
Terms for subject Microsoft containing osztály | all forms
AxBC-osztályAxBC class (A business component class that encapsulates business logic, including the provision of default values, validation of data, value mapping, and access to display fields)
burkoló osztálywrapper class (A class that takes an existing class, and provides it with a new interface)
COM-osztályCOM class (A concrete implementation of one or more COM interfaces. COM objects are instances of COM classes)
fizetési osztálypay grade (A compensation level structure that defines discrete ranges of pay per level, and are generally defined by hierarchical levels of authority within a company. Jobs are typically evaluated by a point system that places them at a grade relative to others within the company. Pay rates for a grade are typically determined by using equivalent groups of jobs in the marketplace as benchmarks. Graded structures are narrower than bands, and are typically discrete (for example, pay ranges do not overlap). Grade pay ranges have a fixed minimum, midpoint (or control point), and maximum reference points. Compa-ratios and range utilization are measures used to analyze an employee's pay relative to their range. Companies can set additional reference points for a grade, such as 25th and 75th percentile, and base variable compensation on one of those points)
háttérkód osztálycode-behind class (A class that is accessed by an .aspx file, but resides in a separate file (such as a .dll or .cs file). For example, you can write a code-behind class that creates an ASP.NET custom server control, contains code that is called from an .aspx file, but does not reside within the .aspx file)
implementációs osztályimplementation class (In a static structure diagram, a class that defines the physical data structures and procedures of an object as implemented in a traditional programming language, such as C++. An object may have only one implementation class)
kombinált osztálycombination class (A feature in Service Manager that is used mostly in reports and in views to display information from multiple classes that are defined in Service Manager)
konfigurációelem-osztályconfiguration item class (A collection of configuration items. Groups can contain members of different configuration items classes (for example, a computer and a user))
konkrét osztályconcrete class (In Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), a class from which you can create an instance because it has a full implementation)
osztály illesztőprogramclass driver (An intermediate driver that provides a simple interface between a minidriver and the operating system)
Osztály nézetClass View (A window that displays the symbols defined, referenced, or called in the application you are developing)
paraméteres osztályparameterized class (In a static structure diagram, a template that describes a class with one or more unbound formal parameters. It defines a family of classes, each of which is specified by binding the parameters to actual values)
számlázási osztálybilling classification (A payment request classifier documented on customer invoices that govern payment terms and conditions and the processing of the invoices)
származtatott osztályderived class (In object-oriented programming, a class created from another class, called the base class. A derived class inherits all the features of its base class. It can then add data elements and routines, redefine routines from the base class, and restrict access to base-class features)
széttagolt osztálypartial class (A class whose definition is split over two or more source files. Each source file contains a section of the class definition, and all parts are combined when the application is compiled)
WMI-osztályWMI class (A template for a type of managed object. WMI classes define the basic units of management. For example, the Win32_LogicalDisk class is a template for all logical disks that occur in the Windows environment. In this case, WMI uses the class template to generate an instance of Win32_LogicalDisk for each disk installed on a computer)