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Terms containing Arquitecturas de | all forms | in specified order only
polit.Academia Internacional de ArquitecturaInternational Academy of Architecture
gen.Algoritmos y arquitecturas avanzados para proceso de voz y de imagenAdvanced algorithms and architectures for speech and image processing
ITarquitectura de control en tiempo realreal-time control architecture
comp., MSArquitectura de documento clínicoClinical Document Architecture (The standard format used to define how patient health information is transferred between systems)
comp., MSarquitectura de la infraestructurainfrastructure architecture (The topology of the deployment environment including protocols, security levels, and services. This architecture provides a logical mapping to the deployment environment, such as the datacenter)
commun., ITarquitectura de la rednetwork architecture
ITarquitectura de la red locallocal network architecture
comp., MSarquitectura de la soluciónsolution architecture (The architecture of the software including its structure, entry points, trust areas, and class and component relationships)
ITarquitectura de la unidad aritmética lógicaALU architecture
IT, dat.proc.arquitectura de memoria distribuidalocal memory architecture
IT, dat.proc.arquitectura de memoria locallocal memory architecture
IT, dat.proc.arquitectura de memoria localdistributed-memory architecture
commun., ITarquitectura de rednetwork architecture
commun., ITarquitectura de red abiertaopen network architecture
commun., ITarquitectura de red de comunicacionarchitecture of a communications network
ITarquitectura de red de sistemassystems network architecture
ITarquitectura de red de sistemasunified architecture
ITarquitectura de red de sistemasSNA-network
commun.arquitectura de red digitaldigital network architecture
comp.arquitectura de red distribuidadistributed network architecture
ITarquitectura de red en el circuito del abonadonetwork architecture in the customer loop
ITarquitectura de red locallocal network architecture
ITarquitectura de red neuralneural network architecture
comp., MSArquitectura de redes de sistemasSystems Network Architecture (A network model devised by IBM to enable IBM products, including mainframes, terminals, and peripherals, to communicate and exchange data)
meteorol.Arquitectura de sistemas de observación de la NOAANOAA Observing Systems Architecture
comp., MSArquitectura de taxonomía para informes financierosFinancial Reporting Taxonomy Architecture (A standard that places additional constraints on XBRL taxonomies that are intended to express information used in financial reporting. All taxonomies that are valid under FRTA are valid XBRL documents. However, not all XBRL documents are valid under FRTA)
el.arquitectura de telecomunicaciones de banda anchabroadband telecommunications architecture
commun., ITarquitectura de una red de comunicacionesarchitecture of a communications network
telecom.arquitectura de una red de telecomunicaciónarchitecture of a telecommunication network
ITarquitectura distribuida de bases de datosdatabase distributed architecture
comp., MSArquitectura distribuida de bases de datos relacionalesDistributed Relational Database Architecture A connection protocol for distributed relational database processing used by IBM relational database products that comprises protocols for communication between an application and a remote database, and communication between databases. DRDA also provides the connections for remote and distributed processing. The Distributed Data Management Architecture provides the base architecture for DRDA (DRDA)
ITarquitectura escalable de aviónica genéricageneric avionics scaleable architecture
commun.arquitectura funcional de la rednetwork functional architecture
commun., el.arquitectura insertada reconfigurable de baja potencia y bajo costereconfigurable,embedded architecture,low-cost/low-power
comp., MSarquitectura orientada a servicios de empresaenterprise service-oriented architecture (The SAP blueprint for services-based, enterprise-scaled business solutions that offer increased levels of adaptability, flexibility and openness required to reduce total cost of ownership)
ITarquitectura para solución interactiva de problemas con la cooperación de bases de datos y de conocimientosArchitecture for Interactive Problem Solving by Cooperating Data and Knowledge Bases
commun., ITarquitecturas a nivel de célulacell-level architectures
construct., mun.plan.Comité consultivo de formación en el sector de la arquitecturaAdvisory Committee on Training in the field of Architecture
ed., unions.Comité consultivo sobre la formación en el sector de la arquitecturaAdvisory Committee on Education and Training in the Field of Architecture
inet.Comité de Arquitectura de InternetInternet Architecture Board
ITcomputador de arquitectura entubadapipeline computer
ITcomputador de arquitectura entubadapipeline
ITcontrol de la arquitectura de los microprocesadorescontrol of the microprocessor architecture
construct.gabinete de arquitecturaarchitectural office
construct.gabinete de arquitecturaarchitectural firm
IT, dat.proc.grupo de ajuste de perfil para la arquitectura de documentos de oficinaProfile Alignment Group for office document architecture
IT, dat.proc.grupo de ajuste de perfil para la arquitectura de documentos de oficinaProfile Alignment Group for ODA
gen.la organización de concursos de arquitectura y urbanismothe organization of competitions for architects and town-planners
commun., ITmodelo funcional de arquitectura de la rednetwork architecture functional model
arts.Museo de ArquitecturaMuseum of Architecture
comp., MSPC de arquitectura IntelIntel Architecture Personal Computer (Any computer built with a processor that conforms to the architecture defined by the Intel processor family based on the 486 instruction set and has an industry-standard computer architecture)
IT, dat.proc.pilotaje de la arquitectura de documentos de oficinaspiloting of the office document architecture
gen.premio de la Unión Europea de arquitectura contemporáneaMies van der Rohe Award
gen.premio de la Unión Europea de arquitectura contemporáneaEuropean Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture
cultur.programa de arquitectura estructuralstructural architecture programme
gen.Recomendación revisada relativa a los concursos internacionales de arquitectura y urbanismoRevised Recommendation concerning International Competitions in Architecture and Town Planning
ITsistema de inferencia flexible con arquitectura abiertaflexible open-architecture inference system
org.name.Subdirección de Arquitectura, Políticas y Estrategias de Tecnología de la InformaciónIT Architecture, Policy and Strategy Branch