
Terms containing Iniciar | all forms | exact matches only
UNabstención de iniciarnon first-use posture
comp., MSacceso a InicioStart charm (The charm that takes users to the Start screen)
agric.alimento para iniciar el engordepig grower
agric.alimento para iniciar el engordefirst fattening feed
comp., MSAnclar a InicioPin to Start (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen)
comp., MSanclar a Iniciopin to start (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen)
gen.antes de iniciar la acciónbefore taking an action
fin.anuncio de inicio de reconsideraciónnotice of initiation of a review
commer.anuncio de inicio de una reconsideraciónnotice of initiation of a review
commer.anuncio de inicio de una reconsideración por expiraciónnotice of initiation of an expiry review
comp., MS, mexic.botón de inicioStart button (The hardware button on the phone, pressed to pressed to go to the Start screen)
comp., MSbotón de inicio/apagadoPower button (A hardware button or slider on all form factors that controls the power of the PC)
comp., MSbotón InicioSTART button (A hardware button on Portable Media Center)
comp., MSclave de iniciostartup key (A key that is stored on a USB flash drive that must be inserted each time the computer starts)
lawconferencia del juez con las partes antes de iniciar el pleitopretrial conference meeting before the trial to try and resolve the case, agree on evidence, etc.
law conferencia del juez con las partes antes de iniciar el pleitopretrial conference
IT, dat.proc.delimitador de inicio de campofield-start delimiter
polit., lawdemanda que inicia procesooriginal application
polit., lawdemanda que inicia procesoapplication initiating proceedings
polit., lawdemanda que inicie el procesoapplication initiating proceedings
comp., MSderechos de inicio de sesiónlogon rights (User rights that are assigned to a user and that specify the ways in which a user can log on to a system)
econ., tax.desgravación por inicio de actividadstart-up relief
comp., MSdocumento de iniciostartup document (The document that appears first when you run your application)
social.sc.droga de iniciogateway drug
gen.día de iniciostarting on
market.empresa que inicia actividadesstarting-up firm
market.empresa que inicia actividadesstart up firm
tech.en el momento de iniciarse el combateaction time
IT, dat.proc.enlace inicio con iniciostart-to-start link
gen.Estas nubes amenazan con iniciar un aguaceroThese clouds are threatening to start a downpour
commun., ITetiqueta de iniciostart tag
commun., ITetiqueta de inicioopening tag
commun., ITetiqueta de iniciobeginning tag
UN, ecol.Evaluación de los Ecosistemas al iniciarse el MilenioMillennium Ecosystem Assessment
comp., MSfecha de iniciostart date (The date when a project or task is scheduled to begin)
fin.fecha de iniciostart date
comp., MSfecha de iniciobegin date (The date when a project or task is scheduled to begin)
fin.Fecha de inicioStart date
comp., MSfecha de inicio del ciclocycle start date (The defined beginning of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
gen.fuente de neutrones para iniciar la reacción de fisión del reactormounted neutron source for initiating the fission reaction in a reactor
comp., MSGuía de inicio rápidoQuick Start Guide (The initial user reference guide or piece of documentation for using a device or feature)
tech.identificándose a quien llama y a quien inicia la llamadacallup
comp., MSindentificación de inicio de sesión remotoremote login identification (The login identification assigned to a user for accessing remote procedures on a remote server)
ed.iniciar acciones de cobro judicialsubject to a judgment
comp., MSIniciar Compartir aplicaciones o PizarraStart Application Sharing or Whiteboard (The button on the toolbar in a conversation window that starts a sharing session with the participants of the current conversation)
meteorol.Iniciar el cursoStart the course
gen.iniciar el procedimiento de impugnaciónto initiate a challenge procedure
industr., construct., met.iniciar el tronzadoto start a cut
gen.iniciar la acción específicainitiate the specific action
gen.iniciar la acción específica deinitiate the specific
polit., lawiniciar la fase oral sin diligencias de pruebaopen the oral procedure without an inquiry
comp., MSIniciar la grabaciónStart Burn (An option that starts the CD burning process)
patents.iniciar la notificacióninitiate the notification
dril.iniciar la perforación con la barrenaspudding the bit
agric.iniciar la puestastart laying
agric.iniciar la puestacome into lay
mech.eng.iniciar la rotaciónto spin
ed.iniciar la sesiónlog in
comp., MSIniciar Microsoft Office Live MeetingStart Microsoft Office Live Meeting (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office Live Meeting program)
comp., MSIniciar Microsoft Office Live Meeting...Start Microsoft Office Live Meeting... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a Live Meeting session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
comp., MSIniciar Microsoft Office OneNoteStart Microsoft Office OneNote (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office OneNote program)
lawiniciar o reanudar un uso efectivogenuine use of the trade mark started or resumed
comp., MSiniciar sesiónlog on (To gain access to a specific computer, program, or network by identifying oneself with a username and a password)
comp., MS, mexic.iniciar sesiónsign in (To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
comp., MSIniciar sesiónSign In (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
comp., MS, mexic.iniciar sesiónlogon (The process of identifying oneself to a computer after connecting to it over a communications line)
comp., MSIniciar sesión comoSign in as (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
comp., MSiniciar sesión, conectarsesign in (To create a user session for an Internet account. For example, you sign in to a Microsoft account, an Internet service provider account, or Skype)
environ., agric.iniciar un incendiofiresetting
lawiniciar un litigiobring a suit
lawiniciar un pleitobring a suit
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de concertaciónto open a procedure for co
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de concertaciónto open a conciliation
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de conciertoto open a procedure for conciliation
lawiniciar un procedimiento de infraccióninitiate an infringement proceeding
gen.iniciar un procedimiento de votaciónto open voting proceedings
patents.iniciar un recursocommence legal remedy
lawiniciar una acción judicialto institute proceedings
lawiniciar una acción judicialto commence proceedings
lawiniciar una acción judicialto bring proceedings
comp., MSIniciar una conversación de audio...Start an Audio Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
comp., MSIniciar una conversación de vídeo...Start a Video Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
lawiniciar una demandabring a suit
law, crim.law., UNiniciar una investigaciónto initiate an investigation
comp., MSIniciar una nueva conferencia...Start a New Conference... (An item on the More/Actions menu that starts a conference with the person the user selects from the corporate address book. Also an item on the right-click menu for a person that starts a conference with the person)
lawiniciar una quejabring a suit
commun.iniciar y aceptar llamadasinitiating and accepting a call
UNiniciara estudiosinitiate negotiations/studies
UNiniciara negociacionesinitiate negotiations/studies
patents.iniciarse o reanudarse un uso efectivo de la marcato start or resume genuine use of the trade mark
gen.iniciemos un intercambio sobreinitiate an interchange on the
comp., MSinicio/apagadoPower (A button that shuts down or restarts the PC)
mech.eng., construct.inicio de cambio de marchaslowdown initiation
ITinicio de cintabeginning of tape
transp.inicio de despeguefirst motion
lawinicio de ejecución del fraudebeginning of the implementation of the fraud
mech.eng.inicio de rotación del rotorrotor spinning
comp., MSinicio de sesiónlogon (The process of identifying oneself to a computer after connecting to it over a communications line)
ITinicio de sesiónlog in
ITinicio de sesiónlog on
ITinicio de sesiónlogging-in
ITinicio de sesiónlogging-on
ITinicio de sesiónlog-on
ed.inicio de sesiónlogin
comp., MSinicio de sesión anónimoanonymous logon (A user who has connected to the computer without supplying a user name and password)
comp., MSinicio de sesión automáticoautologon (The process of automatically logging on to the computer when the computer restarts)
comp., MSinicio de sesión con PINPIN sign-in (The capability to sign in to a PC by using a four-digit code)
comp., MSinicio de sesión interactivointeractive logon (The process of logging on to a local computer using a keyboard)
commun.inicio de transferenciahandover start
el.inicio de transmisiónwink start
social.sc.inicio de tratamientofirst treatment
ed.inicio del año escolarstart of the school year
life.sc., construct.inicio del cono deyeccióndebris cone head
lab.law.inicio del cursoafter the summer break
commun.inicio dualdual homing
el.inicio lentoslow start
comp., MSInicio rápidoQuick Start (A stand-alone, single document that users can use to get started on a subject or technology quickly)
gen.La campaña de vacunación de inició en las escuelas primariasThe vaccination campaign started in primary schools
lawla Comisión iniciará sin demora el procedimientothe Commission shall without delay initiate the procedure
lab.law.los trabajadores que quieren iniciar dicha actividadthe workers who intend to take up such activities
IT, dat.proc.marca de inicio de campofield-start symbol
IT, dat.proc.marca de inicio de campofield-start mark
IT, dat.proc.marca de inicio de transacciónstart-of-transaction symbol
IT, dat.proc.marca de inicio de transacciónstart-of-transaction mark
el.marcación de iniciostart dial
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services – Aplicación para Iniciar sesiónMicrosoft Online Services Sign In Application (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
comp., MSMicrosoft Online Services – Iniciar sesiónMicrosoft Online Services Sign In (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
comp., MSnombre de inicio de sesiónsign-in name (The ID that the user enters to sign in to Lync or Communicator)
comp., MSobjeto de iniciostartup object (A project property that defines the entry point to be called when the application loads)
comp., MSpantalla Iniciar nueva experienciaStart new experience screen (The screen that appears when a Surface unit times out (that is, when a Surface unit doesn't receive any contact for a while). The Start new experience screen enables users to return to the previously running application or to start a new experience)
commun.pasarela de doble iniciodual-homed host
commun.pasarela de doble iniciodual-homed gateway
econ.préstamos para iniciar las actividades a agricultores jóvenesinstallation loans to young farmers
comp., MSpágina de inicio de complementosnap-in start page (The start page that appears in the results pane when a given snap-in is selected in the tree)
comp., MSpágina de inicio de consola vacíaempty console start page (The start page that appears when no snap-ins have been added to a snap-in console (.msc file))
comp., MSpágina web de inicio de sesión clienteclient logon Web page (When AD FS collects client credentials, a Web page that is executed to perform the user interaction)
UN, polit.Reunión para iniciar el Decenio de Asia y el Pacífico para los DiscapacitadosMeeting to Launch the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons
commun.script de inicio de sesiónlogon script
commun.servidor de inicio de sesiónlogon server
comp., MSservidor de inicio de sesión únicoSingle Sign-On server (The server on which the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) service is installed)
health., nat.sc.sitio de inicioorigin of replication
health., nat.sc.sitio de inicioinitiation site
IT, dat.proc.suceso iniciostart event
IT, dat.proc.suceso iniciobegin event
pharma.Tasa de inicioInception rate
ITtecla de iniciohome key
commun.terminal sólo capaz de iniciar llamadascall-only terminal
procur.tiempo necesario para iniciar algolead time
construct.tiempo requerido para iniciar la construcciónconstruction lead time
life.sc.velocidad mínima para iniciar el choqueminimal-impact threshold velocity
earth.sc.velocidad mínima para iniciar la erosión sin choqueminimal-fluid threshold velocity
el.voltaje de inicio del efecto coronacorona inception voltage