
Terms for subject Environment containing Carretera | all forms | exact matches only
carretera de accesoaccess road
carretera de accesoaccess road Any street or narrow stretch of paved surface that leads to a specific destination, such as a main highway
carretera troncaltrunk road A main road, especially one that is suitable for heavy vehicles
construcción de carreterasroad construction No definition needed
ingeniería del tráfico de carreterasroad traffic engineering
ingeniería del tráfico de carreterasroad traffic engineering Discipline which includes the design of highways and pedestrian ways, the study and application of traffic statistics, and the environmental aspects of the transportation of goods and people
mantenimiento de carreterasroad maintenance
mantenimiento de carreterasroad maintenance The care or upkeep of streets, highways and other routes, including improvements in alignment, widening and markings, and work involving buried cables, water mains or gas mains
material de construcción de carreteraroad construction material
material de construcción de carreteraroad construction material The aggregation of components used for building streets, highways and other routes, such as asphalt, concrete, brick, sand and gravel
red de carreterasroad network The system of roads through a country
Residuos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte por ferrocarril y carretera de hidrocarburoswaste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing oil
Residuos de la limpieza de cisternas de transporte por ferrocarril y carretera de productos químicoswaste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing chemicals
sal para deshielo de carreterasroad salt
sal para deshielo de carreterasroad salt Salt used against the formation of ice on roads; when excess salt washes off the roads, it can poison roadside vegetation or raise salt concentrations in streams and reserves of underground water. It also accelerates the deterioration of concrete and metal
transporte por carreteraroad transport Transportation of goods and persons by vehicles travelling on a road network
trazado de carreterasroad setting
trazado de carreterasroad setting The establishing of boulevards, turnpikes, highways and other routes on land
tráfico de carreterasroad traffic
tráfico de carreterasroad traffic Circulation of motor vehicles and people on the road network