
Terms for subject Microsoft containing tableau | all forms | exact matches only
affichage Tableau de bordscorecard view (A hierarchical arrangement of the KPIs and objectives that are contained in a scorecard. A scorecard view also can be configured to include additional data from scorecard data sources)
affichage Tableau de bordScorecard View (A feature that allows users to view and interact with scorecard views that are created in Business Scorecard Builder)
ajouter un tableau croisé dynamiquepivot (To rotate a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output, and perform aggregations where they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted in the final output)
compte de tableau de bord pour le Bureaudesktop dashboard account (An account that is required to certify desktop apps for Windows)
compte de tableau de bord pour le matérielhardware dashboard account (An account that is required to submit hardware certification packages, device metadata, service metadata, and drivers for Windows)
contrat de Mon tableau de bord vendeurSeller Dashboard Agreement (An application provider agreement customers are encouraged and reminded to read so they're aware of any restrictions or limitations regarding the use of the Seller Dashboard service)
diapositive Tableau blancWhiteboard slide (A blank collaborative slide on which participants can add content by using the annotation tools)
disposition du tableautable layout (The layout of a form in which all elements are positioned in cells within a table)
données de tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable data (In a PivotTable report, the summarized data calculated from the data fields of a source list or table)
Démarrer le partage d'application ou le tableau blancStart Application Sharing or Whiteboard (The button on the toolbar in a conversation window that starts a sharing session with the participants of the current conversation)
formulaire de tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable form (An interactive table that summarizes large amounts of data by using format and calculation methods that you choose. You can rotate its row and column headings to view the data in different ways, similar to an Excel PivotTable report)
indicateur de tableau de bordscorecard indicator (A set of graphics, text, and colors for defining different levels of performance when comparing an actual value and a target value within a KPI)
initialiseur de tableauarray initializer (A sequence of variable initializers that are assigned to the array elements in the same statement in which the array is declared)
liste de tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable list (A Microsoft Office Web Component that allows you to create a structure similar to an Excel PivotTable report. Users can view the PivotTable list in a Web browser and change its layout in a manner similar to an Excel PivotTable report)
mode Tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable view (A view that summarizes and analyzes data in a datasheet or form. You can use different levels of detail or organize data by dragging the fields and items, or by showing and hiding items in the drop-down lists for the fields)
Mon tableau de bord vendeurSeller Dashboard (A service for software developers to submit and distribute software apps that support or enhance Microsoft technologies, such as Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office, and Windows Azure)
pack de tableau de borddashboard pack (A kind of management pack that allows new dashboards to be installed and used in Operations Manager to display monitoring data)
parallélisme de tableau partitionnépartitioned table parallelism (The parallel execution strategy for queries that select from partitioned objects. As part of the execution strategy, the query processor determines the table partitions that are required for the query and the proportion of threads to allocate to each partition. In most cases, the query processor allocates an equal or almost equal number of threads to each partition, and then executes the query in parallel across the partitions)
rapport de tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable report (An interactive, cross tabulated Excel report that summarizes and analyzes data, such as database records, from various sources including ones external to Excel)
rapport de tableau croisé dynamique associéassociated PivotTable report (The PivotTable report that supplies the source data to the PivotChart report. It is created automatically when you create a new PivotChart report. When you change the layout of either report, the other also changes)
région de données de tableau matricielTablix data region (A data region that can render data in table, matrix, and list format. It is intended to convey the unique functionality of the data region object and the users' ability to combine data formats)
sous-total de tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable subtotal (A row or column that uses a summary function to display the total of detail items in a PivotTable field)
Supprimer le tableau croisé dynamiqueunpivot (To expand values from multiple columns in a single record into multiple records with the same values in a single column)
tableau associatifassociative array (A data structure that carries out a mathematical calculation on a field identifier to determine where a data element in a large table or index is located)
tableau blancwhiteboard (Software that allows multiple users across a network to work together on a document that is simultaneously displayed on all the users' screens as though they are gathered around a physical whiteboard)
tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable (An interactive technology in Microsoft Excel or Access that can show dynamic views of the same data from a list or a database)
tableau croisé dynamique MicrosoftMicrosoft PivotTable (An interactive technology in Microsoft Excel or Access that can show dynamic views of the same data from a list or a database)
tableau d'analysefinancial statement (A statement of a company's financial state as of the end of a defined period. A financial statement may include an operating statement (an income statement showing the results in terms of profit and loss of normal business activities), a balance sheet (assets and liabilities), and other financial information)
tableau d'analyse, état financierfinancial statement (A report that documents the financial information and financial position of an organization)
Tableau de bordRole Center (A page that provides quick access to information that is regularly viewed, such as a list of activities and links to forms and reports that are used frequently)
tableau de borddashboard (A set of reports or other data that is arranged in a panel format on a single page, or series of pages, in a web browser or SharePoint site)
Tableau de borddashboard (The service run by the Windows Store team that supports the end-to-end process for registering Windows Store developers and onboarding apps into the Windows Store catalog)
tableau de bordbalanced scorecard (A business-oriented scorecard that conveys key metrics related to the service and business of providing service. A balanced scorecard contains a balance of operational, financial and quality driven metrics)
tableau de bord, carte de performancescorecard (A report type that depicts organizational performance by displaying a collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) together with performance targets for those KPIs. A scorecard can be organized hierarchically)
tableau de bord de performancebalanced scorecard (A business-oriented scorecard that conveys key metrics related to the service and business of providing service. A balanced scorecard contains a balance of operational, financial and quality driven metrics)
Tableau de bord de télémétrie OfficeOffice Telemetry Dashboard (A tool that enables IT pros to monitor usage, error, and compatibility issue information from Office related solutions on client machines across an organization)
Tableau de bord du Windows StoreWindows Store dashboard (The service run by the Windows Store team that supports the end-to-end process for registering Windows Store developers and onboarding apps into the Windows Store catalog)
tableau de bord d'utilitaire SQL ServerSQL Server Utility dashboard (A dashboard that provides an at-a-glance summary of resource health for managed SQL Server instances and data-tier applications. Can also be referred to as the SQL Server Utility detail view or the list view with details)
Tableau de bord numériqueDigital Dashboard (A Microsoft framework that User Portal uses as its foundation)
tableau de bord personnalisécustomized scorecard (A scorecard that is created without using a template)
tableau de bord pour le Bureau du Centre de développement WindowsWindows Dev Center desktop dashboard (The entry point to the desktop section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify desktop apps for Windows, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
tableau de bord pour le Bureau et le matériel du Centre de développement WindowsWindows Dev Center hardware and desktop dashboard (The entry point to the hardware and desktop development sections of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware and desktop apps for Windows, distribute drivers, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
tableau de bord pour le matériel du Centre de développement WindowsWindows Dev Center hardware dashboard (The entry point to the hardware section of the Windows Dev Center where users can certify hardware for Windows, distribute drivers by using Windows Update, exchange information with Microsoft, and obtain services)
tableau de dispositionlayout table (A predefined layout that defines the structure of a Web page as a table. A layout table can also include formatting such as rounded corners, borders, and visual effects)
tableau de sautjump table (A table of identifiers and addresses for a certain class of routines such as interrupt handlers (routines carried out in response to certain signals or conditions))
Tableau de tâchesTaskBoard (An app that enables a user to interact with tasks in a SharePoint list. A user can quickly move tasks between status categories to keep the list up to date)
tableau des pièces jointesattachment table (A Table object whose rows represent the Attachment objects that are attached to a Message object)
tableau ExcelExcel table (A range of cells in a worksheet that has been formatted as a table and can be managed independently from the data in other rows and columns on the worksheet)
tableau extensiblerepeating table (A control on a form that contains other controls in a table format and that repeats as needed. Users can insert multiple rows when filling out the form)
tableau imbriquénested table (A table inserted within a table cell. If you use a table to lay out a page, and you want to use another table to arrange the information, you can insert a nested table)
tableau matricielTablix (A data region that can render data in table, matrix, and list format. It is intended to convey the unique functionality of the data region object and the users' ability to combine data formats)
tableau numériquenumeric array (An array composed of a collection of keys and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value. The values can be of any type, but the keys must be numeric)
tableau personnalisécustom table (A type of filter that enables users to choose from a list and then drive dashboard content from multiple data sources)
Tableaux croisés dynamiques suggérésRecommended PivotTables (A feature that presents the user with recommended PivotTables that can be used as a starting point to analyze the data provided)
totaux de tableau croisé dynamiquePivotTable grand totals (Total values for all cells in a row or all cells in a column of a PivotTable report. Values in a grand total row or column are calculated by using the same summary function used in the data area of the PivotTable report)
Visionneuse de tableau de bord pour Reporting ServicesScorecard Viewer for Reporting Services (An interface that is used for deploying dashboards to SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. With this interface, you can view dashboard scorecards in Report Definition Language (RDL) format)
widget de tableau de borddashboard widget (A user interface element in a dashboard view that is a combination of a UI control, such as a pie chart or dial, and a data provider)
élément de tableau de bordscorecard element (Any one of the individual components of a scorecard, such as key performance indicators (KPIs), members, properties, actuals, targets, or MDX expressions)