
Terms for subject Microsoft containing támogatás | all forms
AD FS-t támogató webkiszolgálóAD FS-enabled Web server (A Web server that is configured with the appropriate AD FS Web Agent software-either the claims-aware agent or the Windows token–based agent-which is necessary for authenticating and authorizing federated access to locally hosted, Web-based applications)
Alapvető technikai támogatásmainstream support (Basic customer support for software, hardware, multimedia, and Business Solutions included in the Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy, such as no-charge incident support, paid incident support, support charged on an hourly basis, support for warranty claims, and hotfix support)
biztonsági támogatássecurity support component (A hardware-based security facility that implements cryptosystems, random number generation, and key storage)
biztonsági támogatás szolgáltatójasecurity support provider (A dynamic-link library (DLL) that implements the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) by making one or more security packages available to applications. Each security package provides mappings between an application' SSPI function calls and an actual security model' functions. Security packages support security protocols such as Kerberos and NTLM)
biztonsági támogatás szolgáltatójának felületeSecurity Support Provider Interface (A common interface between transport-level applications, such as Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and security support providers (SSPs), such as Windows Distributed Security. SSPI allows a transport application to call one of the SSPs to obtain an authenticated connection. These calls do not require extensive knowledge of the security protocol's details)
Microsoft-támogatási diagnosztikai eszközMicrosoft Support Diagnostic Tool (A system used by PSS for gathering customer configuration information for diagnostics through an improved process and tool)
nem támogatott funkcióunsupported feature (A feature that is inactive in Office Web Apps, but that is present when the content is opened in the rich client)
Súgó és támogatásHelp and Support Center (A unified place where a user can access all Help and Support content and services from Microsoft, the OEM, and the corporation)
Súgó és támogatás - osztályozó rendszerHelp and Support Center taxonomy (In the Windows XP Help and Support Center, the classification system that organizes Help topics into specific categories)
támogatott szolgáltatásassisted service (A service for which an employee requires assistance from another person, such as a call center)
támogatási csoportsupport team (An organization or group that is responsible for providing technical support)
támogatási munkamenetsupport session (An interactive session between a support professional and a customer)
támogatási szakembersupport agent (A user who works for a company that is a valid partner tenant who has been assigned either limited or full administration agent role)
támogató háttértípusbacking type (A type in a given type system that defines the object that is created when parsing a XAML object element or instantiating a XAML type. In XAML for WPF, a backing type is a CLR type)