)
Complete la combinaciónComplete the merge (The heading for the last Mail Merge step, which allows the user to select how the merged publication or letters are produced)
componente de la soluciónsolution component (A part of a solution that someone extending CRM can use to achieve specific functionality)
compra desde la aplicaciónin-app purchase (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
comprobación de la autenticaciónauthentication assurance (A Windows Server feature that provides the ability to determine which logon method was used by a user from his Kerberos token)
comprobación de la integridadHealth Assessment (A subtab under System Health in Centro Admin Console that helps the user monitor applications, components, and servers for the purposes of preempting or fixing problems)
comprobador de coherencia de la informaciónKnowledge Consistency Checker (A built-in process that runs on all domain controllers and generates the replication topology for the Active Directory forest. At specified intervals, the KCC reviews and makes modifications to the replication topology to ensure propagation of data either directly or transitively)
concepto de la soluciónsolution concept (A high-level description of how the solution will meet goals and requirements)
Configuración de la aplicaciónApplication Settings (The name of a tab in the Web publishing wizard that enables the user to specify whether an HTML customized form should be used)
configuración de la aplicaciónapplication setting (A simple key/value pair that lets you create application-wide values in a central location that can be accessed from anywhere within the Web application)
Configuración de la visualización de objetosObject Visualization Configuration (" Configuration objects that are used to render UI in the Universal Object Control for authoring a specific object type in ILM "2". ")
configurar manualmente la integración del teléfonoManually Configure Phone Integration (A dialog box that opens when the user clicks Configure in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab. The user enters phone configuration information in this dialog box for the phone that is integrated with Communicator)
Consumo de la plataforma Windows AzureWindows Azure Platform Consumption (A Windows Azure Platform package rate that is calculated on the actual amount of services used)
Consumo de la plataforma Windows Azure para partnersWindows Azure Platform Consumption for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform package rate available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels, calculated on the actual amount of services used)
consumo de recursos dinámico para la Búsquedadynamic resource consumption for Search (The ability of Search to automatically consume fewer server resources such as memory and CPU when server resources are constrained due to transient load)
contabilidad de la pérdida del valor residualStorno accounting (The practice of using negative numbers to reverse original journal account entries)
contenedor de la aplicaciónapp container (A runtime environment for Windows Store apps that's designed to minimize app impact on the computer by placing runtime restrictions on what apps can do)
contenido apto para toda la familiafamily-friendly content (Text or images appropriate for all users including children; often selected via a UI element, such as a dictionary parental control)
contenido de la presentación de Smooth StreamingSmooth Streaming presentation content (Video files (with .ismv file name extensions) and audio files (with .isma file name extensions). Each file is output from an encoder (Expression Encoder 2 SP1 in this case) at different bit rates and synchronized such that clients can seamlessly request contiguous fragments from different files as network and CPU conditions change. The content files are a media container that stores the contiguous MP4 fragments)
contraseña de grupo en el hogarhomegroup password (A password that helps prevent unauthorized access to homegroup files and printers)
contrato del proveedor de la aplicaciónapplication provider agreement (An agreement that describes the terms and conditions of the relationship between the application provider and the organization offering a particular service with regards to the application)
contrato para el panel de vendedoresSeller Dashboard Agreement (An application provider agreement customers are encouraged and reminded to read so they're aware of any restrictions or limitations regarding the use of the Seller Dashboard service)
control de alertas en el códigoinline warning control (The ability to control whether warnings are reported for a particular region of code by specifying a compiler directive)
control de la barra de herramientastoolbar control (A standard Windows control designed with the same characteristics as the toolbar)
controlador crítico para el arranqueboot critical driver (A driver that must be available in order for the operating system to successfully complete the boot process. Boot critical drivers include all boot start drivers)
convención para el uso de mayúsculas en los acrónimosacronym casing guideline (A rule that clarifies whether an acronym is to be spelt with upper- or lowercase letter or a mix)
cookie de la sesiónsession cookie (A cookie that is deleted at the end of the browser session)
creación de reflejo de la base de datosdatabase mirroring (Immediately reproducing every update to a read-write database (the principal database) onto a read-only mirror of that database (the mirror database) residing on a separate instance of the database engine (the mirror server). In production environments, the mirror server is on another machine. The mirror database is created by restoring a full backup of the principal database (without recovery))
crítico para la seguridadsecurity-critical (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can only be used by fully trusted code in the .NET Framework)
crítico para la seguridad y disponible desde código transparentesecurity-safe-critical (Pertaining to a type or member that accesses secure resources and can be safely used by partially trusted code in the .NET Framework)
cuenta de desarrollador para la Tienda WindowsWindows Store developer account (An account that is required to submit an app in the Windows Store)
cuenta de la compañía de destinodestination company account (The legal entity that is the recipient of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
cuenta de la compañía de origensource company account (The legal entity that is the origin of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
cuestionario de base para la aplicacióncore application questionnaire (A questionnaire used to gather key information about your organization to be used as a roadmap for building your PerformancePoint Server application)
código de la sucursalbranch code (A numeric code used in combination with a bank code to identify a specific bank branch)
3D coherente con la escenascene-coherent 3-D (The camera angles and light settings that you can use to control the orientation, shadow, and perspective for grouped shapes)
datos de la configuración de arranqueBoot Configuration Data A data store that contains boot configuration parameters and controls how the operating system is started beginning with Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (BCD)
daños en el montónheap corruption (A type of corruption that affects the data in the Windows heap, such as damages caused by a buffer overrun, writing to a stray pointer or a double-free)
definición de la aplicaciónapplication definition (A file that describes a database or Web service and includes connection settings, authentication mode, definitions of available entities, and other information)
delimitador de la selecciónselection anchor (The point at which a selection operation was initiated. This point might be at the visual beginning or end of the selection, depending on how the user made the selection. For example, if the user makes a text selection by moving the mouse pointer from the end of a sentence to its beginning, the selection anchor will be at the end of that sentence)
desarrollo de aplicaciones de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store app development (The process of developing Windows Store apps)
desbloqueo de la tarjeta inteligentesmart card unblocking (The action of binding a smart card with administrative credentials to reset the the personal identification number (PIN) attempt counter)
descripción de la aplicaciónapp description (A Product Description Page that provides a composite view of all the details that a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy a particular app. This page typically includes the title, publisher name, language support, device support, price point, screen shots, ratings, and reviews)
descripción de la aplicaciónapp listing (The description data of a single app that is rendered for display in the consumer side of the store. It consists of several pages of info that provide a composite view of all the details a consumer needs to determine if they want to buy the app. An app listing typically includes the app's name, the publisher's name, language support, device support, price tier, screen shots, age rating and customer reviews. The web-based version of this is called an app listing page)
deslizar rápidamente, pasar el dedoswipe (To quickly slide a finger for a short distance)
destinatario de la llamadacallee (The person whom, or place that, a caller is calling)
destinatario de la llamadacall recipient (The person whom, or place that, a caller is calling)
destino de la grabaciónburn destination (The drive that is used to burn the disc)
desviación del precio de la facturainvoice price variance (The difference between the price on a packing slip and the invoice line price. The invoice price variance is determined when purchase invoices are compared to purchase receipts)
Detalles de la citaAppointment details (The notes field in an appointment, where the user can add extra information)
detección de seguridad de la rednetwork security scan (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
dibujado por el propietarioowner draw (A rendering mode in which you take responsibility for drawing a control, rather than relying on the control's default rendering behavior)
dimensión definida por el usuariouser-defined dimension (A user-created and user-modifiable dimension that is not assigned a dimension type that is recognized by PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler. No built-in behavior is associated with it)
directiva de confirmación de la recepciónconfirmation of receipt policy (A policy that prescribes the functional location where the physical acceptance of items takes place)
directiva de registro en el inventarioinventory registration policy (A policy that controls when stock that is stored in a supermarket is registered as inventory)
discrepancia en la conciliaciónmatching discrepancy (Any type of variance that is detected when a vendor invoice is matched to a purchase order and a packing slip. This may include variances in price, quantity, and miscellaneous charges)
distancia de activación de la conversión en textotrigger distance (For Latin-based languages only, the distance you need to move the stylus to the right of the right edge of the ink for the ink to be immediately converted to text. The trigger distance is used by the handwriting recognition feature to detect that a user has started writing the next word)
DLL para el despliegue de paquetes de aplicacionesApp Package Deployment Client DLL (A DLL that deploys .appx packages)
duración de la bateríabattery life (The time for which a dry or alkaline cell is able to produce an electric current before it needs to be replaced)
duración de la versión de pruebaduration of trial (The length of time for which a trial of an application is valid)
edad de manifestación de la afecciónage of onset (The age at which an individual first experiences an illness or symptoms of a sickness or disorder)
Editor de la colección de valores permitidosAllowed Values Collection Editor (" A custom collection editor dialog box in Visual Studio .NET that developers use to define the set of allowed values for a custom property of the type "selection." This dialog box opens when you click the ellipsis [] button in the value field of the AllowedValues property in the Custom Property Definition Collection Editor dialog box.")
Eficacia de la pruebaTest Effectiveness (A report that communicates the amount of code covered or exercised for a particular test run)
el archivo ISV.configISV.config file (An XML configuration document, with the .config file name extension, that contains settings that are used to update the navigation structure of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, including adding custom buttons, tabs, and menus to entity forms)
El tiempoWeather (The Weather appex splash screen; The Weather appex live tile; The Weather app)
El tiempo de BingBing Weather (A part of the Bing search engine dedicated to weather)
El tiempo internacionalWorld Weather (A feature of the Bing Weather app that displays an interactive global weather map)
elemento no apto para la búsquedaunsearchable item (An item that can't be indexed for a mailbox search using Multi-Mailbox Search. This includes unrecognized message types and messages that contain attachments that are encrypted or have an unrecognized format)
elemento que identifica la marcabrand element (A distinctive component that is unique to a company and that adds to its recognition with consumers)
empresa de referencia en el extractostatement company (The company from which a centralized statement is printed)
en la colecciónin collection (The title of a screen showing a list of all digital media (including music and videos) from Xbox Music that can be played on the phone)
en la empresa, internamente, internoin-house (Produced or available within one's own company)
ensamblado de la actividadactivity assembly (A .DLL or an .EXE file containing a .NET assembly that implements the logic for a workflow activity)
entrada de la lista de supervisiónsupervision list entry (" An individual item on the list of e-mail addresses or users that are subject to or excepted from the actions of the closed campus supervision policy or anti-bullying supervision policy. For example, a bully's e-mail address would be an entry on the supervision list of a "victim", and a parent's e-mail address might be added as an entry on the supervision list of their child, who is a student subject to the closed campus supervision policy. ")
Entrada en alto por la izquierdaFly In, Top Left (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
entrada en el airein-air packet (A pen input event which is created when a user moves a pen near the tablet and the cursor is within the ink collector object's window or the user moves a mouse within the ink collector object's associated window)
Entrada por la izquierdaFly In
Entrada por la izquierdaFly Out (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Entrada por la izquierda y la derechaFly In, Left and Right (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
enumeración basada en el accesoaccess-based enumeration (A feature that displays only the files and folders that a user has permissions to access)
equilibar la cargaload balance (To redistribute work to available resources or to reschedule to available times)
equipo de grupo en el hogarhomegroup computer (A computer that belongs to a homegroup)
E/S asignada a la memoriamemory-mapped I/O (Input/output memory (memory on hardware devices) that is accessible through a memory mapping)
escribir en el blogblog (To publish or write entries for a blog)
escribir en el murowrite on wall (To post a message on a friend's Facebook wall)
esquema de la base de datosdatabase schema (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
esquema de la metabasemetabase schema (The master configuration file (MBSchema.xml) supplied with IIS that contains all of the predefined properties from which metabase entries are derived)
estado de la actividadactivity status (The condition, at a particular time, of an activity)
estado de la aplicaciónapplication state (In ASP.NET, a variable store that is created on the server for the current application and is shared by all users. Application state is typically used to store information that is used for all users, such as application-wide settings)
estado Tiene la palabraHas Floor status (A status given by the presenter to a meeting participant who has asked a question by using the Questions and Answers pane so that an online chat session between the participant and presenter is displayed to all meeting participants)
Estadísticas de la aplicaciónApp Summary (Collected data about an app, such as analytics of download, usage, in-application transaction, customer ratings provided by the Windows Store developer portal. This type of information helps developers clearly understand how their applications are doing in the Windows market)
estilo definido por el usuariouser-defined style (A new style or a modification to a built-in style. User-defined styles always contain cascading style sheet formatting attributes)
estructura de la base de datosdatabase structure (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
Estándar 005 de la Asociación Canadiense de PagosCanadian Payments Association Standard 005 (A standard for the exchange of financial data on automatic funds transfer (AFT) records that is maintained by the Canadian Payments Association (CPA))
Evaluación del producto tras el lanzamientoProduct Evaluation Post Launch (A template that will walk you through key areas of evaluating a product's performance after it has been placed in the marketplace)
expiración de la cuentaaccount expiration (A time limit that is applied to the life of an account, so that it can be used only for a predetermined period of time)
Exploración mediante el símbolo de intercalaciónCaret Browsing (Browsing or navigating through a page using the arrow keys, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HOME and END keys)
extremo de la aplicaciónapplication endpoint (An endpoint at which an application provides or uses a service and is of provider or consumer type, respectively)
extremo de la asociaciónassociation end (The end of a binary or other association where it connects to a class. By associating properties with an association end, you can indicate the role or direction)
fin de la selecciónselection end (The point at which a selection operation ends. This point might be at the visual beginning or end of the selection, depending on how the user made the selection. For example, if the user makes a text selection by moving the mouse pointer from the end of a sentence to its beginning, the selection end will be at the beginning of that sentence)
finalización de la compracheckout (The process of finalizing a purchase on a website. For example, when customers shop on your website, they may select several items and save them in their shopping basket. When they have finished shopping, they click on a checkout link or graphical button that takes them to an online form where they enter their name, billing address, payment type, and shipping information)
Finalizar la compraCheckout (The button that allows customers to finalize their purchase on a website)
Finalizar la llamadaEnd the call (An infotip for the Hang Up button. The Hang Up button is a button on Phone Controls and Audio Controls)
firma del paquete de la aplicaciónapp package signing (The process of adding a secure digital Authenticode signature to an app package before it is available in the Windows Store. The digital signature shows who signed the package, that the signer is recognized by the client as a trusted source, and that the content of the package was not changed after it was signed)
flujo de la aplicaciónapplication flow (A map or diagram that outlines the flow of an application from one screen or piece of UI to the next)
Fuera de la oficinaOut of Office (A status that can be applied to blocks of time in a user's Calendar to indicate that the user will be away)
función de agregado definida por el usuariouser-defined aggregate function (An aggregate function created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Frameworks common language runtime)
Galería de ensamblados de la aplicacíónApplication Assemblies Gallery (The site collection level gallery containing the binary assemblies that are used by code method business data actions, or External Data Parts)
ganancias por la aplicaciónapp proceeds (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
ganancias por la aplicación desde el último pagoapp proceeds since last payment (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
ganancias por la aplicación hasta la fechaapp proceeds to date (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
gestión de relaciones con el clientecustomer relationship management (The process of building profitable customer relationships through the delivery of highly targeted interactions at all customer touch points by aligning marketing, sales and service functions and systems)
grupo de la barra de herramientasribbon group (A labeled collection of commands and controls that are grouped together on a ribbon tab)
grupo de usuarios de la aplicación de BizTalkBizTalk Application Users Group (The group of users who can access MessageBoxes for a particular BizTalk Group)
grupo en el hogarhomegroup (A group of computers on a home network that can share pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers. A homegroup is created by using the HomeGroup feature; it is protected with a password)
grupo host de la colección de proyectos de equipoteam project collection host group (A Virtual Machine Manager host group that has been bound to a team project collection)
guía de la presentaciónpresentation-level guide (A guide that applies to all slides in a presentation)
habilitado para el flujo de trabajoworkflow-enabled (Automated in such a way that business documents and assignments are routed from one user to another for specific action)
Habilitar la sincronización de dispositivos en el Archivo fotográficoEnable device syncing in Digital Image Library (A checkbox that turns the Device Syncing feature on or off. If it is off, no UI is exposed to the user)
hacer clic con el botón secundarioright-click (To position the mouse over an object, and then press and release the secondary (right) mouse button. Right-clicking opens a shortcut menu that contains useful commands, which change depending on where you click)
herramienta de mantenimiento de la base de datosdatabase maintenance tool (One of a number of utilities that allow users to back up, restore, and check for errors in the Business Contact Manager for Outlook database)
icono de la aplicaciónapp tile (A tile on the Start screen, as defined in its manifest. An app can only have one app tile, but it can have multiple secondary tiles)
id. de la aplicaciónapp ID (An identification number for a software application)
identificador en el medioon-media identifier (A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database)
idioma de interfaz definido por el sistemasystem-preferred interface language (The language that displays on a system when the user has not selected a user-preferred interface language)
idioma de interfaz definido por el usuariouser-preferred interface language (A language selected by the user for viewing menus, dialog boxes, messages, and Help files. If none is selected, the system-preferred language is displayed)
idioma de la interfaz de usuariouser interface language (The language in which all software (including the operating system) displays its menus, help files, error messages, and dialog boxes)
implementador de la actividadactivity implementer (A user who has been assigned the Activity Implementer role and who implements an assigned manual activity)
Importación incremental en el servidorServer Side Incremental (A feature that must be enabled in Active Directory to run incremental import of profiles)
impuesto sobre el valor añadidovalue-added tax (A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage)
impuestos de ventas vinculados con el destinodestination-based sales tax (A sales tax levied in some states in the United States on a product based on the destination in which the buyer takes ownership or receives the product)
Imágenes de la colección de sitiosSite Collection Images (A system library used to store images that are used throughout the site collection. Provides versioning, check-in/check-out, search and visual browse capabilities)
información de la compañíacompany knowledge (An editable field of a rule or monitor in which you can capture any relevant information about the required steps to resolve an alert that was raised by the rule or monitor)
información de la cuentaaccount information (The required information provided in order to authorize access to the enterprise application)
Información de la empresaBusiness Information (A UI element that links to a page where the account owner can enter information, such as address and phone number, for his or her company or organization)
información sobre el procesoprocess accounting (A feature of Internet Information Services (IIS) that administrators can use to monitor and log resource consumption of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts and out-of-process applications)
información sobre la compañíacompany information (Information specified by an external account or contact)
información sobre la conferenciaconferencing information (The identifier, password, and any other information that a user needs to participate in a conference that is conducted through a conferencing service provider)
información sobre la empresabusiness information (Information grouped together on a record form (such as Territory or Category) that is defined by a user's internal business unit or organization)
informe de mantenimiento de la organizaciónOrganizational Health report (A report that provides you a quick view of your organization and its operating characteristics. This includes health and licensing information, and also a summary of the Exchange servers and recipients)
Iniciar la grabaciónStart Burn (An option that starts the CD burning process)
insatisfacción con la funcionalidadfeature dissatisfaction (A condition where users believe that a feature does not meet the expectations set by the market, competitors, previous experiences, or promises)
instantánea de la copia de seguridadbackup shadow copy (A shadow copy of a replica created by the DpmBackup command-line tool. In DPM, backup shadow copies are used to archive replicas to tape)
integración de datos de origen de la aplicaciónapplication source data integration (The process of taking data from a data warehouse or data mart into PerformancePoint Planning Server staging and application databases)
interfaz de la línea de comandoscommand-line interface (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
interfaz de la línea de comandoscommand line interface (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
Internet Explorer para el escritorioInternet Explorer for the desktop (The web browser component of Windows that provides a traditional and familiar browsing experience)
Invitar a la conferencia...Invite to Conference... (An item on the right-click menu for a person in a conference participant list that invites the selected person to join a conference)
Juego en línea: el contenido puede cambiarOnline – Experience Can Change (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
Kit de desarrollo de software para aplicaciones de la Tienda WindowsWindows Software Development Kit for Windows Store Apps (An SDK that contains everything for a developer to create an app for the Windows Store. It is a subset of the complete Windows SDK. This allows developers to stick with APIs that are safe for applications that would appear in the Store and are focused towards core app scenarios)
Kit para la certificación de aplicaciones de escritorio en WindowsWindows Desktop Apps Certification Kit (Tools and documentation to certify apps for Windows)
Kit para la certificación de aplicaciones en WindowsWindows App Certification Kit (A part of the Windows SDK that validates both Windows Store apps for the Windows Store and Windows desktop applications)
Kit para la certificación de hardware en WindowsWindows Hardware Certification Kit (The test automation framework used to certify devices or systems for Windows)
Knowledge Base de la compañíaCompany Knowledge Base (A field which specifies the company-provided knowledge base information associated with the rule group. This field is available only if there is company-provided knowledge base information associated with the rule group)
Knowledge Base de la compañíacompany knowledge (An editable field of a rule or monitor in which you can capture any relevant information about the required steps to resolve an alert that was raised by the rule or monitor)
La presencia de un adulto puede ser requeridaSome Adult Assistance May Be Needed (A content descriptor developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
licencia para el usuario finalend-user license (The license that enables end users to consume protected content)
Lista con círculos a la izquierdaVertical Picture Accent List (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small circles are designed to contain pictures)
lista de acceso a la publicaciónpublication access list (The primary mechanism for securing the Publisher. It contains a list of logins, accounts, and groups that are granted access to the publication)
Lista de localización del área de trabajo de la tareaTask Workspace Locator List (A list that is used to look up the location of a task workspace, given the details of the task type)
lista de ventas de la UEEU sales list (A value-added tax (VAT) report required in EU member countries. The EU sales list reports the value of goods that were sold to VAT-registered customers in other EU member countries)
Lo mejor de la WebBest of Web (A curated list feature that highlights interesting and noteworthy web sites)
línea de la orden de producciónproduction order line (The part of a production order that specifies the parent item to be produced)
línea de la solicitud de presupuestoRFQ line (The part of the RFQ that specifies the detailed information about an item)
línea de respuesta de la solicitud de presupuestoRFQ reply line (The part of the RFQ reply that specifies the detailed vendor information about an item)
manifiesto de la aplicaciónapp manifest (An XML file that specifies the characteristics of an application. This includes metadata for the application, dependencies on other packages, and capabilities required by the app)
manifiesto de la presentación de Smooth StreamingSmooth Streaming presentation manifest (A file that stores information about the Smooth Streaming presentation)
mantener el mousehover (To move the pointer over a UI element for a specified duration with the intent of interacting with that element)
mapa de datos Servicio de información de la redNIS map A database served by Network Information Service (NIS). The NIS lookup calls require a map (database) name and an NIS domain name. An NIS domain consists of a collection of such maps (NIS)
mapa de datos Servicio de información de la redNetwork Information Service map A database served by Network Information Service (NIS). The NIS lookup calls require a map (database) name and an NIS domain name. An NIS domain consists of a collection of such maps (NIS)
marco de administración de la lógica de negociosbusiness logic handler framework (The business logic handler framework allows you to write a managed code assembly that is called during the merge synchronization process)
memoria virtual de la impresoravirtual printer memory (In a PostScript printer, a part of memory that stores font information. The memory in PostScript printers is divided into two areas: banded memory and virtual memory. The banded memory contains graphics and page-layout information needed to print your documents. The virtual memory contains any font information that is sent to your printer either when you print a document or when you download fonts)
mensaje de confirmación de la activaciónactivation confirmation message (An e-mail message sent from Microsoft Online Services telling a user that the user's account has been activated and supplying a user name and password for initial log-on)
mensaje de Fuera de la oficinaOut of Office message (The auto-reply text specified using Outlook's Automatic Replies or Out of Office Assistant)
Menú contextual de la aplicaciónapp Context Menu (The system user interface provided for cut, copy, and paste)
miembro de la familiafamily member (An account holder who is a parent or a child)
minutos para llamar a todo el mundo desde SkypeSkype world minutes (International calling minutes that are available through a Skype paid feature that lets users call phones in over 40 countries/regions worldwide)
modalidad cofuncional de la red VidPNcofunctional VidPN modality (The collection of cofunctional mode sets for all the sources and targets in the topology of a VidPN)
modo dibujado por el propietarioowner draw mode (A rendering mode in which you take responsibility for drawing a control, rather than relying on the control's default rendering behavior)
Monitor de creación de reflejo de la base de datosDatabase Mirroring Monitor (A tool used to monitor any subset of the mirrored databases on a server instance)
mostrar en el mapamap (To display an address or location on a map)
movimiento panorámico de la cámaracamera pan (The movement of the camera, left and right, across a scene)
Método de selección basado en la coincidencia de nombresMatched Name Selection Method (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
método de selección basado en la coincidencia de nombresmatched name selection method (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
NIS, Servicio de información de la redNetwork Information Service A network naming and administration system that was developed by Sun Microsystems and is constructed on the client-server model of computing. Formerly known as Yellow Pages (yp), NIS provides a simple network look-up service that consists of databases and processes (NIS)
nodo Configuración de la organizaciónOrganization Configuration node (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups)
nombre comercial con el que operadoing business as name (The registration of an assumed, fictitious, or trade name under which a business operates, which must be included on U.S. tax reports. In the U.S., any business that operates under a name other than a personal or corporate legal name must register a DBA name with the appropriate government agency)
nombre comercial con el que operadoing business as (The assumed, fictitious name under which an organization is registered in the United States)
nombre de la aplicaciónapp title (The name a developer provides for their application)
nombre de la campañacampaign name (The name by which a marketing progam is identified)
nombre de la entidad no considerada como separada de su dueñodisregarded entity (A business that is owned by an individual but is not treated as a separate entity from the business owner for tax purposes)
nombre de la organizaciónbrand name (Text, entered by a meeting organizer, that identifies the company or organization using Live Meeting and that replaces the image file (if unavailable) in the Live Meeting user interface)
nombre del servidor de la base de datos de configuraciónConfiguration database server name (A UI element. The name of the server on which the Configuration database is housed)
nota sobre el contactocontact note (An annotation in a conversation window that contains contact-specific information that may be important for call handling)
nota sobre la conversaciónconversation note (A note you type on the Notes tab of a conversation window to potentially be forwarded along with the call and saved in the call history)
nota sobre la llamadacall note (A note with general information about the call, such as subject, that is generated by the ACD to potentially be forwarded or transferred along with the call)
notas de la versiónrelease notes (A document that contains general release information and late changes. It is one of the deliverables leading to the release readiness approved milestone)
número de Autorización para la devolución de materialesreturn materials authorization number (A reference number that is used to authorize and track goods returned for repair or refund. A return materials authorization is issued by a sales entity that authorizes a buying company to return goods)
número de identificación de la empresaemployer identification number (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
número de identificación fiscal federal, Id. del impuesto sobre la rentafederal tax ID (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
número de la seguridad socialsocial security number (In the United States, a Taxpayer Identification Number assigned to citizens and some noncitizens. The number is required for anyone to obtain work or to receive governmental benefits, such as social security payments after retirement)
objetivo cuantitativo de la campañacampaign goaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
objetivo de la campañaadvertising campaign goaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
objeto de la aplicaciónapplication object (The top-level object that represents the application to the system. The system calls methods on this object when the application is loaded, before it is shut down, and throughout the lifetime of the application to notify it of system-wide events. The application object contains application-wide code and maintains state that can be accessed from multiple views)
objeto definido por el usuariouser-defined object (A custom object defined by the user)
ocupación de la CPUCPU busy (A SQL Server statistic that reports the time, in milliseconds, that the central processing unit (CPU) spent on SQL Server work)
oferta desde la aplicaciónin-app offer (A feature that a developer provides in an app for consumers to buy from within the app through an in-app purchase transaction)
opción de la línea de comandoscommand-line option (A string that is recognized by a shell command and modifies the way the command executes)
opción de la unidad de ventaquantity selling option (An option in the product catalog that determines whether a product is sold whole, in fractions, or in whole and fractions, or if a user has no control over the quantity)
opción Unirse a la conferenciaJoin Conference option (An optional function in integrated audio conferencing that enables Live Meeting to dial a participant's phone instead of requiring the participant to dial in)
optimización de la sincronizaciónoptimize synchronization (An option in merge replication that allows you to minimize network traffic when determining whether recent changes have caused a row to move into or out of a partition that is published to a Subscriber)
optimizado para la lecturaread-optimized (Type of form that is not editable, so viewers can quickly see data, but not modify it)
optimizar la sincronizaciónoptimize synchronization (An option in merge replication that allows you to minimize network traffic when determining whether recent changes have caused a row to move into or out of a partition that is published to a Subscriber)
organizador de la reuniónmeeting organizer (A user who can schedule meetings, send invitations, do all the sharing activities in a meeting, and admit participants from the lobby)
origen de la horatime source (The system that provides the time for another system)
origen de la reglaruler origin (The beginning or zero point of a horizontal or vertical ruler)
panel de la aplicaciónapplication pane (A discrete area of a split or single window in which an application user interface is rendered)
panel de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store dashboard (The service run by the Windows Store team that supports the end-to-end process for registering Windows Store developers and onboarding apps into the Windows Store catalog)
panel Información sobre la reuniónMeeting Information panel (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Web address and audio conference line (if specified) for a Live Meeting session)
pantalla de la aplicaciónapplication display (The screen (the Surface screen or an attached external monitor) where user mode will appear when you are calibrating the unit)
paquete de descarga de la biblioteca de Windows para JavaScriptdownload package for Windows Library for JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
Paquete de detección de la plataforma Windows AzureWindows Azure Platform Discovery Pack (An offer that provides a fixed amount of computing, storage, data transfers, access control, service bus, and SQL Azure database applications at a fixed monthly price)
paquete de la aplicaciónapp package (A file that contains the app manifest, executable files, text and image resource files, and other files that make up the app for a single platform)
participante de la reuniónmeeting participant (A presenter or attendee in a meeting)
partner de la nube de MicrosoftMicrosoft Cloud Partner (An individual or organization that does business with, by, or on behalf of Microsoft and that is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network using cloud technology)
pausar la medición del tiempo de usopause usage time (To stop metering computer usage time by putting the computer into standby)
período de retención de la publicaciónpublication retention period (In merge replication, the amount of time a subscription can remain unsynchronized)
PIN de desbloqueo de la red GSMsubsidy PIN (A type of personal identification number (PIN), consisting of 8 digits, that is used to unlock a phone's subsidy lock)
planificación de la demandademand plan (The estimated future demand for a product family. A demand plan is similar to a sales forecast, but if the demand cannot be met, the sales will be less than the demand)
planificador de la demandademand planner (The employee who is responsible for creating a demand plan)
plantilla de formulario habilitada para el exploradorbrowser-enabled form template (A browser-compatible form template that has been published to a server running InfoPath Forms Services, and that has been browser-enabled so that users can both display and fill out the form in a Web browser)
plantilla de la información global de la empresaenterprise global template (A collection of default settings, such as views, tables, and fields, that are used by all projects across the organization. These settings exist within a special project in Project Server)
porcentaje de entrega en exceso para el pedido de comprapurchase order overdelivery percentage (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to exceed the purchase order quantity)
porcentaje de entrega incompleta para el pedido de comprapurchase order underdelivery percentage (The percentage by which product receipt quantities are allowed to be less than the purchase order quantity)
posición de la cámaralook-from point (The point in the 3D world where the camera is looking from)
Precio especial de lanzamiento de la plataforma Windows AzureWindows Azure Platform Introductory Special (A Windows Azure Platform limited package rate that is tailored to development hobbyist and small developer audience)
Precio especial de lanzamiento de la plataforma Windows Azure para partnersWindows Azure Platform Introductory Special for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform limited package rate, tailored to development hobbyist and small developer audience, which is available through authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels)
Preparación de un saldo de apertura en la fecha de transición a los estándares IFRSPreparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRS (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting perspective, the significant activities required of companies to prepare their opening balance sheet at the date of transition to IFRS within the context of a conversion from previous Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS))
previsión de la demandademand forecast (A prediction of future product demand)
Principios para el acceso a la información y para la comprobación de documentos digitalesPrinciples for the data access and the testability of digital documents (A German law that requires tax authorities to be capable of digitally checking data from electronic bookkeeping systems)
procedimientos almacenados para la recopilación de eventosevent collection stored procedures (System-generated stored procedures that an application can call to submit events to the event table in the application database)
producto de la facturainvoice product (A line item in an invoice containing detailed billing information)
profundidad de la expansiónexpansion depth (The number of levels to which a minimized hierarchical scorecard can be opened)
programa de mejora de la AyudaHelp Improvement program (A feature that helps Microsoft identify trends in the way Help is used so that Microsoft can improve the search results and the relevancy of the content)
Programa para la mejora de la experiencia del usuarioCustomer Experience Improvement Program (A Microsoft program that invites customers to provide Microsoft with more detailed information about how the software is used including the type and frequency of errors, software and hardware performance, and feature usage. This information is anonymous and voluntary, and is used strictly for the purposes of software development)
programación condicionada por el esfuerzoeffort-driven scheduling (The default method of scheduling in Project; the duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources are added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort necessary to complete a task remains unchanged)
programación controlada por el usuariouser-controlled scheduling (A feature that allows the user to specify manual or automatic scheduling on a per-task basis)
propiedades de la línealine property (A code that specifies which transactions in a journal are chargeable and which are non-chargeable)
propietario de la base de datosdatabase owner (The person who created the database, and has full control, including granting access permissions or deleting records. When a database has been restored, then the person who restored it becomes the owner)
propietario de la cuentaaccount owner (A person who signs up for an account. Some features, such as billing, purchasing account add-ons, and creating e-mail accounts, are available to the account owner only)
protección ampliada para la autenticaciónExtended Protection for Authentication (A security feature that helps protect against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks)
Protocolo de transferencia de noticias a través de la redNetwork News Transfer Protocol (A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used to distribute network news messages to NNTP servers and clients (newsreaders) on the Internet. NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored on a server in a central database, thus enabling a user to select specific items to read)
proveedor de automatización de la interfaz de usuarioUI Automation provider (An implementation of UI Automation interfaces that exposes programmatic information about a UI element. The provider supplies this information to the UI Automation framework in response to UI Automation client requests)
Proxy de la aplicación de Servicio de BDCBDC Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
Proxy de la aplicación de Servicio de conectividad a datos empresarialesBusiness Data Connectivity Service Application Proxy (An application proxy that allows Web applications to connect to a Business Data Connectivity Shared Service Application and contains features for using the shared service)
prueba de aceptación de la compilaciónbuild acceptance test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
prueba de comprobación de la compilaciónbuild verification test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
publicar en el blogblog (To publish or write entries for a blog)
Publicar la grabaciónPublish Recording (A UI element that allows a user to save a meeting to the conference center)
puesto de referencia en la encuesta salarialsalary survey reference job (A benchmark job description provided by the administrator of a salary survey (usually a third party) that allows different companies to compare their internal jobs to a standard description found in the marketplace)
punto de control de la utilidadutility control point (A network node that provides the central reasoning point for the SQL Server Utility. It uses Utility Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to organize and monitor SQL Server resource health)
punto de mira de la cámaracamera look point (An invisible, distant point on an axis perpendicular to the view plane that the camera is "looking at". When we move it, the camera follows it)
puntuación MOS de la conversaciónConversational MOS (A prediction of the narrowband conversational quality MOS (MOS-CQ) of the audio stream that is played to the user. This value takes into account the listening quality of the audio played and sent across the network, the speech and noise levels for both audio streams, and echoes)
página principal de la carpetafolder home page (An Internet Web page or intranet page that is associated with an Outlook folder. If a page has been associated with the folder and the option is set, the Web page appears in the Outlook window whenever you select the folder)
quitar de la coladequeue (To remove from a queue)
Quitar de la conferenciaRemove From Conference (An item on the right-click menu for a conference participant that removes the selected participant from the current conference)
Quitar de la lista de contactosRemove from Contact List (An item on a contact's context menu to remove a contact from the contact list)
quitar el sellounseal (For BitLocker Drive Encryption, the process that a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) uses to decrypt data in a sealed binary large object (BLOB) to reveal the original secret)
quitar la protecciónunprotect (To remove access restrictions or permissions for a file or specific elements within a file)
rango en la pilastack rank (An ordering of items for prioritization)
razón para el estadostatus reason (The description of the status of a record or activity. The options available are based on what record type is open and in which module)
raíz de la aplicaciónapplication root (The root directory for an application; all directories and files contained within the application root are considered part of the application. Also called an application starting point directory)
recrear la imagenre-image (To uninstall all software on a computer and reinstall a new Windows image)
recuento de visitas a la página de entradaentry page count (The number of visitors who entered a web site on a particular page on that site)
recuperación por el usuario finalend-user recovery (A feature that enables an end user to independently recover data by retrieving a shadow copy. This feature requires the shadow copy client software)
Recuperar automáticamente la configuración Fuera de la oficina de OutlookAutomatically retrieve Out Of Office settings from Outlook (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab. When this option is selected, Communicator obtains the user's Out Of Office information from Outlook and displays it as part of the user's status)
recurso compartido de biblioteca de la colección de proyectos de equipoteam project collection library share (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
recurso en reserva en el hosthost reserve (A resource that is set aside on the physical host computer for the use of the host operating system)
red de la compañíacompany network (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
red de la empresacompany network (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
reducción automática para la finalización de instruccionesauto-reduce statement completion (" The IntelliSense feature that filters the list of values that IntelliSense displays to only the relevant ones based on what the user types. It also filters on title casing (e.g., if the user types "dl", both dl and asp:DataList are displayed).")
Reestablecer la conexión compartida...Reestablish Sharing Connection… (An item on the right-click menu for a participant in a conversation that reconnects the selected participant to the current sharing session after disconnection)
Reestablecer la conversación instantánea...Reestablish Instant Message Conversation… (The item on the right-click menu for a participant in a conversation that reconnects the selected participant to the current conversation after disconnection)
referencia para aplicaciones de la Tienda WindowsWindows Store app reference (The section, or Table of Contents node, of Windows Developer docs that contains all of the reference docs for Windows Store app development)
registrar en el diariojournalize (To record the financial consequences of accounting events in the subledger journal)
registro de configuración de la plataformaplatform configuration register (A register inside a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). This register is sufficiently large to contain a hash (currently only SHA-1))
registro de transacciones de la cuentaaccount register (A list of transactions for a single financial account)
regla de la Bandeja de entradaInbox rule (A rule that is defined by an end-user using Outlook or Outlook Web App. When a message that meets the conditions of the rule is sent or received, the rule triggers an action that is performed automatically)
Reiniciar el vídeoRestart this video feed (The infotip that appears when the user pauses with the mouse over the Pause button in a Video conversation. The infotip for this button toggles between "Pause" and 'Restart this video feed.')
relaciones con el clientecustomer relationship (An association between a customer (account or contact) and a partner (account or contact))
relleno de ceros a la izquierdazero padding (Appending zeros to the beginning of a number, or a series of numbers)
renovación de la Edición de PrepagoPrepaid renewal (Reactivation of a Microsoft Office Prepaid edition subscription)
reparación de la instalaciónsetup repair (An error reporting process that may run during the setup of a program if a problem occurs)
repetición de la actividadactivity occurrence (An instance of an activity)
representación parcial de la páginapartial-page rendering (The process of refreshing only a region of a Web page during an asynchronous postback. This is typically accomplished by using UpdatePanel controls. Partial-page rendering is an important feature of AJAX technology)
representante de la comunidadcommunity representative (A role that is similar to the customer service role, with the addition of being able to manage public conversations enabled and with the following permissions: organization read, BU append, BU append to, and user delete)
respuesta a la reuniónmeeting response (An e-mail reply to a meeting request that indicates whether the sender will attend the meeting)
restauración completa de la base de datoscomplete database restore (A restore of a full database backup, the most recent differential database backup (if any), and the log backups (if any) taken since the full database backup)
restauración parcial de la base de datospartial database restore (A restore of only a portion of a database consisting of its primary filegroup and one or more secondary filegroups. The other filegroups remain permanently offline, though they can be restored later)
restricciones en el equipocomputer restrictions (Settings that limit operating system functionality; including, privacy and security)
restricciones en el menú InicioStart Menu restrictions (Settings that allow the administrator to restrict Start Menu attributes)
restricción de la recopilacióncollection limiting (Restricting the scope of a query. A query that is collection limited can return only resources that are in a specified collection, even if other resources in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database match the query criteria)
restricción del valor de la dimensión financierafinancial dimension value constraint (A hierarchical financial dimension relationship that restricts the set of all possible financial dimension value combinations to a set of valid financial dimension value combinations)
resultado de la pruebatest result (The verdict from executing a test: pass, fail, or inconclusive)
resultados de la búsquedasearch results (The list of answers to a search request that match the search criteria specified by the user)
retraso de la repeticiónrepeat delay (A delay of the amount of time that elapses before a character begins repeating when you hold down a key)
rol de administrador de la organización de ExchangeExchange Organization Administrators role (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have full access to all Exchange properties and objects in the Exchange organization)
ruta de acceso a la tareatask path (A series of tasks that includes the predecessors and successors to the task that is selected)
ruta de la consultaquery path (A string representation of a path that specifies which related objects to return when a typed object query is executed)
Salida por la derechaFly Out (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
salida por la derechaFly Out (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
salida por la derechaFly In
saludo de Fuera de la oficinaaway greeting (A voice message that's played to callers to let them know that the person they called is away for an extended period of time and unavailable to answer the phone. It can be customized by the user. It's different from the voice mail greeting that's played when the recipient is away for a short period of time)
script anterior a la implementaciónpre-deployment script (A set of zero or more user-specified database scripts that are executed in a specific order before the database deployment script is executed)
script posterior a la implementaciónpost-deployment script (A set of zero or more user-specified database scripts that are executed in a specific order after the database deployment script is executed)
sector de arranque de la particiónpartition boot sector (A portion of a hard disk partition that contains information about the disk's file system and a short machine language program that loads the Windows operating system)
seguimiento de la pilastack trace (A report that lists the sequence or heirarchy of nested procedure calls made by a program up to the current procedure call)
seguir el hilowatch (To monitor an e-mail conversation or newsgroup thread. The headers for messages in a watched conversation appear in a different color, which makes them easier to find in a message list)
Seguridad de la capa de transporteTransport Layer Security (A protocol that provides communications privacy and security between two applications communicating over a network. TLS encrypts communications and enables clients to authenticate servers and, optionally, servers to authenticate clients. TLS is a more secure version of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol)
Según la ubicación...Based on Location... (An item on the Call Forwarding On menu, which is opened from the user's My Status menu. This item automatically forwards incoming calls based on the user's current location)
sensibilidad a la presiónpressure sensitivity (An optional hardware feature on a Tablet PC that you can use to create a thicker ink stroke by increasing pressure on the tablet pen)
sensible a la presiónpressure sensitive (Of or pertaining to a device in which pressing on a thin surface produces an electrical connection and causes an event to be registered by the computer. Pressure-sensitive devices include touch-sensitive drawing pens, membrane keyboards, and some touch screens)
sentido de la lecturareading order (The visual order in which characters, words, and groups of words are displayed. English and most other European languages are displayed in left-to-right order and Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu are displayed in right-to-left order)
servicio de la aplicación Windows Communication FoundationWindows Communication Foundation application service (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
servicio en la nubecloud service (An instance of the Cloud Services offer that consists of packaged software programming and configuration settings and is hosted on virtual machines based on web and worker roles)
Servicios de la actividad de negocioBusiness Activity Services (A BizTalk Server feature that enables business users to configure business processes and interact with trading partners)
Servicios en la nubeCloud Services (The Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to build powerful, scalable web applications without having to worry about managing the underlying platform issues)
Servicios en la nube de MicrosoftMicrosoft cloud services (Microsoft Consumer and Business products, services and solutions that are delivered and consumed in real-time over the Internet)
servidor de acceso a la rednetwork access server (The device that accepts Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections and places clients on the network that the NAS serves)
Sesión de prueba Live Meeting mediante VoIP en el centro de conferenciaVOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center session (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
sincronización de la lista global de direccionesglobal address list synchronization (The process of synchronizing the global address list from one Exchange deployment with another)
sincronización de la lista global de direccionesGAL synchronization (The process of synchronizing the global address list from one Exchange deployment with another)
Soporte técnico y el servicio al cliente de MicrosoftMicrosoft Customer Service and Support (A Microsoft business unit that offers a wide range of support options and resources to help businesses, organizations, and individuals worldwide attain the greatest success with Microsoft products)
submenú de la barra de ruta de navegaciónoverflow crumb (A subfolder in the breadcrumb bar's overflow menu)
Supervisión de la actividad económicaBusiness Activity Monitoring (A BizTalk Server feature that gives business users a real-time view of their heterogeneous business processes, enabling them to make important business decisions)
suposición sobre el proyectoproject assumption (A factor that, for planning purposes, is considered to be true, real, or certain. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk)
tarjeta plegada por el borde superiortent-fold card (A top-fold card with four pages. Page one becomes the front cover, pages two and three are the inside pages, and page four is the back of the card)
teléfono de la empresacompany phone (The main telephone number of a company. Not the same as an individual's work phone)
teléfono de la empresabusiness phone (The field where the telephone number for a business can be entered)
texto de la leyendacaption text (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image)
texto de la transaccióntransaction text (A description for a journal line. Transaction text stays with the journal line until an event causes new transaction text to be added, such as when the transaction is settled)
tiempo asignado para la resolución de erroresbug allotment (A chunk of development time allocated to fix bugs. An allotment is created by leaving slack in the iteration plan)
tiempo de espera de la conexiónconnection timeout (The amount of time allotted for a connection to the database to take place, which when reached causes an error message to be generated and displayed in the Web browser)
tiempo de la concesiónlease time (The length of time for which a DHCP client can use a dynamically assigned IP address configuration. Before the lease time expires, the client must either renew or obtain a new lease with DHCP)
tilde de la ñtilde (The ~ character)
tipo basado en el usousage type (In Exchange Server 2007, the type of connector that is determined by the intended use of the connector. The usage type determines the default settings for the connector. This includes the SIDs that are authenticated, the permissions that are assigned to those SIDs, and the authentication mechanism)
tipo de dimensión financiera definido por el sistemasystem-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type)
tipo de dimensión financiera definido por el usuariouser-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a user-defined list of values)
tipo definido por el usuariouser-defined type (A base data type that is explicitly defined by using the pre-compiler typedef directive)
tipo definido por el usuario CLRCLR user-defined type (A user-defined data type created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR))
titular de la tarjetacardholder (A person or company who has the authority to purchase goods and services using a payment card)
Traductor de la Barra de BingBing Bar Translator (A service available on Bing Bar allowing translation of web-page text in place using the Microsoft statistical machine translation system)
trampilla de acceso a la lámparalamp access door (The metal door in the I/O connections area that you must remove to access the lamp assembly)
transparencia de la clave de colorcolor key transparency (A method for blending texture maps so that parts appear transparent. Color key transparency accomplishes this by defining a single color as transparent)
trayectoria de la animaciónmotion path (The path that a specified object or text will follow as part of an animation sequence for a slide)
Términos de licencia de Microsoft para el consumidorMicrosoft License Terms for Consumers (Applications in Windows Store are distributed with user-based licensing model. Windows runtime and application model will only allow applications that are for user-based license as well as signed by Windows Store to be installed/run on Windows 8)
ubicación de la oficinaoffice location (A contact's office number)
unidad para el desarrolladordeveloper unit (A Surface unit that is optimized for developers to create new Surface applications. A developer unit includes software that is required to develop applications with the Surface SDK, including Microsoft Visual C 2008 Express Edition, Microsoft Expression Web, and Microsoft XNA Framework. In contrast, a commercial unit is optimized for user environments and includes only the software that is needed to run Surface applications)
usar el operador puntodot source (In Windows PowerShell, to start a command by typing a dot and a space before the command. Commands that are dot sourced run in the current scope instead of in a new scope. Any variables, aliases, functions, or drives that command creates are created in the current scope and are available to users when the command is completed)
usar el servicio de roamingroam (To use a phone outside the usual service area)
uso de la páginapage usage (Information about the pages that visitors entered, exited, and viewed the most on a Web site)
uso máximo de la memoriaPeak Memory Usage (In Task Manager, the peak amount of physical memory resident in a process since it started)
Utilidades de la línea de comandos 11 de Microsoft para SQL ServerMicrosoft Command Line Utilities 11 For SQL Server (A set of command line utilities (SQLCMD utility, BCP utility) that support the latest server features)
vacuna contra el bacilo de Calmette-Guérinbacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine (A serum against tuberculosis that is prepared from a strain of the weakened live bovine tuberculosis bacillus and used for vaccination against tuberculosis and also in cancer chemotherapy)
vacuna contra el HPVHPV vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against infection with certain species of human papillomavirus associated with the development of cervical cancer and genital warts)
vacuna contra el tétano y la difteriatetanus and diphtheria vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against tetanus-diphtheria)
vacuna contra el virus de la poliomielitispoliovirus vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against poliomyelitis)
vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humanohuman papillomavirus vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against infection with certain species of human papillomavirus associated with the development of cervical cancer and genital warts)
Vacuna contra la Haemophilus influenzae tipo bhaemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against serious infections caused by a type of bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae type b, such as meningitis and pneumonia)
vacuna contra la hepatitis Ahepatitis A vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against hepatitis A virus infection)
vacuna contra la hepatitis Bhepatitis B vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against hepatitis B virus infection)
vacuna contra la poliomielitispolio vaccine (A vaccine for immunization against poliomyelitis)
valor de la dimensión financierafinancial dimension value (A data element in the domain of a financial dimension)
velocidad de la CPUCPU speed (A relative measure of the data-processing capacity of a particular central processing unit (CPU), usually measured in megahertz)
velocidad de la grabadora de CDCD burner speed (The speed at which the CD drive will record the data)
ventana de la aplicaciónapplication window (A window that serves as an interface between the user and the application)
ventana de la paletapalette window (A modeless secondary window that displays a toolbar or other choices, such as colors or patterns)
viajar en el tiempotime travel (The process of moving between time frames)
virtualización de la interfaz de usuariouser interface virtualization (In Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight, a technique by which a subset of UI elements are generated from a larger number of data items based on which items are visible on the screen. Virtualization is a performance enhancement, because it is intensive, both in terms of memory and processor, to generate a large number of UI elements when only a few may be on the screen at a given time)
Visor de la AyudaHelp Visor (A UI element that contains links to Help topics, videos, and wizards that guide the customer through basic Dynamics CRM concepts and procedures)
visor de la AyudaHelp viewer (The tool or window that contains the Help content)
vista previa de la aplicaciónapplication preview (The image, video or slide show for an application that appears in Launcher when the application is selected and appears at the center of the Launcher menu. When the application is not selected in Launcher, the application icon is displayed)
vista previa de la búsquedasearch preview (A feature that displays a thumbnail preview next to each search result. Pointing to the preview enlarges it)
Vista previa de la página webWeb Page Preview (An option that displays the Web page in a Web browser)
volver a ejecutar la consultarequery (To rerun a query underlying the active form or datasheet in order to reflect changes to the records, display newly added records, and eliminate deleted records)
Válido para la búsqueda avanzadaValid for Advanced Find (A Boolean field that is used to indicate if an attribute can be used in Advanced Find)
Vídeo a la izquierdaVideo Left (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)
álbum de la cámaracamera roll (An album that contains a continuous roll of live viewfinder and captured photos and videos that have not been archived or moved to other folders)
área de la barra de herramientas de Application DiagnosticsApplication Diagnostics toolbar area (The area where the toolbar options provide all of the tools that you require to control the quantity and type of information to display in Application Diagnostics)
índice de la clavekey index (The location where a specific network key for a wireless access point is stored)
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