
Terms containing qarshi | all forms | exact matches only
gen.agar siz qarshi bo‘lmasangizif you don't mind
gen.baxtga qarshiunfortunately
gen.beshta qarshi va ikkita betarafa vote of twenty in favour, five against, and two abstention
inf.biror organ tashkilot va sh. k. ichida ko‘pchilikka$ ko‘pchilik fikriga qarshi bo‘lgan kishi oppozitsiyachi, oppozitsiya tarafdorianti
gen.butunlay qarama-qarshi bo‘lgan maqsad niyatcross purpose
comp., MSdastlab ishga tushiriladigan zararli dasturlarga qarshi dastur drayveriEarly Launch Antimalware driver (An antimalware driver that loads early in the boot process, to evaluate the safety of the other drivers being loaded. Based on a comparison against historical data for those drivers, the antimalware driver returns information to the kernel, which makes initialization decisions for each driver)
gen....ga qarshifor
gen....ga qarshi bo‘lmoqto object to, against to
gen.g‘ayriqonuniy harakatlarga qarshi turmoqto offset the illegalities
gen.har ehtimolga qarshiwhether or no
gen.har ehtimolga qarshiif anything
gen.harakat va qarshi harakataction-and-reaction
gen.havo hujumiga qarshianti-aircraft
gen.jamiyatga qarshi bo‘lganantisocial
gen.jasorat bilan qarshi olmoq xatar va b.brave
comp., MSjosus dasturlarga qarshi dasturantispyware program (A program used to detect spyware and sometimes remove it)
comp., MSjosus dasturlarga qarshi dasturiy ta‘minotantispyware software (A general class of software used to detect spyware and sometimes remove it)
comp., MSjosuslarga qarshi dasturantispyware (A general class of software used to detect spyware and sometimes remove it)
gen.kimgadir qarshi jinoiy ish qo‘zg‘atmoqto take action against smb.
gen.kimgadir qarshi jinoiy ish qo‘zg‘atmoqto bring action against smb.
gen.kimningdir zarbasiga qarshi zarba bermoqto trump the ace
gen.kimningdir zarbasiga qarshi zarba bermoqto trump smb.'s ace
gen.ko‘kragi bilan qarshi turmoq nimagadirbreast
gen.nimagadir qarshiout of accord with smth.
gen.nimagadir qarshi chiqmoqto clamour against
gen.oqimga qarshiup-stream
gen.oqimga qarshi suzuvchiup-stream
comp., MSQarama-qarshi millarOpposing Arrows (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show two opposing ideas, or ideas that diverge from a central point. Each of the first two lines of Level 1 text corresponds to an arrow. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts)
gen.qarama-qarshi qo‘yishcontraposition
gen.qarama-qarshi tomongacounter
gen.qarama-qarshi orqa tomongabackward
gen.qarama-qarshi yoki inkor bo‘lishsizlik ma'nosini beradidis-
gen.qarshi chiqishresistance
gen.qarshi chiqmoqcounter
gen.qarshi chiqmoqdisagree
gen.qarshi chiqmoqto exclaim against
gen.qarshi chiqmoqto take objection
gen.qarshi chiqmoqprotest
gen.qarshi chiqmoqto go against
gen.qarshi chiqmoqdissent
gen.qarshi chiqmoqdemur
gen.qarshi chiqmoqcontradict
gen.qarshi chiqmoqconflict
gen.qarshi chiqmoqbreast
gen.qarshi chiqqanup in arms
gen.qarshi fikr bildirmoqmind
gen.qarshi gapirmoqto go against
gen.qarshi harakatopposition
gen.qarshi teskari harakatcounteraction
gen.qarshi harakat qilmoqto work against
gen.qarshi teskari harakat qilmoqcounteract
gen.qarshi hujumcounter-offensive
gen.qarshi hujumcounter-attack
gen.qarshi hujum qilmoqcounter-attack
gen.qarshi jinsga oidheterosexual
gen.qarshi kurashishconfrontation
gen.qarshi olmoqwelcome
gen.qarshi ta'sircounteraction
gen.qarshi tomonopposition
gen.qarshi tomonopponent
gen.qarshi tomondaacross
gen.qarshi turmoqwithstand
gen.qarshi turmoqconfront
gen.qarshi zarbarepulse
gen.qarshi zarbacounterblow
gen.dushmanga qarshi zarba berishrepulsion
gen.qarshi zarba berishrepulse
gen.qarshi zarba bermoqfend
gen.qarshi zarba bermoqto respond with a blow
gen.qarshi zarba bermoqbeat
comp., MSqimirlashga qarshianti-shake (An image stabilization technique that's used to reduce the appearance of camera shake in a video image)
gen.qiyinchiliklarni qarshi olmoqto be up against smth.
jarg.raketaga qarshi qo‘llanadigan qurolanti
gen.soat miliga teskari qarshianticlockwise
gen.ular qarama-qarshi betma-bet o‘tirishardithey sat so as to face each other
gen.urf-odatlarga qarshi kurashuvchi kishiiconoclast
gen.yo‘talga qarshi dorimedicine foot-wear a cough
gen.yo‘talga qarshi vositaa cure for a cough
gen.zaharga qarshi doriantidote
comp., MSzararli dasturlarga qarshi dasturantimalware program (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
comp., MSzararli dasturlarga qarshi dasturiy ta‘minotantimalware software (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)