
Terms for subject Microsoft containing tárol | all forms
lemezes tárolási egységdisk extent (A contiguous run of sectors on one disk)
tárolt eljárásstored procedure (A precompiled collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed as a unit. They are stored in an SQL database and can be run with one call from an application)
tárolási dimenzióstorage dimension (The dimension of an item that controls how items are stored and taken from inventory, giving retailers the ability to manage inventory on a very detailed level)
tárolási elrendezésstorage layout (The layout and general resiliency of data across multiple disks in a virtual disk or storage space)
tárolási jelentésstorage report (A reporting tool that alerts administrators to current disk use trends, as well as to attempts by certain users or groups to save unauthorized files)
tárolási rétegstorage tier (An optional layer of a storage space that writes data to physical disks of a particular speed)
tárolási területstore area (A section of a warehouse used for inventory items with similar characteristics, such as an input area for items when they are received in inventory)
tárolási zónastore zone (A classification of store areas. Store zones provide a way to order and prioritize store areas for items as they arrive in inventory)