
Terms containing életciklus | all forms
comp., MSalkalmazás életciklusaapplication life cycle (The stages an application used in an organization goes through: deployable, installable, executable, and executing)
environ.anyag életciklusmaterial life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials
comp., MSidentitás életciklusaidentity life cycle (The stages an identity goes through from the time it is conceived until the time it is destroyed)
comp., MSSix Sigma életciklusSix Sigma DMAIC Cycle (A template that outlines the phases, key activities and deliverables of the standard Six Sigma life cycle)
environ.termék életciklusproduct life cycle A product life cycle includes the following phases: acquisition of raw materials, production, packaging, distribution, use, recyling, and disposal
environ.életciklus-elemzéslife cycle assessment
environ.életciklus-elemzéslife cycle analysis
environ.életciklus-elemzéscradle-to-grave analysis
busin.életciklus-eseményeklifecycle events
environ.életciklus-gazdálkodáslife-cycle management Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful products
environ., tech.életciklus-hatásvizsgálatLife Cycle Impact Assessment
fin., insur., sociol.életciklus-stratégialife-styling
fin., insur., sociol.életciklus-stratégialife cycling
environ.életciklus-szemléletlife-cycle thinking
environ.életciklus-szemléletLife Cycle Thinking
environ.életciklus-értékeléslife cycle assessment
environ.életciklus-értékeléslife cycle analysis
environ.életciklus-értékeléscradle-to-grave analysis