
Terms containing védett terület | all forms | in specified order only
environ.antropológiai védett területanthropologic reserve Area of protection of the life style of societies where traditional human activities are still maintained and the exploitation of natural resources is still carried out without compromising the future availability
environ.erdei biológiai védett területforest biological reserve Forest areas which are protected and guarded from deforestation because of the fragility of its ecosystems, and because they provide habitats for hundreds of species of plants and animals
environ.tengeri védett területmarine reserve Sea area where marine wildlife is protected
environ.védett területprotected area Portions of land protected by special restrictions and laws for the conservation of the natural environment. They include large tracts of land set aside for the protection of wildlife and its habitat; areas of great natural beauty or unique interest; areas containing rare forms of plant and animal life; areas representing unusual geologic formation; places of historic and prehistoric interest; areas containing ecosystems of special importance for scientific investigation and study; and areas which safeguard the needs of the biosphere
forestr., horticult.védett területnature reservation
forestr., horticult.védett területdeer park
forestr., horticult.védett területstate nature reservation
environ.védett területreserve Any area of land or water that has been set aside for a special purpose, often to prevent or reduce harm to its wildlife and ecosystems
environ.védett területprotected site
gen.védett területdesignated area
environ.állami biológiai védett területstate biological reserve An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance