
Terms for subject Microsoft containing nyílt | all forms
Alulról nyíló kártyaTop-fold card (One of the page size options available in Publisher for printing a folded card. This option prints four pages per sheet of paper, with fold on top)
nyílt adatbázis-kapcsolatOpen Database Connectivity (In the Microsoft WOSA (Windows Open System Architecture) structure, an interface providing a common language for Windows applications to gain access to a database on a network)
nyílt eszközelérési modellOpen Device Access Model (The access model for horizontal solutions, which enables a horizontal strategy. Open Device Access enables many different Windows Store apps to access a specialized device. Examples: a smartphone with multiple apps that synchronize contacts; a pedometer that allows multiple apps to read its data and post it to a website)
nyílt osztályú értékesítésopen department sale (The sale of an item that is not tracked individually (e.g. through a barcode or a key on the register))
nyílt tartalommodellopen content model (A set of XML document rules that states that an element in an XML document can have additional child elements and attributes that are not declared in the schema that the document references)
Nyílt térinformatikai konzorciumOpen Geospatial Consortium (The standards body that defines standards for describing and communicating geospatial data)
nyílt általános típusopen generic type (A constructed generic type in which one or more of the generic type arguments substituted for its generic type parameters is a type parameter of an enclosing generic type or method. Open generic types cannot be instantiated)
Oldalt nyíló kártyaSide-fold card (One of the page size options available in Publisher for printing a folded card. This option prints four pages per sheet of paper, with fold on left)