
Terms containing lezár | all forms
chem.Az edény szorosan lezárva tartandó.Keep container tightly closed.
chem.Jól szellőző helyen tárolandó. Az edény szorosan lezárva tartandó.Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
chem.kapilárissal lezárt piknométercapillary-stoppered pycnometer
comp., MSLezárt fájlrendszerűMastered (A file system used to create CDs and DVDs. Discs created using the Mastered format are more likely to be compatible with older computers, but an additional step is required to burn the collection of files to the disc)
comp., MSlezárt pénzügyi időszakclosed fiscal period (The state of a fiscal period that cannot be reopened and that prevents its use as a time period classifier for account entries)
law, fin., transp.lezárt szállítóeszközsealed means of transport
gen.lezárt tartálysealed container
comp., MSlezárt általános típusclosed generic type (A constructed generic type that has no unspecified generic type parameters, either of its own or of any enclosing types or methods. Closed generic types can be instantiated)
box.lezáró védelemblocking
gen.légmentesen lezárthermetically closed
gen.légmentesen lezárthermetically sealed
gen.légmentesen lezárt tartályhermetically sealed container
fin.pozíciót lezárto unwind a position in a financial instrument
fin.pozíciót lezárto liquidate a position
fin.pozíciót lezárto close a position
skiingpályát lezárclose the course
patents.titkos mintát újra lezárreincorporate a secret design in the envelope