
Terms for subject Environment containing transports | all forms | exact matches only
Abrégé des prescriptions concernant le transport de types déterminés d'envois de matières radioactivesSchedule of Requirements for the Transport of Specified Types of Material Radioactive Consignments
Accord établissant la liste des substances nocives et dangereuses dans les transports maritimes, signé en 1969Agreement signed in 1969 setting out the list of noxious and dangerous substances transported by sea
autorisation préalable au transport de déchets dangereuxprior notification for hazardous waste transport A formal announcement and, often, a request for permission to the proper governmental authorities of the intention to convey across political borders potentially harmful materials that have been left over from manufacturing or testing processes
autorisation préalable au transport de déchets dangereuxprior notification for hazardous waste transport
avantage de prix consenti aux usagers des transports publicstransit price incentive
canalisation de transportfeed pipe
canalisation de transportsupply line
canalisation de transportfeed conduit
combustible de soute utilisé dans les transports aériensaviation bunker fuel
combustible de soute utilisé dans les transports maritimesmarine bunker fuel
Comité consultatif pour le transport des déchets radioactifsAdvisory Committee on the transportation of radioactive waste
Comité consultatif scientifique et technique dans le domaine des réseaux transeuropéens en matière d'infrastructure de transport et dans le domaine de l'environnementScientific and Technical Advisory Committe in the field of the environment and trans-European transport infrastructure networks
Commentaire des dispositions du Règlement de transport des matières radioactivesExplanatory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
Commission d'enquête sur la manutention et le transport de matières nucléairesCommittee of inquiry into the handling and transport of nuclear material
comportement des usagers des transportstravel behaviour
conduite de transportsupply line
conduite de transportfeed pipe
conduite de transportfeed conduit
coque de transportouter packaging
Directives pour l'application du Règlement de transport des matières radioactivesAdvisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
droit des transportstransport law Rules concerning the movement of goods or persons by sea, railway or road
déchets provenant du nettoyage des cuves de transport et de stockagesauf catégories 05 00 00 et 12 00 00waste from transport and storage tank cleaning except 05 00 00 and 12 00 00
déchets provenant du nettoyage des cuves de transport et de stockage sauf catégories 05 00 00 et 12 00 00waste from transport and storage tank cleaning except 05 00 00 and 12 00 00
déchets provenant du nettoyage des cuves de transport et de stockagesauf catégories 05 00 00 et 12 00 00wastes from transport tank, storage tank and barrel cleaning except 05 and 13
déchets provenant du nettoyage des cuves de transport ferroviaire et routier, contenant des hydrocarbureswaste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing oil
déchets provenant du nettoyage des cuves de transport ferroviaire et routier, contenant des produits chimiqueswaste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing chemicals
déchets provenant du nettoyage des cuves de transport maritime, contenant des hydrocarbureswaste from marine transport tank cleaning, containing oil
déchets provenant du nettoyage des cuves de transport maritime, contenant des produists chimiqueswaste from marine transport tank cleaning, containing chemicals
Décret sur le transport des matières fassiles, des minerais et substances radioactivesFissionable Materials,Ores and Radio-active Substances Transport Decree
emballage de transporttertiary packaging
emballage tertiaire ou de transporttransport packaging or tertiary packaging
entités adjudicatrices dans les secteurs de production, de transport ou de distribution d'eau potablecontracting entities in the sectors of production, transport or distribution of drinking water
entreprise de transportstransportation business Any commercial venture involved in the processes of conveying things or people from one place to another
entreprise de transportstransportation business
flux des transports urbainsurban traffic flows
impact des transports sur l'environnementenvironmental impact of transport
impact, effet des transports sur l'environnementenvironmental impact of transport
indice de transporttransport index
industrie des moyens de transportvehicle manufacturing industry
l'imperfection d'un modèle de transport unidimensionnelthe inadequacy of a one-dimensional transport model
localisation du transportdestination of transport The targeted place to which persons, materials or commodities are conveyed over land, water or through the air
mode de transportmode of transportation Type of vehicle used for moving from one place to the other
modèle de transporttransport model
modèle de transport des polluantstransport model
modèle de transport unidimensionnelone-dimensional transport model
modèle de transport à grandes distanceslong-range transport model
modèle de transport à grandes distancesLRTAP model
modèle de transport à grandes distancesLRT model
modèle informatique de transport à longue distancelong-range transport computer model
moyen de transporttransportation means
moyen de transporttransportation mean
moyen de transporttransportation means Vehicles used for transferring people or goods from one place to another
phénomènes survenant pendant le transportprocess during transmission
planification des transportstransport planning A programme of action to provide for present and future demands for movement of people and goods. Such a programme is preceded by a transport study and necessarily includes consideration of the various modes of transport
politique du transporttransportation policy Comprehensive statements of the objectives and policies which a local transport authority intends to pursue; it includes and estimate of transport expenditure, a statement of transport objectives, etc.
politique du transporttransportation policy
pollution résultant de la navigation et du transport maritimestransport
prix de transporttransport cost
prix de transporttransport cost The outlay or expenditure involved in moving goods from one place to another
Processus de transport dans l'atmosphère et les océansTransport Processes in the Atmosphere and Oceans
programme concerté de surveillance continue et d'évaluation du transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériques en EuropeCooperative programme for the monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe
programme concerté de surveillance continue et d'évaluation du transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériques en EuropeEuropean Monitoring and Evaluation of Pollutants
programme concerté de surveillance continue et d'évaluation du transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériques en EuropeCooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe
Programme de réduction de consommation d'énergies dans le transport urbainSTEER Programme
Protocole à la Convention sur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontière à longue distance, relatif au financement à long terme du programme concerté de surveillance continue et d'évaluation du transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériques en Europe EMEPProtocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe EMEP
quantités pour quarantaine ou traitement avant le transportquantities used for quarantine and pre-shipment applications
réglementation du transporttransport regulation A rule or order prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly conveyance of persons, materials or commodities over land, water or through the air
réglementation du transporttransport regulation
services de transport à balisecheckpoint type services
stimulants tels que la gratuité des transports en commun ou des transports à tarif réduitlow-fare and free-fare incentives
structure de l'habitat et des transportshousing and transport pattern
surveillance continue et évaluation du transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériques en EuropeCooperative programme for the monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe
surveillance continue et évaluation du transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériques en EuropeEuropean Monitoring and Evaluation of Pollutants
surveillance continue et évaluation du transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériques en EuropeCooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe
système de transporttransport system System of lines of movements or communication by road, rail, water or air
systèmes de transporttransport system
Technologies pour la réduction des émissions dans le secteur des transports et le secteur non routierTechnologies for EMission Abatement in Transport and Non-road Sectors
transport alimentairefood transport
transport atmosphériqueatmospheric transport
transport atmosphériqueairborne transport
transport atmosphérique des pesticidesatmospheric transport of pesticides
transport aérienair transportation
transport aérienair transportation The use of aircraft, predominantly airplanes, to move passengers and cargo
transport combinécombined transport Transport in which more than one carrier is used, e.g. road, rail and sea
transport communautairecommunity transport
transport de déchetswaste transport
transport de déchetswaste transport Transportation of wastes by means of special vehicles
transport de marchandisesfreight transport Transportation of goods by ship, aircraft or other vehicles
transport de marchandises lourdesheavy goods transport
transport de marchandises lourdesheavy goods vehicle traffic
transport de marchandises lourdesheavy goods vehicle traffic Traffic of large motor vehicles designed to carry heavy loads
transport de massemass transport physics, The movement of matter in a medium
transport de matièrecontaminant transport
transport de matières dangereusesdangerous materials transport
transport de matières dangereusesdangerous material transport
transport de matières dangereusesdangerous materials transport Type of transport regulated by special safety rules
transport de radionucléides dans différents systèmes représentatifs de rivièrestransport of radionuclides in a model aquatic system
transport de solidessediment transport The movement and carrying- away of sediment by natural agents; especially the conveyance of a stream load by suspension, saltation, solution or traction
transport de solidessediment transport
transport de voyageurspassenger transport The conveyance of people over land, water or through air by automobile, bus, train, airplane or some other means of travel
transport des sédiments de litbed load transport
transport du charbon en suspension dans l'eaucoal slurry transport
transport en communpublic transport The act or the means of conveying people in mass as opposed to conveyance in private vehicles
transport ferroviairerail transport Transportation of goods and persons by railway
transport fluvialinland waterways transport Transportation of persons and goods by boats travelling on rivers, channels or lakes
transport fluvialinland waterways transport
transport fluvialriver transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on rivers
transport hémisphériquehemispheric transport
transport long courrierlong-distance transport The conveyance of materials or commodities over land, water or through air in which a great distance is covered
transport long courrierlong-distance transport
transport longue distancelong-range transportation
transport longue distancelong-distance transport
transport longue distancelong-range transport
transport maritimemaritime transport Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on the sea
transport modulé suivant la demandedemand responsive service
transport par pipelinetransportation by pipeline Transportation of gases, liquids or slurries by a system of tubes, of steel or plastics. Petroleum, natural gas and products derived from them are the main substances transported by pipelines
transport par pipelinetransportation by pipeline
transport par voies navigableswater transportation
transport par voies navigableswater transportation Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on the sea or on inland waterways
transport privéprivate transport Transport performed with private means
transport quotidien en heures creusesoff-peak commuting
transport quotidien en heures creusesoff-peak commuting Traveling back and forth regularly over some distance, outside of the hours of maximum traffic frequency
transport routierroad transport Transportation of goods and persons by vehicles travelling on a road network
transport spatialspace transportation Transportation by means of vehicles designed to operate in free space outside the earth's atmosphere
transport sur eautraffic on water
transport terrestreland transportation
transport terrestreland transportation Transport of persons and goods by a network of roads or railways
transport à grande distancelong-range transport
transport à grande distancelong-range transportation
transport à grande distancelong-distance transport
transport à grande distance de la pollution atmosphériquelong-distance transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance de la pollution atmosphériquelong-range transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance de la pollution atmosphériquelong-range transport of air pollution
transport à grande distance de la pollution atmosphériquelong-range transport of airborne pollutants
transport à grande distance de la pollution atmosphériquelong-range transport of atmospheric pollutants
transport à grande distance de la pollution atmosphériquelong range transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants atmosphériqueslong-range transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants atmosphériqueslong-range transport of air pollution
transport à grande distance des polluants atmosphériqueslong-distance transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants atmosphériqueslong-range transport of airborne pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants atmosphériqueslong-range transport of atmospheric pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants atmosphériqueslong range transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants aéroportéslong-range transport of air pollution
transport à grande distance des polluants aéroportéslong-range transport of airborne pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants aéroportéslong-range transport of atmospheric pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants aéroportéslong-range transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants aéroportéslong-distance transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants aéroportéslong range transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants de l'airlong-range transport of air pollution
transport à grande distance des polluants de l'airlong-range transport of airborne pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants de l'airlong-range transport of atmospheric pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants de l'airlong-distance transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants de l'airlong-range transport of air pollutants
transport à grande distance des polluants de l'airlong range transport of air pollutants
transport à grandes distanceslong-range transportation
transport à grandes distanceslong-range transport
transport à grandes distanceslong-distance transport
transport à la demandedemand responsive service
transport à longue distancelong-range transportation
transport à longue distancelong-range transport
transport à longue distancelong-distance transport
transport à longue distance des polluants atmosphériqueslong-range transport of air pollutants
transports individuel et transports en communprivate and public transport
transports terrestresland transportation
vitesse de transport du venttransport windspeed
véhicule de transport en communpublic transport vehicle Vehicle for conveying large numbers of paying passengers from one place to another