
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ton | all forms | exact matches only
application du tontoning (The process of applying a certain color overlay to an image. For example, a sepia-toned picture)
demi-tonmidtone (A tone in a picture that is in the middle of the tonal range, between the lightest and darkest tones)
deux tonsduotone (An image that uses only varying levels of a single color to display the image. For example, a black and white image uses varying levels of gray to display an image; a duotone would use varying levels of a color, such as green, to display that same image)
intensité du tonToning Intensity (A control that lets a user adjust the intensity of the color overlay that is applied to their B&W image, thereby giving it a tone)
nuance du tonToning Hue (A control that lets a user adjust the color of the tone they wish to apply to their B&W image)
ton directspot color (A premixed color matched to a standard color guide, such as PANTONE)
Ton sépiaSepia Tone (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)