
Terms for subject Environment containing santé | all forms | exact matches only
Bilan de santé de la mer du Nord1993 Quality Status Report of the North Sea
bruit et santéhealth effect of noise
bruit et santéhealth effect of noise Noise consequences on human health consist in loss of hearing and psychological effects
Centre européen de l'Environnement et de la SantéEuropean Centre for Environment and Health
effet sur la santéeffect on health
exposition à l'ozone au sol en rapport avec la santéhealth-related ground-level ozone exposure
incidence de la pollution sur la santéhuman effect
indicateur d'effets sur la santéindicator of health effects
indice de santé des océansOcean Health Index
installation de santéhealth facility
Institut national de la Santé et de l'EnvironnementNational Institute of Public Health and the Environment
l'eau, l'énergie, la santé, l'agriculture et la biodiversitéwater, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity
mesure préventive en matière de santépreventive health measure
Ministre de la protection de la consommation, de la santé publique et de l'environnementMinister for Consumer Protection, Public Health and the Environment
océan en bonne santéhealthy ocean
Organisation européenne des compagnies pétrolières pour la protection de l'environnement et de la santéOil Companies' International Study Group for Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe
plan de protection de la santé publiqueplan for protecting public health
protection de la santéhealth protection
relation santé-environnementhealth-environment relationship
relation santé-environnementhealth-environment relationship Relationship between the quality of the environment and the health conditions of individuals
relations, rapports santé-environnementhealth-environment relationships
risque pour la santéhealth hazard
risque écologique pour la santéenvironmental health hazard Any physical, chemical or other agent capable of causing harm to the interrelationship between humans and the surrounding external conditions, threatening both human well-being and ecological integrity
risque écologique pour la santéenvironmental health hazard
risques écologiques pour la santéenvironmental health hazard
santé humainehuman health The avoidance of disease and injury and the promotion of normalcy through efficient use of the environment, a properly functioning society, and an inner sense of well-being
santé publiquepublic health The discipline in health science that, at the level of the community or the public, aims at promoting prevention of disease, sanitary living, laws, practices and a healthier environment
santé publique et assainissementsanitation
santé publique et assainissementsanitation The study and use of practical measures for the preservation of public health
service de santéhealth service The supply of health care to the public
technologies utilisées en matière de santéhealth-related biotechnology
évaluation de l'impact des conditions de vie sur la santéenvironmental health impact assessment Assessment of impacts caused by an action on the health conditions of a population