
Terms containing véges | all forms
ITelsõ végsatellite computer
ITelsõ végfront end
patents.helyrehozhatatlan kár elhárítása végettto prevent irreparable damage
gen.inas végsinew tip
phys.sc., mech.eng.lapát végének sebességeblade tip speed
fin.nap végiend-of-day
agric.véges alapsokaságsampling population
comp., MSvéges anyagmennyiségfinite material (A method for scheduling resources that assumes that all the component materials needed for production are available when the production process starts)
math.véges arcus sinus eloszlásfinite arc sine distribution
comp., MSvéges kapacitásfinite capacity (The capability of a resource (worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization) to produce output within a specified period of time without exceeding the available capacity)
math.véges Markov-láncfinite Markov chain
math.véges minta bontása pontfinite sample breakdown point
math.véges minta korrekciófinite population correction
math.véges minta korrekciófinite sampling correction
math.véges minta korrekciófinite multiplier
sail.véges rajtvonallimited starting line
math.véges sokaságfinite population
math.véges sokaság korrekciófinite population correction
math.véges sokaság korrekciófinite sampling correction
math.véges sokaság korrekciófinite multiplier
math.véges szorzófinite population correction
math.véges szorzófinite sampling correction
math.véges szorzófinite multiplier
comp., MSvéges terhelésfinite loading (A scheduling method that assumes that limited capacity for labor and machines is available)
comp., MSvéges tulajdonságfinite property (A method for scheduling resources that considers limits to the type of work a work center can perform at a given time. Finite property specifies the type of products or operations to be carried out at the same time at a work center)
comp., MSvéges ütemezésfinite scheduling (A scheduling method that assumes that limited capacity for labor and machines is available)
comp., MSév végi zárásyear-end closing (An accounting process that occurs at the end of the fiscal year and is used to transfer the balances of the temporary owners' equity accounts to the permanent owners' equity account, to carry forward closing account balances from one accounting period to opening account balances in the subsequent accounting period, and to generate financial statements)