
Terms containing megjelenítés | all forms
gen.a mellékletben megjelenített előirányzatokappropriations entered in the Annex
comp., MSadatokat megjelenítő ablaktábladata pane (The area of the window that displays the result set of your query)
comp., MSdinamikusan megjelenítendő képdynamic display picture (A display picture that can be customized and may be animated)
transp., avia.elektronikus légiforgalmi térkép-megjelenítőelectronic aeronautical chart display
IT, transp., nautic.elektronikus térkép-megjelenítő és információs rendszerelectronic chart display and information system
IT, transp., nautic.elektronikus térkép-megjelenítő és információs rendszerElectronic Chart Display Information System
comp., MSFokozatos megjelenítés és lassú közelítésFade, Slow Zoom (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
comp., MShivatkozás megjelenítendő szövegehyperlink display text (The part of a hyperlink in a document or Web page that displays as text on the screen)
comp., MSkarcsú megjelenítésthin rendering (The process of rendering server-based spreadsheets, diagrams, or other documents in a browser using an application server)
account.kezdeti megjelenítésinitial recognition
comp., MSkontrasztos megjelenítésHigh Contrast (A feature that heightens the color contrast of some text and images on your computer screen, making those items more distinct and easier to identify)
comp., MSképen megjelenített karakterekCAPTCHA (A challenge meant to be easily solved by humans, while remaining too hard to be economically solved by computers)
comp., MSképi megjelenítésvisualization (A feature of an application that displays data in the form of an image, diagram, or animation. For example, some databases can interpret and show data in the form of a two- or three-dimensional model)
account.megfelel a megjelenítés feltételeinekqualify for recognition
gen.megfelelő technikai megjelenítésappropriate technical format
comp., MSmegjelenítendő képdisplay picture (The image or avatar someone adds to their profile to represent themselves)
comp., MSmegjelenítendő névdisplay name (A name of a person as it is shown in a user interface)
comp., MSmegjelenített meződisplay field (A field that appears in a form, report, or class and that contains and displays data but is not stored as a record in a table. A display field can be calculated data)
comp., MSmegjelenített névdisplay name (A descriptive or user-friendly label for a control or object, displayed on the screen. The display name may differ from the internal name)
account.megjelenített pénzügyi instrumentumokrecognised financial instruments
account.mérlegben és eredménykimutatásban megjelenített összegekamounts recognised in the balance sheet and income statement
comp., MSmegjelenítés/elrejtésshow/hide (To reveal or conceal information on a screen, such as webpage modules or details about a person)
account.megjelenítés kritériumaicriteria for recognising
comp., MSMegjelenítés és elhalványításFade, In and Out (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
comp., MSmegjelenítési folyamatpaint cycle (The process of a control painting or erasing itself in response to messages received from the operating system)
account.megjelenítési kritériumokrecognition criteria
comp., MSmegjelenítési móddisplay mode (The mode in which a Web Parts page can be displayed. It enables users to modify a page in specified ways. The states that ship with the Web Parts control set are: catalog, connect, design, edit, and browse. The default or normal mode for a Web page is browse. Developers can extend this display mode feature by adding custom display modes, which requires extending the WebPartManager class)
commun., comp.megjelenítési rétegpresentation layer
commun., comp.megjelenítési réteglayer 6
comp., MSmegjelenítési segédprogramscreen review utility (An accessibility aid for people who are blind or have learning disabilities, such as dyslexia. These aids make on-screen information available as synthesized speech or a refreshable Braille display)
comp., MSmegjelenítési állapotview state (A state in which an app can be viewed. Full screen is the view state in which the app takes up the full screen. Snapped is the view state in which the app takes up the smaller portion of the screen (it becomes a snapped app). Fill is the view state in which the app takes up the larger and remaining portion of the screen when another app is snapped. When an app is the main app, is in the fill view state)
comp., MSmegjelenítő mutatódisplay pointer (A pointer that marks a position in the markup text of an HTML document during editing in relation to the onscreen position of the rendered page. A display pointer is controlled by an GetDisplayGravity interface. Display pointers work in conjunction with markup pointers)
comp., MSrészleteket megjelenítő területdetail area (The part of PivotTable view that contains detail and total fields)
ITsíkpanel megjelenítőflat screen display
ITsíkpanel megjelenítőflat touch screen
ITsíkpanel megjelenítőflat panel display
gen.technikai megjelenítéstechnical format
account.valószínűség szerinti megjelenítési kritériumprobability recognition criterion
comp., MSWindows megjelenítési alaprendszerWindows Presentation Foundation (A new strategic graphics subsystem in Windows Vista that provides a unified approach to user interface, 2D and 3D graphics, documents and media. Built on the .NET Framework foundation and utilizing Direct3D for vector-based rendering, it provides a powerful solution for building immersive applications of all kinds)
comp., MSXPS-megjelenítőXML Paper Specification Viewer (A viewer that allows users to visualize, navigate, and customize the view of files with an XPS Document format)
comp., MSXPS-megjelenítőXPS Viewer (A viewer that allows users to visualize, navigate, and customize the view of files with an XPS Document format)
comp., MSÁllapotüzenet megjelenítő, Állapotüzenet-megjelenítőStatus Message Viewer (A tool in the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console that is used to browse the status messages in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database)
account.általános megjelenítési elvgeneral recognition principle
account.értékelési vagy megjelenítési inkonzisztenciameasurement or recognition inconsistency
comp., MSügyféloldali megjelenítésclient-side rendering (Technology that enables rendering operations to be handled by the client)